Lin Mo looked around, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Relying on the dead line brought by the Demonic Eye of Direct Death, he clearly saw Aldi who was about to go around behind him. Then he shouted loudly, veins popped up on his arms, and paused. The sword was swung by him again.

With a whistling sound, 18 slashed hard on Aldi's body, making a crisp clang sound. Because Aldi's fuselage had amazing defense, even if Lin Mo's attack landed on it, it would not leave any damage, only causing a few sparks.

I didn't expect to see my generation here. It's really extraordinary.

Aldi was not angry when he was attacked, but instead spoke appreciatively. It just had the mentality of giving it a try, and as expected it failed to hinder Lin Mo's route. Still attacked it.

Since you can see my movements clearly, I won't play tricks on you anymore and let us compete openly and openly!! Aldi shouted fiercely, and the giant hammer hit him like a stone weighing a thousand pounds. The same thing, causing the air to be squeezed and deformed. But when he swung it, he didn't even have the slightest effort, just an understatement of attack.


Aldi's attack was so powerful that it kept hitting the ground like the sound of gunfire. But even so, Lin Mo couldn't be caught. Often when it waved its arms, Lin Mo would already be the first to dodge. The figure waited for the opportunity to move, running around the field like a flexible monkey.

The sword light swung by Lin Mo rippled in the void like an afterimage, and the clanging sound continued to fall on Aldi. Lin Mo's attack quickly and accurately cut towards the graffiti outlined by the dead line.

Aldi suddenly felt something bad in his heart, but he didn't know where this strange feeling came from. He only knew that if Lin Mo was allowed to attack like this, he would definitely be defeated first.

However, the strangest thing about it is that Lin Mo's attack is neither painful nor itchy, but why can it make it feel a sense of crisis? Aldi was very puzzled.

But you must not sit still and wait for death!

Aldi roared angrily, his body shook, and a terrifying impact came from its giant hammer, shaking the entire place.


Aldi was searching for Lin Mo in a frantic attack.

Stop hiding and fight us openly and honestly! What kind of man are you hiding? Aldi shouted.

Stop hiding and fight us openly and honestly! What kind of man are you hiding? Aldi shouted.

Want to fight fair and square? Tsk... Lin Mo smiled, and then his face changed slightly, and a cold breath spread on him. It turned out that Aldi had locked onto him, and the terrifying attack suddenly fell. Come down.

Lin Mo retreated without thinking, and when the attack came down, a short gap was left beside Aldi. Lin Mo didn't even think about it, and the figure shot out like an arrow from a string, extremely fast!

Against the strong wind pressure, Lin Mo's expression remained unchanged as the magic sword struck down with a thump.

The harsh sound caused by breaking the speed of sound made Aldi stagger back a few steps. There was a strange sound, accompanied by the sound of metal being removed. Aldi was kneeling on the ground, one leg already severed from his body.

Lin Mo swung the blade, looked like a sword, and said sternly: Do you think my previous attacks were just icing on the cake and vulnerable to a single blow? First, cripple one leg, and let's see how long you can hold on.

When Lin Mo was about to take advantage of the victory, a cannon was aimed at him. The next second, there was a bang! It blew away the surface of the earth, leaving behind blazing rocks.

The violent red and black energy penetrates from the sky! If you get shot, you'll be crippled even if you're not dead! So Lin Mo didn't even think about it. The figure jumped back. The terrifying impact destroyed everything wantonly. The shock and the sound of the ground being blown away made everyone's faces change. Rubbles were flying all over the sky and scattered in all directions.

Limxi, use that move! If we continue like this, we will be the first to be defeated. Aldi knelt on the ground on one knee and said rather unwillingly. Even if one leg is crippled, he can remain calm and remain himself. It has to be said that machines are much more convenient than people.

It seems that this is the only way. Limxi fell from the air with an expressionless face. Then, a larger-than-usual gun was reassembled in its hands.

Maximum output!

As soon as the words fell, Lin Mo suddenly felt something bad, and quickly asked Yulisi to avoid it, while he quickly stepped back. The next second, an extremely dazzling light flashed in the cannon hole, as bright as the sun. The majestic power caused the void to twist.

A ball of light detached from the muzzle and rushed into the sky, like a nuclear bomb exploding. Arrows of light scattered around like a violent rainstorm. The sound of explosions was continuous, and the entire site was bathed in the bombardment. The impact and shattered gravels all appeared on the scene one by one.

Aldi laughed loudly, flew into the air towards Limxi, and began to merge. Lin Mo and Yulis were also constantly avoiding this indiscriminate attack. Under this attack, potholes began to appear on the originally intact ground.

The two figures merged into one in just a moment. Basically all the equipment on Limhi was handed over to Aldi. In other words, it has no ability to resist at all now! Even at the risk of being attacked, Lin Mo rushed forward and quickly chopped the school badge into pieces with his sword.

Limxi showed no resistance to this. But a faint smile. Stepped aside.

“The rest is up to you, Aldi!”

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380 The most critical moment!

After Lin Mo defeated Limxi, not only did he not have any thoughts of relaxation, but he raised his head and glanced at Aldi floating in the air, with a solemn look in his eyes. The magic sword in his hand is already sharp, and the figure is ready to shoot out at any time.

After the dazzling arrow rain in the sky lasted for a while, it exhausted its energy and stopped. Waiting for the smoke generated by the explosion to dissipate, Julis's intact figure stood not far from Lin Mo. Although she was not hurt, it still consumed a lot of her energy.

Julis was panting heavily, and her slightly improved chest was rising and falling with her breathing. After she recovered some strength, Julis said loudly and accurately, even though she was dozens of meters away, it reached Lin Mo's ears accurately.

Lin Mo, I'll cover you from the side!


Lin Mo agreed without any objection, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his figure seemed to have penetrated the void and came to Aldi. The sword blade in his hand moved slightly, and he made a sudden attack from the sky, attacking Aldi in the sky. When it was about to pierce Aldi's body, the sword trembled slightly, and there was a blue wall blocking the sword's edge.

If Lin Mo removes the sword edge, the protective shield will be destroyed by itself, and there will be no chance for the Demonic Eye of Death to exert its power.

Haha, good time!

Aldi roared and the sound was thunderous. The giant hammer in his hand, with terrifying power like a landslide and earth shattering, hit the side of Lin Mo's head directly. Lin Mo's plain face was slightly startled, and he avoided it without even thinking. Despite this, the chaotic air flow carried by the giant hammer also blew against Lin Mo's face. A painful feeling came from his face, which surprised him.

The mere movement of the air is like a roaring wind, which can be intimidating to people, and they cannot think of resisting at all. As for resisting Aldi’s attack, let alone it! Even Lin Mo must be dealt with carefully. His eyes squinted slightly, and he suddenly saw a fireball rushing towards Aldi and hitting Aldi's body.

The unique fireball technique was the attack launched by Julis. Explosions swept across all directions. But with this attack power alone, there is absolutely no possibility of hurting Aldi. At most, it will only cause a little trouble to the other party.

Aldi's figure fell from the sky, inheriting Limxi's characteristics and becoming even more difficult to deal with than before!

Lin Mo didn't hesitate at all, his figure directly penetrated the space, raised his hand high, and concentrated the power of his palm on the sword, and slashed hard at the Aldi.

It's really strong々〃!

Aldi said with a hint of excitement in his tone. Meeting a powerful opponent made his heart gradually feel happy. Multiple barriers were deployed directly, on the one hand to resist Lin Mo in the front, and on the other hand, to resist Yulis who was casting the Nine-Run Dance Fireworks in the distance!

Under the attack of the two forces, the wind surged wildly, and the impact force spread directly to the surroundings. Lin Mo's power also made the metal hit the barrier with a 'chi' sound.


After Lin Mo had shaken this barrier for a while, he finally broke through it! Then his face lit up, even in a strong defense, there is always a zero point. Not to mention this kind of multitasking!

When Lin Mo's figure in the air was about to land, he turned suddenly, and his legs directly rolled up a huge amount of air, as harsh as the whistling north wind. The vast power was concentrated on Lin Mo's feet, and the next second he kicked Aldi's side of the head with a bang.

A dull sound echoed through his heart. Aldi relied on his arms to defend against Lin Mo's attack, and his steps moved sideways for a distance due to the strong force. Even Lin Mo's attack made him uncomfortable!

Haha! I didn't expect to be able to compete with my real strength. It's really good. Aldi was not depressed after being knocked away, but laughed heartily.

Real strength? Hearing this sentence, Lin Mo's eyes became confused.

That's right! This is the power given to me by the master! Okay, let's take the move! Since I am asked to assume this posture, then I must also show the corresponding abilities!

Aldi roared, and blue energy was constantly flowing on the giant hammer. Aldi moved his arm holding the giant hammer back, and a terrifying force condensed in his hand. Lin Mo seemed to sense something and shouted at Julis.

Aldi roared, and blue energy was constantly flowing on the giant hammer. Aldi moved his arm holding the giant hammer back, and a terrifying force condensed in his hand. Lin Mo seemed to sense something and shouted at Julis.

Get out of the way!

As soon as he finished speaking, Aldi's giant hammer was thrown directly by him, blasting through the void, and with a long electric light, it landed directly in front of Lin Mo and Yulis!


A loud noise fell on everyone's ears. Fortunately, Julis avoided Lin Mo's reminder, but she was still frightened after seeing the next scene. With a deafening sound, a deep pit 2.3 meters deep cracked open under the impact of the giant hammer. It was like being struck by lightning, with little black smoke coming out.

The gravel and dust were all blown into a pile of loose sand, not to mention the people.

If it weren't for Lin Mo's reminder, Julis would have suffered this blow long ago. One blow was shocking. But...Lin Mo's eyes flashed. With that blow just now, he had already memorized the dead line of the giant hammer.

If thrown out like this by Aldi, Lin Mo can definitely cut it!

This is an opportunity! Come on, Aldi, don't let me down, throw the giant hammer in your hand again! Lin Mo shouted in his heart.

As if hearing the prayer from the bottom of Lin Mo's heart, Aldi opened his palm and the giant hammer flew back from the ground, and then with his rising voice, he threw it forward again.

¨` Volney Hammer!

When the giant hammer flew out, it was rotating at high speed, and its target was Lin Mo. Just when everyone thought he would dodge like before, Lin Mo made a move that shocked everyone's jaws.

He lowered the magic sword in his hand, pointed the tip of the sword diagonally at the ground, and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was about to fall asleep, making it difficult to understand what he was going to do. Only Julis felt an inexplicable belief in her heart.


The moment the giant hammer was about to approach Lin Mo, his eyes suddenly widened, and he saw that with just a slight movement of his arm, the blade was already in front of him. A white light flashed forward, facing the flying giant hammer. Just when everyone on the stage thought that he was overestimating his capabilities, the giant hammer in front of him suddenly began to disconnect from the middle part, flew along Lin Mo's body to the other side, and exploded with a bang.


Then Lin Mo's figure suddenly shot out, his eyes turning almost crazily, and dead lines appeared from Aldi's body one by one. There are all kinds of strange routes, some for feet, some for hands, and some for heads. But what he is looking for is the dead thread in his heart! (Good promise)

Eventually, he saw a different death line. The dead line is not very long, and the route is not very complicated, but the dead lines of various organs will cross here. Lin Mo's eyes suddenly felt sore and swollen, as if he wanted to force them to close, but he must not close his eyes.

At this critical moment, closing your eyes means failure! But in order to relieve this strange uncomfortable feeling, Lin Mo blinked his eyes gently, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred. Dead spots quietly appeared on Aldi’s body, marking various locations.

Lin Mo was overjoyed when he saw it. Although he didn't know how these dead spots appeared, it was definitely beneficial to him!

In just a blink of an eye, a series of changes had already happened to Lin Mo, but only the situation of attacking Aldi remained unchanged! The figure was like a stream of light, penetrating the space, and the flashing sword light suddenly stabbed out after spotting the dead line!

This time, let me see how you can save yourself! Lin Mo thought fiercely in his mind.

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381 The final game is over!

Lin Mo's figure arrived in front of Aldi in an instant. The blade of the sword gave off a sharp cold light, turned into a few afterimages, and stabbed forward. The red dead spots were particularly conspicuous among the lines full of graffiti, so Lin Mo specifically attacked this aspect.

Lin Mo's steps were bright and agile, but his expression remained unchanged in front of Aldi, who had a body as strong as a rock. Although the opponent's heavy hammer was always hitting his side, often blasting away fragments of gravel, they could not do anything about him.


A sword struck the right side of Aldi's chest. Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo's figure suddenly started to shake again. In the blink of an eye, he came behind Aldi. The magic sword in his hand did not hesitate at all. It was like light and shadow, going towards death. Point probing.

How can you be happy if you have the guts to compete with us instead of just scurrying around like rats trying to survive? Even with the pseudomorphic form of Aldi, there was a hint of depression in his voice. .

Lin Mo smiled faintly at this, as long as he can win, whatever he does is right! No matter if you are aboveboard or not! While Aldi was speaking, Lin Mo's lightsaber was waving like a shooting star. Every time it hit a dead center, Aldi's body would make a dull sound, as if something in the internal mechanism was damaged.

Although Aldi knew it could not go on like this, it didn't know what to do. Do you want to rely on equipment to fly into the sky like Limxi? But this will be even more detrimental to yourself. Finally, after a few seconds, Lin Mo's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he broke away from the flowery sword dance, with only his only goal in his eyes. One sword, thrust out!

The blue-black sword light broke through the void in a breath and rushed towards Aldi. It was like the surging river water constantly bombarding a huge rock, making a vibrating sound. Aldi has no power to fight back.

This was probably the most frustrating battle it had ever fought since it was born in this world. It was at the mercy of others and had no use for its powerful strength.

It has also thought about drawing huge energy from itself, so that both will lose and prosper, but don't forget that Julis in the distance will continue to put pressure on it!

This is a battle of two people, never one person!

A wall of fire wrapped around Aldi's body, and then in Julis's hands, it continued to condense into a pillar of fire rising into the sky, trapping Aldi in one place.

The last dead center is here, let me take off the last scene for this game!

Lin Mo took a calm breath, and the figure suddenly shot out, like a stream of light, the entire void was pierced, and only an afterimage could be seen flashing past. Because of the powerful force, a whole trace was left on the ground, pointing directly in front of Aldi.



Under everyone's gaze, Aldi's body was rapidly disintegrating. Spider-web-like cracks appeared densely on his body. His already dilapidated body was now as vulnerable as a candle in the wind.

Under everyone's gaze, Aldi's body was rapidly disintegrating. Spider-web-like cracks appeared densely on his body. His already dilapidated body was now as vulnerable as a candle in the wind.

End it!

Lin Mo sighed, and the magic sword stabbed out lightly, showing no force. But just like that, the dead spots and dead lines in Lin Mo's eyes turned into a pile of loose sand and were all disconnected. All parts of Aldi were almost destroyed...

The game...(cafh) is finally here, over!

Everyone watching this game showed an expression of relief. Immediately afterwards, cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami sounded like a downpour.


it is finally over...

Lin Mo looked at all this and said softly. Julis also came to Lin Mo's side and said leisurely: Yes, it's finally over! But I don't know how Flora is doing. As soon as she finished speaking, two girls came in at the door of the stage. They are the injured Sasha Miya Sayo, Todo Kirin, and Flora

Several people looked at each other and finally smiled...

A few days later, Lin Mo and a group of girls came to Julis' home, agreed to her brother's warm invitation, and put on the dress. Naturally, during this period, there were all kinds of surprises. Especially Julis and Claudia made his heart throb.

I wish I could eat them on the spot.

That night, Lin Mo and Julis talked to each other about every detail of the past few days under the moon. Finally, after Julis' confession, Lin Mo accepted her calmly. With snow-white skin and a gorgeous red dress, she embodies the noble temperament of a princess.

Lin Mo drank a lot of wine at the banquet, and he couldn't refuse because of the enthusiasm of everyone. Now, not only did the alcohol not dissipate at night, but there was still a fire burning in my belly. After hearing Julis' confession, she became even more intense, and her eyes seemed to be bursting with fire.

Amid Julis' exclamation, the two kissed each other. Lin Mo pushed it onto the bed and took off her clothes. Lin Mo put his hands on the soft body. Julis resisted insignificantly, but gave up amidst the violent squealing the next second. Her face was flushed, and her tender eyes were full of tenderness. Along with the pain in the body and the pleasure that surged into my heart in an instant, everything became like a beam of rice and became a foregone conclusion.

In the dead of night, there is a blazing fire. The silver moon dotted the dark blue night sky, the stars twinkled, and the clouds in the sky added a touch of mystery. Misty and illusory, the surrounding lights have dimmed and there is no sound, but somewhere, there is something else...

Ps, please subscribe. Although it's a bit rushed and perfunctory, this is how the Academy City chapter ends. The author also has a lot of effort but not enough. I always feel that the writing is not good and terrible. Alas, there are many places where I can't write what is in my mind because of the writing style. This is the only way. The next world is the Seven Magicians. .

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