382 Mysterious Woman

Since the day he broke the melon, Lin Mo stayed in this world for nearly a month before leaving. Not only to accompany Julis, but also to fulfill Kirin Tofuji’s wish and to relieve Claudia’s heart knot. After knowing that the weapon in Claudia's hand would torture her in the form of 'death' in her dreams every night, Lin Mo almost destroyed him directly.

But fortunately, she completed the system task and asked the system to relieve her of the side effects, so she gave up. As for the price, of course it’s one thing for one thing! The original random rewards for winning the championship have been cancelled.

After Lin Mo found out, he didn't hesitate at all and still let the system solve the side effects of Claudia's weapon. After all, he owed Claudia enough things, and he couldn't even help her with this, so he just found a piece of tofu and died.

Not to mention, he has Teacher Saitama's ability. In the forbidden world, Aiwass can no longer threaten him. Now, if he didn't go to find the other party, the other party would burn incense and worship Buddha, let alone come and cause trouble for him.

Now, the extra abilities are of no use to him, they are just used to improve his horizons. The most important thing is to make up for the regrets of the previous life...

However, the sense of crisis has not disappeared, and Lin Mo is worried that some people will deliberately threaten the people around him, so

Instead of taking Yulis and the others back to the world where Lin Mo originally lived, they went back alone. Because time stopped after he left, he wouldn't worry too much.

After everything is resolved, it will be time to reunite them, but the relationship may not be so easy to handle at that time.


Lin Mo returned to the original world, had a good time 'playing' with Misaka Mikoto and the others before heading to the next world. But before going there, some things in the forbidden world gradually caught his attention.

The war between the two giants, Academy City and the Magic Club, seems to be about to begin! The magical world and science, two existences destined to become enemies when they meet, have recently revealed an unusual atmosphere, like the smoke of war filling the air.

The smoke of beacon fire, the pungent smell of gunpowder, and the extremely heavy atmosphere. In this state, who ignited it first is unknown! As long as it doesn't threaten Misaka Mikoto, Qiongmei, and Tohka, that's fine!

And his current goal is focused on the next world!

Seven magicians!

Lin Mo lowered his head and pondered. The only thing in this world that makes him feel mysterious is the so-called collapse phenomenon. In particular, gods, demons, and several special words appeared, which interested him quite a bit.

Magic books, black sun, unknown phenomena...

Magic books, black sun, unknown phenomena...

The most important thing is that his strength will not be sealed! Completely inherit all his original abilities! This surprised him. And there is only one system task!

Find the legendary Demon King candidate and kill him directly!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's eyes became solemn. Because he didn't know what this demon king's abilities and strength were. The system just gives itself a goal, which is called protecting the world!

With the disappearance of Lin Mo, the forbidden world was once again immersed in the freezing of time, and no one noticed the disappearance of a person.

Gray tones fill the earth, sky, and ocean. Everything in the world stopped! The extremely terrifying silence gradually made people feel uneasy.

·· 0Request flowers0 ····

But no one knows this anymore.

When the system cleared the time, their senses only stayed at the previous moment, but somewhere in the sky, a slim figure suddenly rose up. She moves with ease and proves immune to the influence of an unknown force. Her figure is like a combination of a witch and an elf, and her otherworldly temperament makes everyone who sees her feel ashamed of themselves.

The black dress and the beautiful face that charmed all living beings, but showed an indifference that was not her own.

.......... 0

A pair of eyes, as unfathomable as twinkling stars, and it is not difficult to see a trace of heaviness in the deep eyes. The visitor looked carefully at this lifeless world, unable to extricate himself for a long time, until at a certain moment, she sighed quietly, her extremely beautiful face revealed sadness, she stood in the sky, stretched out a pair of small white jade hands, It seemed like he wanted to catch something, but he put it down again.

There is a dull feeling in my heart, but there is nowhere to vent it. I want to see someone, but for some reasons, I can't.

I don’t know how long it took before the woman who seemed to have walked out of the scroll slowly disappeared. The sigh she gave before leaving made people’s hearts tremble involuntarily...

Ps: Please subscribe, there are still a few worlds left and this book will be over. I don’t know how many people will be left by then. I won’t be like some great people who wrote 34,000, let alone TJ. The ending will definitely be happy, and the origin of the mysterious woman will be explained clearly. Please rest assured. As this is a newcomer’s first book, the number of words has probably been predetermined. Please accompany me on this final journey! The author is grateful! .

383 Can I snatch you away?

Lin Mo raised his head and glanced at the calm sky, and was stunned on the spot, unable to extricate himself for a long time. The most attractive thing is undoubtedly the black sun hanging overhead! The ominous atmosphere spreads from the center to all directions.

The blazing temperature on the black sun's surface seemed to burn and distort the air. The sky around it also turned pitch black, as if there were tiny cracks, which was extremely shocking.

Although I've seen it in anime, it's still a bit creepy.

Lin Mo murmured to himself. Looking around, there was no one in the empty city! Not to mention a person, not even a hint of the vitality of human existence. But it was this that attracted his attention. There is obviously no life at all, and the surrounding buildings are as weird as new ones.

At this time, a girl with light red 937 hair walked over. There was a braid under the bangs on her forehead, which just reached the middle of her chest. A single pair of glasses was worn on his right eye, and his blue pupils seemed to be a little surprised when he saw Lin Mo. On top of his head is a beret that just covers the top of his head. A pair of black stockings fully showed off her white and attractive calves.

A pair of well-developed breasts also undulated slightly with her walking posture. She walked to Lin Mo and stopped in front of her. Wearing the uniform of an unknown college, her slim figure looked like bright roses growing among white lotuses on this lifeless street, which made people confused.

Ordinary people?

The girl with light red hair looked at Lin Mo in front of her. The serious voice came out of her mouth, and combined with her 17.8-year-old appearance, there was no sense of disobedience, as if she had said it the right way.

Lin Mo did not answer her words because he knew the girl's identity the moment she appeared. Asami Lilith, the first mage to appear in the original work! Her arrival was also to investigate the collapse that occurred in this town. But in order not to arouse her alertness, Lin Mo still spoke calmly.

Are you here also to investigate the anomalies in this town?

How do you say you do too?

Lilith's pretty face showed a hint of curiosity. Who is this guy? Didn’t it mean that the academy only sent one of its own to investigate? Or is he not from this area and just passing by by chance? Lilith said very puzzled in her heart.

It seems we are of the same mind.

Lin Mo put a smile on his face and continued: I just came here a few days ago and I felt an unusual power, so I came to take a look.

I see, are you from other places? Asami Lilith nodded, then put away her serious face and said: Let me introduce myself, my name is Asami Lilith, and I am a teacher at Wang Libibulia Academy.

Teacher? You? It doesn't look like it!

Lin Mo stared at the important position of the other party, and then said with a half-smile.

Lilith naturally felt Lin Mo's gaze and said with some annoyance. If nothing happens, I'll leave.

Whatever. Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders without holding back. Because he still has things to do. As he is very interested in the grimoire, it is not recommended to kill the protagonist and then take it.

After Lilith took a deep look at Lin Mo, she said nothing more and left alone. Although she couldn't sense any magic power from his body, her intuition told her that this man was very dangerous!

When Lilith disappeared from Lin Mo's sight, Lin Mo, who was originally smiling, became completely indifferent, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes. The system task means that he has to kill two demon king candidates, one is the protagonist in the original work, and the other is the person in the theatrical version.

When Lilith disappeared from Lin Mo's sight, Lin Mo, who was originally smiling, became completely indifferent, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes. The system task means that he has to kill two demon king candidates, one is the protagonist in the original work, and the other is the person in the theatrical version.

Next, let's meet the protagonist! Even if he is killed, it shouldn't have a big impact on me, right? But can I still snatch the magic book? If not, still have to solve it together? Lin Mo It was puzzling to think that in just a few seconds, someone's life or death could be decided. I wonder if that person will feel sad after hearing this.


A few minutes later, Lin Mo arrived at a balcony and happened to encounter a very interesting side. Lilith, whom she had seen before, was holding a long gun, the muzzle of which was aimed at a girl, with an unprecedented solemn look in her eyes. The girl with short blue hair in front of her always had a arrogant look on her face. She didn't care at all about the magician in front of her... 0

There is another young man who is the protagonist of this world.

Several people were surprised by Lin Mo's arrival, because there couldn't be any talented people here. Especially Lilith, who had just separated, was helpless towards this man who underestimated her. In her mind, Lin Mo was equal to Se embryo. It’s understandable to think so.

If Lin Mo knew, he wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It seems I came at just the right time!

Lin Mo paused, and then walked over as if nothing had happened.

Oh, someone is involved again. Like this little girl, are they also here to threaten me? The girl with short blue hair looked at Lin Mo, sensed the magic power on him, and then said disdainfully. Turning around again, facing Lilith.

Hmph, dangerous magic book, don't you know that if you fail, this collapse phenomenon will further expand, and creating a new world is simply impossible with ordinary magic books. Right! Lilith ignored Lin Mo and warned the girl with short blue hair.

Creating a world? It sounds like it's very interesting. Lin Mo listened to their conversation with interest.

Just because they can't, doesn't mean that I can't. Isn't this world in front of me created by me? The blue girl raised her head proudly and said.

Even so, I won't let you continue! Choose, Kasuga Arata, whether to lift this state immediately, or hand over the magic book to us, and then delete your memory, so that you can continue to Ordinary humans live like this! When the topic changed, Lilith pointed her gun at the boy and said extremely seriously.


The boy named Kasuga Arata, with a gloomy face, was caught in a decision.

Seeing this, Lin Mo didn't want to continue reading. He walked up to the blue girl, raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, Are you the magic book? Can I ask you a question?

Oh? What's the problem? The blue-haired girl looked at him with interest.

Until here, Lin Mo's smile became full.

Can I... snatch you away?

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384 Calm down...what the hell!

The blue-haired girl was stunned. Not only her, but also Lilith, who was pointing the spear at Kasuga Arata, felt a look of disbelief on her face.

Do you... know what you were talking about just now? The blue-haired girl transformed from the magic book looked at Lin Mo blankly, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and asked with interest.

Of course I know what I'm talking about! Astir's manuscript, as one of the most powerful grimoires in the world, you must not want to surrender to an ordinary person? Then you might as well follow me, anyway It's just a matter of one sentence. Moreover, your ability is exactly what I want! Lin Mo shrugged, and the indifferent expression on his face made Lilith grit her teeth.

This man...since he already knows the identity of the Magic Book, doesn't he understand how harmful the Magic Book is? If the power goes rampant, it can destroy a city in an instant!

Hey! What should we do in the next 20 years? The situation is getting harder and harder to control. Lilith thought sadly in her heart. Now she wished she could just transfer the muzzle from Kasuga's head, aim it at Lin Mo's smirking face, and shoot him, telling him why the flowers were so red, out of sight and out of mind.

As for Lin Mo's last sentence, she subconsciously ignored it. Anyway, she will never allow anything beyond the unexpected to happen!

Thinking of this, Lilith's eyes widened slightly, and she said dissatisfied: This... sir, please stop joking! Since you also know that she is Astir's manuscript, you should also know that her How terrifying the ability is! If you don't do it right, you will fall into a place of eternal disaster! So it must be left to our academy to handle.

Lilith thought about it for a long time, but she didn't know the name of this strange person, so she had to use Mr. instead. Poor Kasuga Arata, who is not even qualified to fart, can only be used as a gunman. Oh no! He is not even qualified to be a spear user. How can he be called an ordinary boy now?

Lin Mo smiled faintly, glanced at Lilith, and then ignored her. That mocking look made Lilith almost pull the trigger. Fortunately, she endured it in time. However, her chest rose and fell slightly, and her two cute balls, which were tightly bound by clothes, also rose and fell due to the change in mood, proving that she was at least not as calm as she seemed on the surface.

Astir's manuscript, the blue-haired girl lowered her head and frowned. There was no emotion on his face, and he didn't appear angry because of Lin Mo's bold words.

Time seems to have stopped here. If it weren't for the occasional impetuous breeze blowing across the gray sky, Lin Mo might have thought that he was in a forbidden world that had long since stopped!

A few seconds later, the blue-haired girl smiled, her voice extremely harsh in the silent surroundings.

Hahaha! You're right, it's been a long time since anyone dared to talk to me like this! I have to say, I appreciate your courage.

Lin Mo smiled calmly, without any wave of emotion on his face. Because he believed that Astir's manuscript would never be willing to be left alone.

As expected, the face of the blue-haired girl who was laughing out loud suddenly changed and became extremely cold: In that case, I will give you a chance! As long as you can break through my defense, destroy this transformed form. , I promise to go with you!

When Astir's manuscript said these words, it was obvious that Kasuga's face was constantly changing, and the cruel look in his eyes flashed.

When Astir's manuscript said these words, it was obvious that Kasuga's face was constantly changing, and the cruel look in his eyes flashed.

But the manuscript of Astyr, who was neither a relative nor an acquaintance, would not care about his thoughts. Instead, he looked at Lin Mo coldly and said, Indeed, if you stay next to an ordinary human boy, you will soon be buried. With my ability, it would be better to follow someone who can completely control me. Now that his wish has been realized, I don’t need to stay with him all the time. At least now, he doesn’t let me see even a little bit of value.”


Kasuga Xin's face could be said to be very ugly. She was biting a few words between her teeth, but in the end she said nothing. It really made Lilith on the side look down upon her.

Okay! It's indeed Astyr's manuscript. It's true to its word. Since you said so, I have to show some 'respect'! Let me ask you in advance, even if your body is destroyed, There should be no problem with your body, right? Lin Mo put away his smile and said calmly.

How could Astir read the manuscript and not understand the meaning of his words? He just snorted coldly and said: Of course it's no problem, as long as you can...

Really? Are you... ready?

After hearing what she said, Lin Mo closed his eyes slightly, and the next second, he opened them suddenly as the last note fell! A terrifying coercion of 827 shot straight into the sky, as vast as the sky and as boundless as the earth. Violent power continuously spurted out from his body. In front of this force, their bodies were even trembling, and the fear that could not be erased from their souls made their whole bodies tremble.


The originally peaceful building was destroyed like a candle in the wind in the face of absolute power. Under Lin Mo's feet, cracks spread rapidly, the gravel exploded, and the gloomy sky became devoid of any luster. The building under his feet, even if Lin Mo didn't make any forceful movements, the building still couldn't withstand this violent and suffocating force.

Astir's codex face seemed to see something incredible! She wanted to defend, but it was too late. A figure that flashed like a stream of light came in front of her as if it had broken through time and space.

A second ago, she clearly saw that Lin Mo just raised his foot. How come he was in front of her in an instant?

The speed was so fast that she couldn't even react!

Then a fist came down suddenly!

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385 The Magic Book of Surrender

A fist condensed with terrifying power suddenly hit the blue-haired girl in the blink of an eye! The sound of piercing the sky and the sound of sonic boom coexisted, and the gloomy sky became even darker, as if the sky was blocked by the sun and it was difficult to see anything. The terrifying power that makes people unable to think of any escape makes the surrounding air seem to be constantly trembling. Space is distorted in ways that are visible to the naked eye.


With a brief roar, the fist hit the girl's protective shield. In less than a second, the blue protective shield cracked. But what makes the blue-haired girl despair is that her fist doesn't seem to receive even the slightest resistance! Although she hadn't been hit yet, the fierce wind brought by this violent power made her face turn pale.


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