Misaka Mikoto sighed, then walked to another place with a firm face.

Is there no one there? Lin Mo kept walking deeper and saw no one at all. Only the sound of didi drip tears echoed in this silent space...

There seems to be some movement ahead? Lin Mo stopped and looked into the deepest part of the darkness.

Several tall figures suddenly appeared in Lin Mo's sight. Their mighty steel bodies made loud noises with every step they moved.

Remaining robots?

The moment several figures saw Lin Mo, their eyes were red and they rushed forward.

It's just a good time to experiment with ice abilities! Lin Mo was eager to try it.

(Please collect some and have flowers.)

44 Revolution?

A cold air spread from Lin Mo's body, sweeping across the space like a mist in an instant.

Even Lin Mo's breath was filled with a cold air. If anyone were here, they would find that the surrounding temperature was dropping at a perceptible speed.

But the strange thing is that Lin Mo didn't feel any discomfort, but the building began to be covered with thick layers of ice.

He breathed out softly and focused his eyes. With Lin Mo as the center, the surrounding air suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, and the cold air began to gather with Lin Mo as the center.

Lin Mo tapped the ground with his toes, and ice vines suddenly appeared at Lin Mo's feet without any warning, spreading rapidly in all directions. In an instant, except for where Lin Mo was standing, the ground around him was all stained with a layer of ice. Thick ice.

The feet of the rushing robot were frozen in place, unable to move. Lin Mo concentrated for a moment, and the cold ice vines ran up the robot's huge body at a terrifying speed. In a blink of an eye, the originally intimidating robot turned into a series of shining ice sculptures.

Looking at the consequences he had caused, Lin Mo smiled with satisfaction. The main function of the ice system is large-scale attacks. The space system is suitable for 1v1 or small team combat, and the time system is used by Lin Mo as a trump card. What he wants is Take it by surprise!


A violent explosion brought him back to his senses, his expression changed, and his figure disappeared from the spot, quickly heading towards the source of the explosion.

Not long after Lin Mo left, the bodies of several robots that had been turned into ice sculptures shattered, and the ice on the ground slowly melted as time went by.

On the other side of the camera, Misaka Mikoto's whole body was shining with electricity. She looked at the door warily, and the sound of crackling kept sounding.

Impossible, there is no way to save Feibli with the inferior antidote in your hands! To be honest, I really didn't expect you to betray me! The young man wearing a white coat and a pair of glasses sneered. A sound.

Standing next to Misaka Mikoto, a woman also wearing a white coat, had a look of surprise on her face and bit her lip.

I advise you not to come here...the railgun! The young man looked at Misaka Mikoto approaching, jumped a step back, and took out a bottle of green potion from his arms.

This is the real antidote. If you attack rashly, you should know the consequences, right? The electromagnetic gun...

Tch! After hearing this, Misaka Mikoto's approaching steps stopped and she looked at the young man with an angry face.

Say your terms!

The young man smiled, took out an object from his arms again, and threw it to the woman standing behind Misaka Mikoto.

Busu, as long as you put that into Misaka Mikoto's body, I will return the real antidote to you. Don't worry! That thing is not fatal.

The latter's heart was constantly struggling. Misaka Mikoto's face flashed with determination, she stretched out her arms and took a deep breath.

Come on!

Come on!

The woman glanced at Misaka Mikoto apologetically, and just as the thing in her hand was about to penetrate into Misaka Mikoto's body, a sudden change occurred, causing the movement in her hand to stop.

Hey! What do you want to do to my lovely sister? Lin Mo walked out from another place in the darkness with a joking look on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ice vines on the ground wrapped around the young man with lightning speed, and the entire body below the head was frozen. Only the bottle of green potion in his hand survived.

Who are you!

The young man endured the trembling of his body due to the drop in body temperature and pretended to be calm, but the drops of cold sweat on his face and the trace of fear in his eyes betrayed him without hesitation!

Didn't I say it? The nosy person standing over there is my sister! Lin Mo came to the young man's side and took off the green potion.

He didn't see the young man's pale face at all.

Hey! Is this what you want? Lin Mo interrupted Misaka Mikoto, who was still in shock, and handed her the green potion in her hand.

The two women looked at each other in confusion. Misaka Mikoto took the potion from Lin Mo's hand and gave it to the woman next to her for inspection. After the inspection was completed and it was confirmed that it was what Misaka Mikoto was looking for this time, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Mo with a grateful face.

What are we going to do with this guy?

Misaka Mikoto thought about it and said, Leave it to the security guard!

Don't be too happy! Tomorrow morning, there will be a chemicaloid experiment. To be precise, it is not an experiment, but a revolution! Even if you kill me, so what! You can save everyone in this academy Citizens!

The young man said with a livid face.

Lin Mo stopped Misaka Mikoto who was about to rush forward, and said with a smile: It seems that you still don't understand what kind of situation you are in now.

In this place, even if I kill you, no one will say anything!

The young man was finally scared at this moment, and his heart was beating wildly. He knew that what Lin Mo said was true! Even if he dies here, no one will hold him accountable!

Say! Tell me everything you know. If you don't tell me, I will make your life worse than death! A blade made entirely of ice blades pointed at the young man's head.

Braving the cold blade made the young man's heart collapse again. In the final analysis, he was just a researcher engaged in technology, not a soldier who was accustomed to life and death and lived in war all year round.

I said! Don't kill me! the young man said in a panic. Facing the pressure caused by the fierce flash in Lin Mo's eyes, her heart, which was on the verge of collapse, finally couldn't bear it and collapsed.

45 The beginning of the incident

When the young man finished speaking tremblingly, Misaka Mikoto and the woman in the white coat were not sure what they were thinking.

Misaka Mikoto! The woman in the white coat broke the brief silence. He took a deep breath, stared at Misaka Mikoto, and said solemnly: I hope you can help me, help me rescue Gani!

The woman paused and continued, Of course you can also choose to refuse. I would have been very happy to have been able to save Febri. I won't ask for anything more.

What if I say no?

Then I'll be alone! The woman directly answered Misaka Mikoto's words without even thinking about it.

Although this matter doesn't have much to do with me, if it involves Feibli and his friends in Academy City, then I can't just sit back and do nothing! Misaka Mikoto clenched her fists, and the arc in her hands Subconsciously flickering.

Thank you! the woman thanked her.

What about you? Misaka Mikoto turned to Lin Mo, hoping that he would agree but not hoping that he would agree. It could be said that Misaka Mikoto's heart was full of contradictions.

On the one hand, it's because this matter has nothing to do with Lin Mo at all! On the other hand, he hopes that Lin Mo will agree. After all, if he has a strong assistant, his chances of winning will undoubtedly increase a lot.

Do you think I will agree? If I wanted to give up, I would have run away a long time ago. Why bother standing here with you and being exposed to the flames? The hint in the words is already very obvious. It can be said that all of this is It's up to Misaka Mikoto's decision!

Then it's decided! Misaka Mikoto said, and the matter was just settled. After several people finished discussing, they looked at one of the masterminds behind this time!

I have already informed Kuroko, let's wait for them to come and deal with it! Misaka Mikoto said, her attention is now focused on the 'war' that is coming tomorrow! ’

Not long after Misaka Mikoto said that Cao Cao was here, Shirai Kuroko used space teleportation to come to where Lin Mo and the others were.

'sister! The first thing Shirai Kuroko did when he came here was to fly into Misaka Mikoto's arms like a crazy man, looking for a loving hug.

Misaka Mikoto subconsciously took a step back, and then released an electric shock. Poor Shirai Kuroko was shocked several times as soon as he appeared. For a moment, a charred figure fell to the ground, his body twitching non-stop.

But before even two seconds passed, Shirai Kuroko stood up again vigorously, without even noticing that she was out of focus and smoking black smoke just now! It can be said that Kuroko Shirai's ability to withstand electric shocks against her sister has reached its peak!

Misaka Mikoto was used to this, she put her hands on her waist and shouted: Stop making trouble, just be quiet!

Yes! Shirai Kuroko straightened his face, wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, straightened his chest, and looked straight in the direction of Misaka Mikoto.

Seeing this, Misaka Mikoto sighed and said to Shirai Kuroko: Take this person back! He has a lot of important information.

Only then did Shirai Kuroko notice the young man whose whole body was frozen except for his head.

Is he the culprit of this incident? Shirai Kuroko had already heard the reason for the incident from the phone call.

What about Febri? Has the antidote been found?

Found it! Misaka Mikoto's words made Shirai Kuroko breathe a sigh of relief, because Fibri was now in a completely comatose state.

Shirai Kuroko came to the young man's side, knocked on his frozen body, and said in surprise

Who did this?

Who did this?

Misaka Mikoto glared at Lin Mo, You can thaw him! I really don't understand where your weird abilities come from.

Do you blame me for your ability? Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders and snapped his fingers. The ice cubes on the young man's body slowly fell off, and finally disappeared completely.

As the young man's body has been in a low temperature environment for a long time, his hands and feet cannot move, and he has not yet regained his ability to move.

So he was dragged away by Kuroko Shirai, and he was handed over to the security guards using space teleportation, and then returned to Misaka Mikoto not long after.

Then I'll go back first. Since there was a snack foodie in the house, Lin Mo had to be responsible for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.

Wait a minute! You don't mind having one more person at home, right? Misaka Mikoto came up and said with a smile.

What! Shirai Kuroko's face suddenly collapsed. Could it be that my sister wanted to do this... that kind of thing with this pervert... It is absolutely unforgivable!

Who would do it! Misaka Mikoto shouted with a red face!

Whatever, it doesn't matter if you come or not, Tsundere, don't you know the location of my home?

Misaka Mikoto was also used to Lin Mo's name, and explained: I know, I know, but I haven't been there a few years ago.

Oh, by the way! The things you had when you were a child are still kept in my house. If you don't come over to get them, I plan to throw them all away, Lin Mo said.

How dare you! Misaka Mikoto said angrily.

Hehehe, onee-sama...things from childhood... Shirai Kuroko's eyes lit up, and his saliva couldn't stop flowing down.

Shirai Kuroko changed his previous hostile expression towards Lin Mo, smiled and said, Let's go now...

Where are the people?

Shirai Kuroko froze in place.

On the other side, in a dark laboratory, several people sat around a round table, each with a solemn look on their face.

That guy was caught, what should we do next? Should we still follow the original plan? The one who spoke was the only girl present.

Don't worry about him. It's all because of his carelessness that he was caught by the security guards. We will continue to implement our plan tomorrow. We will not allow any failure this time!


For a time, a heavy atmosphere surrounded several people present, and everyone had a firm expression on their faces.

(Please collect and send flowers!)

46 Kuroko Shirai who seeks death

Ah! I miss you so much! Misaka Mikoto looked around from time to time and sighed.

Lin Mo looked speechless, and then turned his head to Shirai Kuroko, who had followed him without knowing why.

As for the woman in a white coat, she parted ways with Misaka Mikoto and the others on the road.

Onee-sama...that's the room I had before! Kuroko Shirai breathed out hot air and said with a blush on her face.

Lin Mo pointed casually and felt a breeze blowing in front of him. Shirai Kuroko had already arrived at the room Lin Mo was pointing to from the other side of his sight.

He reached out and opened the room, and a puff of dust hit his face, but Shirai Kuroko didn't care at all. If you look closely, a star is shining brightly in her pupils.

Ah~ great, this is it! Shirai Kuroko drooled and picked up a photo from the ground, and the protagonist in the photo was Misaka Mikoto!

Ah~ I didn't expect onee-sama to be so cute when she was a child. Huh... it's so addictive! Hey hey... hey Shirai Kuroko made a series of weird sounds.

Kuroko~ Misaka Mikoto said with a dark face, and the sound of Beep, Beep, Beep made Shirai Kuroko's head turn around like a machine.

What's the matter...sister-sama?

What do you think? Misaka Mikoto's mouth made a dangerous arc.



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