As long as it's not testing the power of the star veins.

Lin Mo sighed, and followed the instructions of passers-by and came to the outside of the majestic and huge academy. 277.

A banner was hung on the gate of the college, which naturally announced the recruitment of new students.

No matter who they are, as long as they pass the exam, they can enter the Star Guide Academy.

Most of the people inside were new humans with special powers. Lin Mo read the admissions criteria carefully.

There were no other problems, except for the special function of having the Star Pulse Generation, which turned him away. The rest seemed to have a certain level of force, which Lin Mo easily achieved. Moreover, after staying in the last SAO world for so long, Lin Mo had already become proficient in swordsmanship to an outrageous level.

You must know that what he traveled to SAO was not his spirit, but his entire body!

So physically, once you are familiar with the combos of each skill, it is not that difficult to use them, it just takes a little practice.

But the more he looked down, the happier Lin Mo felt in his heart, because it was not necessary for talents from the Xingmai generation to join the academy. Anyone who was particularly outstanding in some aspects could also join. No one from Star Guide Academy could join. Refuse!

(Please subscribe. 1/3.).

305 Sudden dispute

Now that the decision had been made, Lin Mo planned to get up and go to the admissions department. Fortunately for him, this year happened to be the first year that Seidoukan Academy opened its enrollment plan to all places.

Logically speaking, in the past, Star Guide Academy took the initiative to select students. This kind of open enrollment was only implemented this year. In any case, Lin Mo has already had great luck, and all he needs to do next is pass the test.

Don’t you know that it is precisely because of the unsatisfactory results of Seidaokan Academy in various Star Martial Arts Festivals in recent years that it has no choice but to recruit talents from outside, hoping to attract good talents to provide the academy with good results in the next Star Martial Arts Festival? Try to get a better result.

As soon as Lin Mo arrived at the admissions department, he found that there was already a long queue like a dragon outside, with a sea of ​​people and constant noise.

Among them, Lin Mo saw the blue-haired girl from before.

No matter who she was facing, she always kept an expressionless face. This is true even when facing admissions officers. Lin Mo observed for a moment and then looked away. After all, always focusing on a girl would definitely make people suspicious.

Lin Mo sat at the end of the queue obediently, watching their process.

You only need to fill in your name and personal information, and then you will receive an exam certificate and prepare to take the final exam. As for the last test, there is no doubt that it is a test about special abilities and a certain specialty of oneself.


A flame like a dragon and snake soared into the sky not far from Lin Mo! Caught off guard, Lin Mo retreated quickly when the flames affected him.

Even the other students who came to apply for the exam noticed something was wrong. Star-like bright spots of light gradually flickered in various parts of their bodies. Later, it was applied to a certain part of the body.

Some people used it on their arms. When the flames were about to reach them, a barrier lit up in front of their arms to keep the flames out.

Some people, on the other hand, used their strength on the soles of their feet, and their figures suddenly became extremely light. They jumped back high and left the center of the explosion, watching the sudden change from a distance.

Hey, are you so grumpy? Didn't I just step on your handkerchief? If you want, I can just buy you a new one.

Shut up!

As soon as a man finished speaking, a particularly angry voice sounded, and the flames that had subsided began to surge again.

Lin Mo, who was not far away, observed carefully.

In the center of the explosion, relying on his good vision, Lin Mo saw three men and one woman slowly confronting each other.

The blazing flames were constantly flowing around the girl, as intimate as the flow of blood. Her pink hair was fluttering slowly against the background of the flames, and her face was extremely gloomy. Even those who wanted to step forward to stop their argument couldn't help but stop for a moment.

There was also a dark handkerchief on the ground that had been stepped on several times.

There was also a dark handkerchief on the ground that had been stepped on several times.

The freshmen around saw this scene and whispered to each other.

We've seen a good show. This power... that woman is a witch, right? Judging from her temperament, I don't know which country's noble family she is.

Yes, and the power is particularly strong, but the three people confronting her are obviously not easy to use. It depends on how the situation will develop. Unexpectedly, on the first day of taking the exam, I saw Such an interesting thing.”

Since there were those who were gloating over the misfortune, someone naturally notified the college and sent someone over to resolve the incident.

Isn't it just a handkerchief? I will accompany you as much as you want. However, if you attack us over a disagreement, it would be too disrespectful to us! A man snorted.

Although you are a witch, we are not that easy to bully. Just apologize to us honestly and we will let you go.


The pink-haired girl said just two words and looked at several people with murderous eyes. Her princess-like temperament was clearly revealed at this moment. Flames continued to overflow from the ground. When the three men saw this, their faces showed deep fear.

But it is absolutely impossible to get them to apologize. If they apologize now, they will have no face at all.

The girl looked at the few people coldly, then carefully knelt down and picked up the somewhat dirty handkerchief.

You all go together! Since you want to come to this academy, you should also know the rules of this academy, right? the girl said in an emotionless tone.

Lin Mo then noticed that the girl was wearing the school uniform of Xingdaokan Academy, and so were the three men. However, the place where the incident occurred was too close to their freshman reporting office (Hello, King Qian)!

So naturally I had to hide far away to avoid being affected.

Of course I know the rules, but don't think that because you are the princess of a crown prince, I will be afraid of you! You should act like a first-year student in the first grade, so let us give you a good one and tell you how to respect your seniors. !”

In the first grade, he had just joined this college. If Lin Mo passed the test, he would be a freshman in high school.

Although he couldn't bear to see three men bullying one woman, Lin Mo watched quietly from the sidelines. His intuition told him that this girl was not simple!

At least Lin Mo could see the power attributes of this world from their battle.

(2/3, please subscribe for flowers.).

306 The competition with Sasha Miya Sayo

Okay, you're very good! Do you really think I'm afraid of you? Being looked down upon by a girl like this, the three men laughed angrily. Even if the other person had a great reputation, they were not vegetarians.


When the battle was about to break out, the college responded promptly, and the student president came to the scene in person.

If there is anything impressive about the student council president, it is undoubtedly the amount of breasts she makes. Even Lin Mo couldn't help but swallow.

Everyone, calm down. Since we are all students of our Seidoukan Academy, why should our relationship be so stalemate? For my sake, can we just let it go? The student council president hurriedly stepped forward. Stopping.

The three men looked at each other and nodded in unison. Although they were very unhappy to be looked down upon by a little woman, they were still very clear about the gap in strength. There happened to be a ladder for them to climb down, so naturally they had to Be more restrained.

Since the president has said it, forget it. Huayan 377 Witch, I will have a showdown with you next time!

After a few people finished speaking, they left without stopping. When the student council president saw this, he looked at the girl with long pink hair who was staying there, smiled helplessly, and then said in the direction of Lin Mo.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Claudia Enfield, and I am the student president of this college. Because of the conflict between a few people and disturbing everyone who is working, please allow me to say sorry to you. For the next exam, you continue!

Claudia finished speaking sincerely and left. After all, the student council president has a lot to do, so time can't be wasted here.

Seeing that the matter was solved so easily, Lin Mo regretted. Start facing the next exam.

But the strange thing is that the pink-haired girl who was asked to sit on the Flame Witch did not leave, but watched from the side.

Because there will be a competition between each other (ajdf), leaving it to each judge to score, anyone with a little ability can enter the Star Guide Academy. Since there is a martial arts test, there is naturally a literary test. Choose one of the two subjects, and as long as you have any special skills, you can pass the exam and become a member of the Star Guide Academy.

With Lin Mo's temperament, he would definitely choose the martial arts exam.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Mo watched from the side, nodding frequently about the use of power. After watching so many games, he finally figured out the function of the so-called special powers.

The girl with pink hair on the side kept shaking her head, sighing as if she wasn't looking at anything she liked.

Hey, isn't there someone who can be my partner?

The girl murmured in a voice that only she could hear.

Lin Mo took a look at his opponent. He was a person named Shasha Gong Saye, and he was the last to join the group.

Although he really wanted to meet the other party, Lin Mo still had to find a convenient weapon during this period of time. You definitely can't use your own weapons. Although I don't know what the power of the weapons rewarded by the system is, but it was exposed just in the competition, which is obviously inappropriate.

Although he really wanted to meet the other party, Lin Mo still had to find a convenient weapon during this period of time. You definitely can't use your own weapons. Although I don't know what the power of the weapons rewarded by the system is, but it was exposed just in the competition, which is obviously inappropriate.

Fortunately, the academy has something special in this field. After a little asking around, Lin Mo borrowed a weapon.

Lin Mo, Shasha Gong Saye, come forward!

Not long after, a particularly loud sound echoed in the open space. Lin Mo heard someone calling him and strode forward. At this moment, I saw who Shasha Miya Saya was.

With blue hair, a smaller figure, and an indifferent face, isn't this the girl Lin Mo just met not long ago?

Lin Mo looked at her in surprise, but regained his composure in an instant. Now that they have met, he will definitely not be merciful. The only thing that makes him curious is what kind of weapon Shasha Miya Saya is.

Are you two ready? If you are, let's start.

After receiving the nods from Lin Mo and Shasha Gong Saya, the supervisor on the side announced the start of the game.

As soon as the whistle blew, Lin Mo did not attack first, but looked at the opponent with interest.

Aren't you going to attack?

Of course I can attack, but close combat is not suitable for me...

The girl said indifferently, square particle data gradually flashed in the void, and then, the entity turned into a weapon! The girl's two hands tightly grasped the bottom of the weapon, and the huge muzzle was aimed at Lin Mo.

what is that……

Lin Mo looked at her curiously. Although he knew it was a weapon, it appeared on a girl who obviously did not fit the figure, and felt a strong sense of violation.

Type 38 Huang Type Howitzer Heniklem.

After the girl finished speaking, something similar to what was inside the goggles appeared in front of her eyes.

Lin Mo nodded. Since the other party had already taken out their weapons, he naturally had to show them as well. A plain sword hilt appeared on his body, and then he pressed a button, and something similar to a laser sword appeared.

Seeing that Lin Mo was ready, a strong blue light flashed from the girl's dark gun! Immediately afterwards, it suddenly condensed into a powerful cannonball. The surrounding air continued to flow into the cannonball, and it became bigger and bigger! Accompanied by a dong dong sound from the girl. The cannonballs were sprayed out mercilessly, leaving traces of blazing energy on their path!

With unstoppable momentum, he rushed towards Lin Mo!

(3/3, this is yesterday’s update, today is the 3rd update!).

307 Instant victory or defeat

Facing the sudden incoming missile, Lin Mo dodged it calmly, stepped suddenly on the ground, and flew across the wide field like a swift wild wolf.


Although the grenade did not hit Lin Mo, it hit the ground nearby and made a violent explosion. Rubbles and thick smoke flew into the sky, and smoke and dust filled the air. Lin Mo glanced at a large pit not far away and was secretly surprised.

After all, his current body has only been sealed. I had just dodged the blow from the cannonball, relying solely on my strong mental power to capture the position of his attack at the moment the grenade was released, and then dodge it.

But he was still shocked by this ridiculously strong attack.

But time did not give Lin Mo time to be stunned. The second grenade struck in an instant! The intense fireworks left traces of afterimages in the void! Lin Mo's footsteps started running again.

The terrifying hurricane basically passed by Lin Mo's ears, constantly bombarding the ground nearby. Countless large craters increased under the bombardment. Gravel, dust, and the smell of gunpowder continued to invade Lin Mo. Mo's brain.

But there was no trace of panic on Lin Mo's face. He had a calm expression, as if he was dodging the cannonballs as if he was sure of victory.

Fortunately, the girl's grenade is not omnipotent. Every time Shasha Miya Saya uses a grenade, she has to recharge it. At that time, it will be Lin Mo's counterattack!

Victory or defeat can be decided in an instant!

When a cannonball hit, Lin Mo's figure turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Shasha Palace Saya with a sharp whistling sound.

Shasha Gong Saya's expression changed slightly. After all, her current weapons could only deal with enemies farther away. Once the enemy gets close, they can only be beaten passively. Moreover, because today was just a test, she did not bring out other weapons.

She thought she could defeat Lin Mo with just the howitzer, but she complained about Lin Mo's ridiculously fast reflexes!

What greeted her now was the one-handed sword in Lin Mo's hand!

The tip of the lightsaber struck towards Shasha Gong Saya as if it cut through the void. The strong sword wind blew against her little face.

The girl could only abandon the howitzer in her hand, pulled out a lightsaber and collided with Lin Mo's lightsaber.

Two almost identical lightsabers collided fiercely in the void, and the sparks caused by the friction almost splashed onto their faces.

Shasha Miya Saya only felt a brute force coming from her arm. Originally, this fighting method was not suitable for her, but because her weapons were still being inspected and repaired, she could only pick up the blade and fight Lin Mo confronted.

Shasha Miya Saya only felt a brute force coming from her arm. Originally, this fighting method was not suitable for her, but because her weapons were still being inspected and repaired, she could only pick up the blade and fight Lin Mo confronted.

The corners of Lin Mo's mouth raised. He could see that the girl seemed to have lost the technological weapons that were beyond ordinary people for some reason. You can only passively fight him in close combat. But Lin Mo felt it was time to end it.

The hand holding the sword suddenly became stronger! Like a tiger, it waved downwards with a faint power!

Facing the oncoming sword edge, Shasha Miya Saya's figure retreated violently. While retreating, she still did not forget to charge the weapon!

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