Kuroko Shirai was lying on the ground, her body twitching constantly, and a few tiny electric currents would appear from time to time...

Really! Misaka Mikoto pouted and took the photo floating in the air. Inside is also a photo of her wearing a swimsuit when she was a child.

Hey! Wait... I remember I didn't take this photo! Where did this photo come from? Misaka Mikoto walked back and forth, holding her chin with one hand as she pondered.

Lin Mo's face froze, and his figure moved back silently like a ghost.

Suddenly, a small hand grabbed the collar of Lin Mo's back. Misaka Mikoto smiled and said, Can you explain to me the origin of this photo?

Who knows? Lin Mo trembled, and the sweat on his face fell like peas.


Misaka Mikoto changed her previous expression, her face was downcast, and a small electric current ran from her hand into Lin Mo's back.

Lin Mo's tiger body trembled, and the tingling electric current in his numbness instantly doubled his brain and energy.

I really don't know. Maybe it was taken by my mother before? Lin Mo was very shameless and resolutely implemented the principle of refusing to admit it until death.

I think you can take care of your little fangirl first... Lin Mo said weakly.

I think you can take care of your little fangirl first... Lin Mo said weakly.

Ah? Misaka Mikoto turned her head strangely. When she saw Kuroko behind her, she lowered her hand holding Lin Mo's collar.


Shirai Kuroko was collecting photos of Misaka Mikoto. When she heard the footsteps, her delicate body trembled and she stopped holding the photos in her arms.

You've already made your mind up!

Shirai Kuroko swallowed


Lin Mo calmly dusted himself off. It was as if he was oblivious to the sound of pain mixed with pleasure behind him.

Mixed with that sound was a very rhythmic electric shock.

Brother, is that person okay? Qiongmei asked as she walked out of the room holding a black rabbit-shaped doll.

It's okay, her immunity to electric shock is already at full level.

Now that Lin Mo had said so, Qiongmei had no choice but to nod her head in understanding and ignore the miserable voice behind her.

Qiong, I'm going to cook, remember not to eat too many snacks! Lin Mo said, walking into the kitchen.

Qiong's eyes lit up and he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Misaka Mikoto clapped her hands and walked out of the room, You can also cook! Do you need my help?

The suspicious voice made Lin Mo curl his lips, I've always been good at it, okay? It's just that you didn't eat it when you were a kid. If you want to help, that's fine, as long as you don't cause trouble for me!

What do you mean I won't cause trouble for you... I'm a student from Tokiwadai, okay! Misaka Mikoto said proudly, puffing out her developing breasts.

Indeed, to outsiders, Tokiwadai is a real school for young ladies. From trivial matters to astronomy and geography, the school's courses have all-round training. Of course, cooking skills are also included.

Okay! Let me look forward to it! Lin Mo said with a slight smile, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Then let's wait and see! Misaka Mikoto said dissatisfiedly, rolling up her non-existent sleeves.

(Please collect and send flowers. The group number is in the work related section. If you are interested, you can join the group. If you have any comments, you can also tell the author.)

47 The revolution begins!

When Lin Mo and Misaka Mikoto came out of the kitchen, they saw a completely different scene.

One person looked helpless, and his body was neat and tidy, without a trace of oil or water. The other person always had an expression of reluctance on his face, and his casual clothes were stained with all kinds of salt.

I said, your helper is too weak, right? Lin Mo couldn't help but say, the contempt in his words was obvious.

What! I'm just in a bad state this time! Misaka Mikoto defended with a red face.

You're in a bad state and you can get all the wrong condiments? You know it's clearly marked on it! Even if you were blind, you wouldn't be that bad, right? Lin Mo sneered.

Misaka Mikoto turned her head and said nothing.

Hurry up and eat! The kitchen is in a mess right now. We'll clean it up later... Lin Mo said, taking out the food from the kitchen.

The happiest person was Qiong. He hurriedly said I'm starting! and picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks and ate it.

If it weren't for the food cooked by Lin Mo, Misaka Mikoto would have really doubted whether this guy was a bastard...

After recovering, Kuroko Shirai took a few mouthfuls and said with appreciation: I didn't expect that a pervert like you could have such good cooking skills. I can't believe it!

He is a pervert himself and calls others perverts... Lin Mo was too lazy to complain and expressed satisfaction with the reactions of several people.

How difficult it is to get them to affirm the food made by Lin Mo. You must know that the food provided by Heizi and his school is very high-end, and even sells it for more than 2,000 yuan (RMB) in the school cafeteria in the underground street.

After several people finished eating and looking at the messy kitchen, Lin Mo sighed and started to deal with it.

Misaka Mikoto, on the other hand, is dealing with things from her childhood. Most of them are useless toys and photos, so it is relatively simple to get rid of them.

As for clothes, how old is she? It would definitely not fit anymore, so Misaka Mikoto had no choice but to throw it away.

By the time they were done with it, it was already evening and they had to go back within the restricted hours, so they didn't bother to say hello and just ran back and forth.

The bustling room suddenly became deserted. After finishing cleaning up, Lin Mo came to Qiong's side and sat down.

Qiong, how have your life been lately? Are you still used to it?

Yeah! It's pretty good. My life is much better than before. Qiong hugged the black rabbit-shaped doll and said with emotion.

If he hadn't met Lin Mo, he might still be in the hospital, looking at the unchanging scenery alone and silently taking the painful medicine. When I think of that time, I feel the urge to cry.

Really? That's good! Lin Mo smiled knowingly

Really? That's good! Lin Mo smiled knowingly

When I have time, I will take you out to have fun. I can't stand being bored at home every day...

Really? The sky was shining brightly.

Although Lin Mo did not restrict her freedom, she still hoped to play with her gentle and considerate brother. This was not only a simple act of coquettishness, but also a little selfishness of a girl...

Really! Lin Mo agreed.

Seeing Qiong not speaking, Lin Mo patted her head with a smile, It's getting late, go to bed early!


At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, inside the activity room of a certain discipline committee member. Misaka Mikoto looked at Feibli who had recovered and smiled happily.

It's not good! Unidentified robots suddenly began to appear on the streets of Academy City, and there are many security robots that have lost control! Uiharu said with a shocked look on his face while controlling the computer in his hand.

Misaka Mikoto came to her senses immediately after hearing the sound, and clenched her fists again

It's begun! The revolution those people call...

Please! Misaka Mikoto turned to the seven people present.

It's a piece of cake. Just use my ability to defeat them in minutes... A girl said proudly, unfolding the fan in her hand.

After marriage, Mitsuko, it's best not to be careless. Since the enemy dares to cause trouble in Academy City, it means that the other party is confident! Saten Ruiko reminded.

The data is out, and it is predicted that there will be more than 20,000! And this number is still growing. They have now taken to the streets to destroy them, and there are casualties!

Everyone, please! Misaka Mikoto emphasized again.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and then agreed firmly.

(please collect and send flowers)

48 Ice monster?

Such a large number... Even though I was asked to clean up the robots on the street, I'm still a little unhappy. Lin Mo looked at the three police robots.

Just in time to try that! Lin Mo murmured to himself.

Suddenly, the cold air condensed like lightning at a shockingly fast speed.

Then it spread out from Lin Mo's body, like smoke. Even in the hot summer, the momentum remains unabated.

In the smoke, more than a dozen black figures suddenly flashed out. When the smoke dissipated, more than a dozen lion-like ice puppets condensed into one, their eyes glowed coldly, and they bared their hard fangs. .

Come on! Lin Mo commanded coldly.


The lion looked up to the sky and roared. After hearing Lin Mo's order, more than a dozen figures turned into blue afterimages at the same time, rushing forward.

Everywhere you go, there is ice!


A blue figure took the lead and opened its bloody mouth to bite a robot, and then, there was a shocking explosion.

The robots did not sit still and waited for death. They launched their own missiles one after another and bombarded the puppet, but the opponent was unharmed!

The one-sided battle ended in just a few seconds. A dozen lions made of ice stood on the spot, with their trophies at their feet!

Looking at what he had made, Lin Mo smiled with satisfaction. Although this kind of thing was quite powerful, it had a time limit of 5 minutes.

As time passes, these terrifying creatures will melt into a puddle of water.

The premise is that you have to have a chance to last until the end of time...

With Lin Mo's current strength, he can probably summon 40 of these frightening puppets! Forty heads, what is the concept? It can be said that if Lin Mo does not fall, these puppets will never disappear unless the time limit is reached, let alone escape from the battlefield. They can be called a kind of dead soldiers!

Because they have no thinking! If faced with small-scale team battles, they will be an invincible weapon on the battlefield!

Who would remain calm in the face of a group of puppets who are not afraid of death? Not to mention the abnormal defense power that can even defend against small missiles!

After completing their tasks, their bodies gradually turned into droplets of water flowing along the ground towards a certain place...

After completing their tasks, their bodies gradually turned into droplets of water flowing along the ground towards a certain place...

Let's go to the next place! After Lin Mo finished speaking, the figure drove towards the distance, leaving only the wreckage on the ground...

On the other side of Academy City, the battle has already begun. The elites or disciplinary committee members who were summoned from various colleges were able to face the robot army with ease at first, but as time went by, their physical strength declined.

Everyone felt that it was a bit tricky. After all, they were facing a group of iron men who only knew how to fight, and they were a group of flesh-and-blood humans who would get tired!

Sister, the situation hasn't been resolved yet, okay? Heizi asked worriedly as he casually knocked down an enemy.

I'm going to take a look at my sister. I'll leave it to you here! After Heizi finished speaking, the figure disappeared from the spot.

Hey, Heizi!! A girl shouted loudly. Heizi, who had left long ago, was destined to be unable to hear...

Heizi's departure made the situation one-sided, and the sweat-like dewdrops made their bodies exhausted.


The giant shield in front of her was broken open, and the girl collapsed on the ground, her hands and feet numb. She wanted to stand up, but her weak body refused to stop her. Not to mention being able to dodge the robots in front of you.

The girl watched in despair as the larger and larger iron rods were waved in front of her, but she was unable to make effective evasive movements.

Close, close!

The girl's pupils shrank, and a sudden change occurred. She saw a few blue figures flashing in front of her. The girl didn't even see their specific appearance. The robot in front of her fell down, leaving only A cave in them...

At the same time, a similar drama was played out elsewhere.

The situation began to truly turn around. With the help of these ice beasts, everyone suddenly felt that the burden on their shoulders was lightened, and some even collapsed on the ground.

What makes everyone wonder is where do these things come from?

But since the other party had no ill intentions, they didn't bother to guess, so they had no choice but to classify the other party as someone from the same camp...

(1/4, please collect some and have flowers...)

49 Shocked people

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