0 ··········Ask for flowers···· 0


Another howitzer came. Lin Mo's eyes caught its trajectory in an instant. The figure was on the left side, and the grenade just passed by and hit the ground nearby.

A strong shock wave hit Lin Mo's body, and his clothes whirred, but his attack did not stop because of this.

A sword light shot into the sky! Like a meteor, falling downwards in the direction of Shasha Palace Saya!

.......... 0

The actual sonic boom undoubtedly bombarded Shasha Miya Saya's body, her ears were buzzing, and the strong force directly knocked away the lightsaber she used to block the attack! Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo's left fist struck the side of Shasha Gong Saya's head!

What seemed like an ordinary punch turned out to be a terrifying hurricane! Like a magical weapon, it makes people feel desperate.

If this punch accurately hits the body of Shasha Miya Saye, the opponent will undoubtedly be defeated. Maybe, he will go directly to the hospital.

But at the critical moment, it paused, and a punch hit the Shasha Palace Saya. But it's no big deal.

This was just an ordinary competition, not an intense fight, so there was no need for Lin Mo to be cruel. He paused when he was still a few centimeters away from her. Then the power was completely absorbed into his arms.

(Please subscribe for flowers!).

308 Set yourself on fire?

Although the system sealed most of Lin Mo's strength, it still left about 10% of his physical freedom. Don't underestimate this 10%. In this world where the force value is not particularly high, it is enough to be called a hero.

Defeating Shasha Miya Saya is not a strange thing, not to mention that the opponent's weapon has not been fully used yet and has been repaired for some reasons.

However, Lin Mo also had a trump card that he didn't use, and that was the Demonic Eye of Direct Death. Once you use the Demonic Eye of Direct Death, your reflexes will be one step faster than now! As long as the items and abilities are cut along the dead line, they will be destroyed easily!

When the girl standing aside saw this, her eyes shone with a strange light, but she did not come forward to say hello.

Look at July 17, I won.

Lin Mo retracted his fist and smiled lightly. Shasha Gong Saya suddenly showed a look of reluctance.

It's just that I wasn't ready this time. If there is a next time, I will definitely defeat you!

Lin Mo shrugged, said nothing, and walked directly towards the examiner's place.

Congratulations, starting from today, you are a member of the Star Director Academy! Next, someone will lead you to visit the various facilities of the academy and distribute your school uniform. By the way, I will take you to the dormitory.

The assessor said with a smile and handed Lin Mo a form with his own information and the classroom to which he was assigned.

Lin Mo glanced at it casually and waited aside. Sure enough, after a while, a man came over and said.

Are you Lin Moba? Let me take you to visit the college now. Because you are the most prominent person in the boys' dormitory, you will live alone in your dormitory. If anyone else joins later, you will be with us. You live together.”

Lin Mo nodded understandingly after hearing this, followed him for a casual tour of the college, and then returned directly to the dormitory. Start wondering what to do next.

There is still a month until the official start of school, and today is just a registration, so there is still a lot of time waiting for Lin Mo to use it.

Lin Mo wanted to skillfully use the Demon Eye of Direct Death or master the power of the 'Sky Mark' in the next month, so Lin Mo had to find a place where he could PK freely.

The underground arena is a good choice, as it allows Lin Mo to become proficient in the use of various weapons.

However, you can look for it in a place like this, but the problem is that you can’t find it. On this island, one has no connections and the other has no connections, and it is difficult to move forward.

He could only break into nature at the bridge end, Lin Mo sighed.

Next to the pile of debris in the dormitory, there are various supplies, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, and school uniforms.

Lin Mo tidied up a little, then went to the bathroom in the dormitory, took a shower, changed into his school uniform, then put on his school badge and went out.

After all, there are rules in the academy, and you must change into your school uniform before you can move freely in it.

Lin Mo raised his head and glanced at the darkening sky, thinking about what he should do next.

Lin Mo raised his head and glanced at the darkening sky, thinking about what he should do next.

It was just the dispute ahead that caught Lin Mo's attention. A man nearly two meters tall stood in front of a girl. His school uniform was draped on his broad shoulders. The muscles in his chest and abdomen were slightly bulging. His face was very ugly, and his rough voice seemed to have an unstoppable force. General anger.

Julis, did you agree to duel with me? Why didn't you come yesterday?

Hearing this, Lin Mo narrowed his eyes tightly and looked at the girl who was confronting him. We just had an argument in the afternoon and unexpectedly got into trouble again. Her interpersonal relationship doesn't seem to be particularly good. Is her name Yuris?

The girl named Julis said impatiently: How many times have I told you that you are no match for me? Could it be that after several failures, you still can't see your identity clearly?

What did you say!

The veins on the man's arm bulged slightly, and he punched the street lamp nearby: Don't think that just because you are the crown prince's princess, you can look down on me. I, Lester MacPhail, am the number one in the 'Top 12' Nine people are not vegetarians!”

When Julis heard this, she immediately sneered and said: The ninth best person? The person who has been defeated by me three times? Is this the only thing he can do? I'm saying it again, get out of my way 0... Julis was not at all frightened by Leishida's series of threats.

Leishida's hand condensed into a heavy weapon similar to a hammer, and without saying a word, it bombarded directly in front of Yuris.


The rubble continued to roll, and behind the smoke and dust, Julis's face remained unchanged, as if none of this could affect her mood.

My strength is more than that! I say it again, fight me, otherwise you won't be able to leave here!

Julis took out a handkerchief from her arms and wiped the dust on her clothes.

Then prove it to me. Let me see your strength by fighting other opponents. Otherwise, you will always be my loser.

Lin Mo watched the show with great interest: The top twelve, is this the ranking of this college? I don't know what the strength is.

As long as I prove my overwhelming strength, will you be willing to duel with me? Lei Shida shouted.

But Julis Julis did not answer him, neither 0.5 agreed nor refuted.

good very good.

Lei Shida's eyes accidentally caught sight of Lin Mo not far away, and his thick body walked towards him: Yulis, watch it for me! As long as I beat him, I am the ninth among the top twelve. , you just duel with me!

Lin Mo looked at Lei Shida walking towards him in shock, what's going on? Aren’t I just standing there watching the show? Why did you get burned?

There was no one around except him who happened to be passing by. It can only be said that Lin Mo was unlucky, otherwise Lei Shida would not have dared to take any further action in full view of the public.

(2/3, the Demonic Eye of Direct Death was written as immortal, my pot, T, T).

309 Look down on? Get real!

Does this count as a person sitting at home while the pot comes from the sky? Lin Mo sighed and glanced at Lei Shida standing in front of him. The height of the two people was very obvious.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Lin Mo was defeated simply by virtue of his height advantage, right?

Boy, it's your bad luck to meet me! Just let me crush you, or run away with your tail between your legs. I, Lei Shida, won't bully a freshman who just entered the academy. The other party said disdainfully.

Bullying? Who will bully whom later? Stop talking nonsense, isn't it just a duel? Come on!

Although he didn't want to get involved in anything between them, it still made him feel uncomfortable to be looked down upon by someone.

Okay! You have the guts, since you dare to compete with me, Leishida. Yuris, just watch from the side! My power. Leishida shouted to the people not far away, without any hint of 18 Lin Mo It means taking it seriously.

Lin Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense and glanced at the other party with cold eyes.

Start quickly, I don't have much time.


In the name of the 'Hongyuan Lie Ax', I issue a duel application to you!

Suddenly, a stream of light shot out from Lei Shida's school badge, and shot into the school badge on Lin Mo's chest like the path of a bullet.

If you dare to come, accept the duel! Once you accept it, you can't give up unless the opponent admits defeat. If you are not afraid of death, come on!

Lei Shida roared angrily and an 'axe-style Huang-style weapon' that Lin Mo had seen before appeared in his hand.

I accept the challenge.

After Lin Mo finished speaking, pieces of data composed of prisms appeared in the sky, which contained the personal information of both parties. Then it floated behind the two of them, which meant that the duel had officially taken effect!

Seeing Lin Mo's delay in making any move, Lei Shida shouted: Take out your weapon!

Lin Mo remained motionless and said coldly: No, I don't need weapons to deal with you.

Since the other party dared to use him as a stepping stone, Lin Mo would naturally not be polite to him.

Okay, you have the courage. Apart from Yuris, you are the first person to underestimate me so much! Unless you admit defeat later, you will be dead!

Being so looked down upon, Lei Shida couldn't help but laugh angrily. His temper was originally of the irritable type. Yuris had already hurt his self-esteem before. Now it was Lin Mo, how could he not make him angry? ?

Even Yuris on the side showed a surprised look.

In the void, a system sound system from Star Guide Academy appeared.

In the void, a system sound system from Star Guide Academy appeared.

Start the countdown!



As soon as the word '1' fell, Lei Shida's figure rushed over at lightning speed like a running bull.

Lin Mo took a deep breath, and a light suddenly flashed in his eyes. He was no longer in a lazy state, but the momentum around him was like a sharp sword, ready to strike.

The figure crouched slightly, and the next moment, an arrow shot forward like it penetrated the sky and the earth!

When the two of them were about to collide with Leishida's axe, the Huang-style weapon in his hand was instantly swung, and his thick and crazy arms brought up pieces of strong wind howling, as unstoppable as an iron bull in a rage.

A ray of yellow light flashed through the void. When the opponent's weapon was about to bombard him, Lin Mo moved around like the wind and appeared on the side of Lei Shi like a ghost.

The fist in his hand was clenched tightly, and it seemed like a light punch, but it brought up a fierce wind.


A dull voice suddenly came, and Lei Shida used an arm that was more than twice as thick as Lin Mo's to resist his attack. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Comparing strength? Humph, don't you know that I am in the top twelve, and my strength is enough to rank in the top five? Let me show you the gap between you and me!

Immediately, his arms bulged slightly, as scary as a balloon, and the veins on his arms stood out very clearly.

Yuris, who was standing aside, sighed slightly and reminded surprisingly: Just as Lei Shida said, his power is very powerful. If it weren't for my power to defeat him, even I wouldn't dare to do it. Confront him head-on.

Boy, do you hear that? It's too late to admit defeat now, otherwise it will be too late! Lei Shida said disdainfully.

Lin Mo's eyes turned colder when he looked at him.

Power? Do you think your power is very strong? I will show you what it means to be someone outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo mobilized all his strength, and the 10% limiter in his body was instantly released. He took a step forward gently, and the figure who had just separated from Leishida appeared next to him, and his fist was instantly punched out like it was blasting through the sky!

Ten percent of Teacher Saitama's power is enough to let them know how terrifying he is!

(1/5, I had something to do yesterday and had a busy day, I will make up for it today!).

310 Yuris’ plan

In Lei Shida's eyes, it seemed as if only Lin Mo's fist was left in the world. It looked like an ordinary fist, but his pupils were infinitely enlarged, and the sonic boom was buzzing in his ears. Even if it was only 10% of the power, it was enough to make him instinctively feel fear.


Under Julis's shocked gaze, Lin Mo's blow directly hit Lei Shida's body, but paused on his chest. Immediately afterwards, a powerful air flow penetrated his body! Sputtering towards both sides. Just the airflow driven by the fist wind caused two cracks on the ground!

It wasn't just as simple as the cracks. Countless gravels were constantly rolling under the terrifying shock wave. The powerful shock wave even blew away the trash cans on both sides of the road, and finally stopped at the steps five meters away.

Although Lin Mo's attack did not directly hit the opponent, the shock wave caused by the fist wind alone was enough to drink the opponent!

As for Lei Shida, he only felt that the things in his stomach were constantly rolling, and an indescribable feeling of nausea filled his heart, but the next second, this feeling turned into actual pain.

My body felt like it was about to fall apart. Even the weapon in his hand could no longer be held. The face that looked at Lin Mo was filled with deep fear and horror.

Lin Mo's hand stopped when it was less than a few centimeters away from the opponent's skin, and the effect was just as he expected. Just ten percent of the power can make the opponent feel the gap in strength.

He patted the other party's body gently, but he didn't expect that Lei Shida was overwhelmed and fell to his knees directly on the ground. His thighs were trembling all the time, he didn't dare to take a breath, and he didn't even dare to look directly into Lin Mo's eyes.

It seems the winner has been decided.

Lin Mo smiled slightly, and the judgment of victory in the void had also been transferred to Lin Mo's side.

At this moment, Lin Mo successfully defeated Lei Shida and was instantly promoted to ninth place among the top twelve, while Lei Shida's ranking was wiped down.

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