265 Kradir’s Revenge

What are you doing! Let me go quickly! Asuna came back to her senses and said angrily, struggling a few times symbolically.

Don't let go.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mo said very shamelessly. Not only did he not let her go, he hugged her tighter.

Feeling the hot breath exhaled from Lin Mo's nose, Asuna's cheeks gradually became crimson.

Aren't you afraid that I will send you to prison?

Lin Mo immediately sneered at Asuna's threat: Then just give it a try.

Asuna was helpless, and it was not uncommon for Lin Mo to be shameless.

Then how can you let me go Four Five Three?

Lin Mo smiled evilly, and while Asuna compromised, he didn't forget to move his little hands around Asuna's body.

Let me think about it.

After thinking for a while, Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he said, Kiss me and I'll let you go!

Asuna was stunned. Lin Mo's shamelessness once again set her lower limit.

But feeling the heat coming from her body and the constant beeps from the system above her head, she was stuck in a decision-making process.

How about it?

Seeing that Asuna remained motionless, Lin Mo's big hand slowly moved along her graceful figure.

There was not much time left for Asuna. Asuna bit her lip and decided to die! Anyway, just a kiss on the cheek, it should be fine...probably...

After thinking about it, Asuna closed her eyes and slowly moved her head towards Lin Mo's side face, her face already covered in bright red. Liu Mei trembled slightly, proving that her heart was not as peaceful as she appeared.

Looking at the shy Asuna, Lin Mo had a proud smile on his lips.

Just when Asuna's cherry-like lips were about to touch the side of Lin Mo's face, Lin Mo suddenly turned his head.

The two lips finally met...

Asuna's big eyes suddenly opened, looking at the face so close, a trace of disbelief flashed in her eyes, and she hurriedly wanted to separate, but was held down by Lin Mo's big hand.

Forced to do nothing, she could only subconsciously accept the aggression from Lin Mo.

I don't know how long it took, but their lips finally slowly separated.

Looking at Asuna who looked confused, Lin Mo chuckled. However, it was this chuckle that made Asuna, who had been addicted to it, quickly come back to her senses.

you you you you you……

you you you you you……

Asuna spoke incoherently and touched Lin Mo with her little hands. It was as if there was a mass of muddy water in her mind, making her brain confused.

She clearly remembered that she only kissed Lin Mo's side face, how could she kiss him on the lips?

As if he understood Asuna's doubts, Lin Mo smiled and said, I don't seem to have specified where you will kiss me, right?

Asuna suddenly woke up, but the matter was over and she couldn't change what happened before, so she could only say angrily.

Then you can let me go now!


Lin Mo laughed playfully and let go of Asuna in his arms. After regaining her freedom, she immediately ran to the side and stared at Lin Mo warily. It was as if she had seen some heinous villain, which made her 'disgusted'.

Lin Mo looked unconcerned.

Then please go out now! I'm going to bed.

Listening to Asuna's cold voice, Lin Mo shrugged and said: Although I really want to stay and do some wonderful things with you, but now is obviously not that time... .”

It's not that time, which means it will definitely happen one day in the future. Asuna's face turned red when she thought of this. Just thinking about it makes me feel restless.

However, these had nothing to do with Lin Mo. When he came out of Asuna's room, he felt refreshed.

I looked up at the dim sky and saw that there were only 25 levels left to clear this world. At this time, he could already see the players fighting hard in the maze area.

But there is still 21% left before he can liberate his body limiter. As long as he is the first to defeat the defensive boss in front of the players, he is almost done.

Lin Mo felt very good at the thought of being able to torture Aiwass after going out.

Lin Mo walked on the cold street, with only a few lights left to guide the road ahead. Because it was already very late when I left the party, and now I was sending Asuna back, so there was basically no one around.

A special fragrance wafted from not far away. At first, Lin Mo didn't feel anything, but as his body became weak, he realized that something was wrong. 3.6

But at this time, the body had already collapsed to the ground.

There was a state of 'paralysis' on the top of the head.

Hahahahaha! Isn't this our strongest player...Lin Mojun?

A crazy laughter sounded wantonly from the end of the street, and as the distance shortened, it got bigger and bigger! .

Finally... a figure slowly appeared in Lin Mo's eyes.

Kradir, who had a ferocious face, walked over and stood not far from Lin Mo...

(Please subscribe, send flowers, and give rewards. Regarding the kiss scene, I dare not describe it in detail for fear of being censored.)

Asuna's arrival and Kradiel's death

Kradir held a small knife in his hand and stood not far from Lin Mo with a gloomy look on his face, and the distance between the two of them became closer and closer as he moved around. finally! Kradir stood in front of Lin Mo...

Lin Mo! I finally got a chance. I wasted nearly a day waiting for you here! I still can't forget the look on your face when you stepped on me.

At the same time, I also know that my own strength has no chance of winning against you! But I am not willing to accept it. Why can someone like you, who is just slightly luckier than others, be able to stand at the top of SAO?

The only one who can stand at the top of SAO is me, Kradir! A pretty boy like you only needs to be stepped on by me!

Kradir murmured to himself, not paying attention to Lin Mo's cold expression.

So, you want to kill me and then take away my equipment, right?

Lin Mo said indifferently, and Kradir did not see any trace of panic on his face.

This made Kradir very angry, but thinking that Lin Mo was now at the mercy of others, he couldn't help but calm down.

That's right! When the time comes, I only need to create the illusion that SAO's strongest player was killed by the remnants of Smiling Coffin, and then no one will doubt me.

Kradir sneered, looking at Lin Mo who was paralyzed on the ground unable to move, with a proud look on his face. Even if you are the strongest player in SAO, so what? Still not at my mercy?

But what Lin Mo said next made him a little stunned.

I'm afraid you are the remnant of the so-called Smiling Coffin, right?

Lin Mo glanced at the paralysis on his body, and then said expressionlessly.

I didn't expect that I would be discovered by you.

Kradir said cruelly, and then flashed the unique symbol of the Smiling Coffin on his shoulder: You are already a dying person anyway, so it doesn't matter if I tell you. This paralysis poison, but I specially use it from the Smiling Coffin. Brought out from inside.”

Although the Smiling Coffin was almost wiped out by the people of the strategy team, there are many good things inside, which are eye-catching. As for what they are, you don't need to know that.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Kradir's mouth: I know you want to delay time, but with this kind of paralysis poison, even Heathcliff is here, he can't completely break free, I have to kill you now, otherwise If someone else sees it, I can’t clear my mind even if I want to.”

As we all know, there are usually protection mechanisms in SAO towns, so Kradir must use Lin Mo's fingers to trade equipment or teleport to the wild.

Therefore, Kradir has already tested everything. He first paralyzed Lin Mo's body in the town, and then there was a transfer platform not far away. At that time, he could directly transfer Lin Mo's body to the wild, and then kill him. .

Fortunately, Lin Mo also knew what Kradir was thinking, so while his body was being carried away by him, he silently counted the time for the paralysis effect.

However, just when Lin Mo was transferred to another place, a maroon figure quickly shuttled through the town.

However, just when Lin Mo was transferred to another place, a maroon figure quickly shuttled through the town.

Lin Mo looked at the scene in the surrounding wilderness and knew what Kradir would do next.

Kradir looked at Lin Mo who fell at his feet, and a hint of joy flashed across his hateful face: Even if you want to ask for mercy now, it's too late!

As soon as he finished speaking, a blood-red long sword appeared in Kradir's hand, and he immediately aimed at Lin Mo's thigh and stabbed it mercilessly!

The flash of pain made Lin Mo frown tightly.

But he has no time to worry about anything more now. The most urgent task is to stop Kradir's sword from going deeper. His blood volume has slowly decreased under his attack. As long as it lasts for 1 minute, the paralysis effect should be almost gone.

He stretched out both hands and firmly grasped Kradir's sword.

At the same time, the moment Kradir attacked Lin Mo, he suddenly turned orange!

Kradir's face darkened, and a trace of disbelief flashed across his face as he looked at Lin Mo, who was grabbing the hilt of his sword. You must know that this kind of paralysis poison can paralyze the next guarding Boss in an instant!

This kind of thing is also extremely precious. If it weren't for dealing with Lin Mo, Kradir would not choose to exchange all his belongings for this kind of thing.

.‖I didn't expect that you still have room to resist!

Lin Mo still maintained an expressionless face, but the flash of murderous intent in his eyes could not be concealed at any cost.

Unfortunately, what I hate most is this feeling of being controlled by others.

(Wang Qianhao) You should take advantage of the moment to be quick!

Kradir snorted coldly, and another long sword appeared in his other hand, aiming at Lin Mo's chest, and suddenly stabbed it!

Lin Mo's slightly squinted eyes suddenly widened, and the paralysis above his head disappeared in an instant just as Kradir was about to stab his chest!

At the same time, another maroon figure arrived in time, a loud shout suddenly sounded, and green sword shadows swept over the sky.

Even though she was facing a player, Asuna still had no mercy!

(Please subscribe. I have been busy making videos these days, and the update has been delayed a bit. It’s my fault. Also, please don’t vote so hard for updates. The author can’t bear it T...T).

267 Scared Asuna

Just when Asuna's sword skills were about to hit Kradiel. His eyes suddenly hardened, and he looked at Lin Mo who had collapsed on the ground and had not yet fully recovered. The movements in his hands couldn't help but speed up a lot. Now that someone has discovered it, why not find someone to support you before you die?

How could Lin Mo not know what Kradir was thinking? He immediately snorted coldly. At the moment when the paralysis effect disappeared, his body rolled on the ground and stomped over the fate of the sword tip piercing his chest. At the same time, he punched with his right hand, accusing The force skill struck his chest like lightning.


Kradir's body flew out quickly and hit the big tree nearby. In conjunction with Asuna's full blow, the health bar was almost empty.

Asuna, who arrived in time, ran over with an anxious look on her face, and couldn't help but blame herself in her tone: I'm sorry, Lin Mo, I'm late.

Lin Mo looked at the half-blood bar on his head and shook his head: It's okay, 903, I just didn't expect that guy Kradir would be ambushing him in the town.

In the town, Lin Mo was indeed a little careless and was tricked by Kradir. Even he would never have thought that Kradir would actually take action at this time.

But now that the paralysis effect has disappeared, Lin Mo will naturally show no mercy. The strong murderous intent in his eyes can be felt by Kradir even from a distance.

His expression changed from the original expression of hatred and joy to one of panic and fear.

He hurriedly tried to take out the transfer crystal from his backpack, but before he could pronounce the first word, the transfer crystal was knocked away by Asuna's sword light.

Deputy Captain, I was wrong. I shouldn't have attacked Lin Mo. Please forgive me for the sake of being a guild!

Kradir knelt down and begged. However (bjfe) How could Asuna, who had a cold face, be moved by just a few words?

Spare you? Not to mention that you are no longer a member of the Blood Alliance Knights. Just saying that you hurt Lin Mo is enough to betray your death!

Asuna paused for a while and continued in a cold voice: What's more, I can clearly see the smiling coffin symbol on your arm!

Seeing that he had no chance, a trace of imperceptible viciousness flashed in Kradir's eyes.

If he is caught in prison, what awaits him will be endless jail time. What's more, Lin Mo, who has recovered, will definitely not let him go. He didn't believe that Lin Mo would be merciful and spare his life.

What's more, he already had resentment towards Asuna. This bitch never showed her face every time. Didn't she forget that she had been doing her best? Didn't she see it? (I think)

Put yourself in an embarrassing situation every time.

When he thought of this, Kradi immediately made a decision that caught Asuna off guard.

A red knife suddenly appeared in the hand of Kradir hidden behind his back. His body exploded instantly and he ran towards Asuna with a ferocious expression.

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