Asuna was startled, as if she didn't expect that Kradir would pull someone to back him up when he was desperate.

Asuna was startled, as if she didn't expect that Kradir would pull someone to back him up when he was desperate.

Lin Mo already knew what kind of person he was, so he was on guard. In the moment of crisis, a stream of light suddenly crossed Kradir's body.

Kradir's body suddenly froze!

Then it split in two and fell directly to the ground. There was still a look of disbelief on his face. In this case, even if you use powerful recovery tools, it is impossible to fully recover.

Kradir still had a quarter of his health bar left, but it was cleared in an instant and turned into fragments all over the sky, scattered around.

Asuna's hand on the hilt of the sword slowly dropped.

The tense nerves also relaxed, and a big hand quietly placed on Asuna's shoulder.

Asuna turned around and saw Lin Mo's extremely familiar face.

Let's go back!


At this time, it was not appropriate to say anything else. The two of them immediately walked towards the transfer door and returned to Asuna's warm little home.

At this time, Asuna's spirit seemed to have recovered.

Lin Mo poured her a cup of tea and sat across from her, looking at each other.

I will report this matter to the group leader today.

Asuna drank her tea and said in a low tone.

Really? Just don't pay too much attention to today's matter. The other party is just a clown, there is no need to worry about it.

Even though I say that, I'm afraid! I'm afraid what will happen to you if I don't arrive in time.

I'm afraid that you will disappear from my sight.

So when I had a premonition that something was bad, I rushed over immediately. Fortunately, nothing happened to you, otherwise...

Asuna said this with a frightened expression. The two hands folded together could not help but become tighter.

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268 What do you want to do, but you can’t do it...

Early the next morning, when a ray of gentle sunshine shone on his face, Lin Mo slowly woke up.


Last night, it could be said that Lin Mo had the most comfortable sleep in SAO. You might understand it if you look at Asuna who is cowering like a kitten under the quilt.

Lin Mo's eyes immediately turned to Asuna's unprotected side face, and his calm heart was ignited again, but when he thought of the promise he made yesterday, the burning desire became more intense. It went out as if it was filled with cold water.

Although I can't do anything, I can still appreciate the beautiful woman's graceful figure~.

Caressing Asuna's soft and smooth back, Lin Mo felt the gentle touch in his hand, and a surprised look flashed in his eyes.

It is obviously just a fictional character, but it can perfectly reflect the smooth touch of real skin in the virtual game. If Kayaba Akihiko were placed in the forbidden world, he would definitely not be a small figure. At the very least, he would be someone who is in the same category as the leader of Academy City!

Unfortunately, the thoughts in his mind were too dangerous.

Lin Mo sighed softly. Asuna, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to be dissatisfied with Lin Mo's movements on her body, and kept twisting her body, trying to get rid of Lin Mo's big hand.

The girl's skin as beautiful as pearls was also exposed at this moment.

Lin Mo's eyes were staring straight at Asuna's suffocatingly beautiful profile. He wanted to do something in his heart, but when he thought of the consequences, he gave up.

What's more, in SAO, you can't take off other people's clothes unless you have their consent.

So Lin Mo gave up very simply. After a few minutes, Asuna seemed to have had enough sleep. But the closed eyes were not opened. Her eyebrows trembled slightly, because she could always feel a restless hand moving around on her body.

He gently knocked off the big hand on his body, and then rolled his eyes at Lin Mo.

What are you doing up so early?

Why, can't it?

Asuna pouted, but she knew that Lin Mo was the kind of person who slept until the sun was shining.

After a few seconds of silence, Asuna crawled onto Lin Mo's chest and whispered, Is it okay for me to move in with you from now on?

Listening to Asuna's voice, Lin Mo stroked her hair and said with a smile: Do you think I would have any objections? After all, I can see the sleeping face of a peerless beauty every morning when I wake up, and I am very happy. It’s too late! How could you refuse?”

What's more, haven't we already confirmed our relationship? At this time, even if you want to go back on it, it's too late.

You are really domineering!

Asuna sighed softly.

Asuna sighed softly.

Okay, let's not talk about this for now. It's almost time to get up from me, right? Lin Mo patted her back and said. Although he really wanted to continue to be affectionate, he was very aggrieved by being able to only look at her and not be able to take a step closer.

After the two of them finished washing, they sat at the dining table and ate breakfast.

Let's take a good rest these days! Asuna said.

Lin Mo supported his chin with both hands and nodded: It just so happens that the progress of the strategy team has slowly slowed down in the past few days. I will take this opportunity to propose a vacation. Heathiklev will probably not refuse.

· ··········Please ask for flowers····· ·········

Yes! Players have also begun to feel that the recent atmosphere has begun to feel a little wrong, so they have adjusted their status in the past few days to cope with the strategy for the 75th floor. Asuna agreed.

It doesn't matter how many days you take off as long as it makes you happy.

Thank you, Lin Mo.

The gentle look in Asuna's eyes deepened.

........ .. .. ..

After the two warmed up for a while, they decided to first report to Heathcliff that Kradir was the remnant of the Smiling Coffin.

It would be bad if Emperor Hizcra was trying to solve problems.

Floor 55, the headquarters of the Blood Alliance Knights.

The members guarding the gate looked happy when they saw Asuna walking over, but when they saw Lin Mo next to her, their expressions darkened again.

But they didn't dare to make the slightest mistake, and the gap in strength between the two was still very intuitive to recognize.

But if you think about it a little bit, it might make sense. On the one hand, Lin Mo defeated their most respected leader. On the other hand, he took away Asuna, a woman who combines beauty and strength.

Everyone will be unhappy.

What's more, that person is still their deputy leader!

Under the murderous eyes of the guards, Lin Mo and Asuna slowly walked into Emperor Hizkra's room.

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269 ​​Ring?

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270 Little girl in white!

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271 Yui’s waking up

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