Lin Mo comforted Asuna softly, and the surprise in his heart was no better than Kirito's. Unexpectedly, Asuna, who usually looks majestic, also has a fragile side inside.

Speaking of which, Asuna cried for the same reason as Kirito, but after this incident, she really burst out.

Hate this world, hate this world where death can happen at any time. Lin Mo originally thought Asuna had looked away, but the result was no different.

Maybe there is too much pressure in daily life, which is why she is like this now?

Of course there is the most important point. In the original work, Asuna, Kirito and others also participated in the encirclement and suppression of the Smiling Coffin.

But after it was over, Asuna didn't cry as much as she did now. The reason was naturally that she didn't find a support in her heart.

But Lin Mo's arrival just touched the fragile heartstring hidden deep in Asuna's heart.

That’s why the accumulated stress usually bursts out like a flood.

After Asuna finished crying, she snuggled into Lin Mo's arms, her whole body trembling, and her face was already flushed.

She just did these things subconsciously, without thinking at all.

When she came to her senses, she realized what she had done. The strange looks around her made her want to find a hole to crawl in.

But Lin Mo's warm embrace, I don't know why, but I can't let go no matter what.

When she thought of this, the blush on Asuna's face became deeper and gradually spread to the roots behind her ears.

Lin Mo looked at Asuna's shy and pretty face, and for some reason he felt the urge to laugh. When I think about Asuna, who used to show no mercy to others, she also has such a side.

Asuna naturally caught his strange behavior, looked at Lin Mo angrily, leaned against him for a few seconds, and then left Lin Mo's arms.

Then he left without looking back.

Lin Mo touched the bridge of his nose with a look of helplessness on his face. Looking at Asuna's back, she quickly followed her.

This mission was completed very well, especially under the leadership of the deputy captain and Lin Mojun, it produced unexpected results~~

Heathcliff glanced at the assembled crowd with a look of recognition on his face.

The players all had happy smiles on their faces, and some even put their arms around each other. After all, a huge hidden danger in SAO was eliminated. While they felt relaxed, they also looked at the figure standing at the front of the team, Bi An, with admiration.

In this battle, Heathcliff, the leader of the Blood Alliance Knights, still maintained his undefeated myth!

In this battle, Heathcliff, the leader of the Blood Alliance Knights, still maintained his undefeated myth!

The health bar still remains green!

You must know that there are many people besieging him this time. In this case, he can still maintain a blood line above the yellow blood bar. In the eyes of the players, it is really appalling!

So there is even more admiration for him.

But when it comes to Lin Mo and Asuna, the player looks at the two figures in the corner with strange eyes.

I saw the two figures standing together inseparable. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful. To outsiders, the two were as well matched as a golden boy and a beautiful girl.

These two people, if not unexpected, are Asuna and Lin Mo!

I don't know what Lin Mo just said in Asuna's ear, causing an imperceptible smile and a hint of shyness to appear on her face.

But Lin Mo's face showed more helplessness and satisfaction.

The strong sense of dissonance made all the players' jaws drop in shock, but the surprise in their eyes was replaced by deep jealousy.

Is Asuna beautiful? If this sentence were said in the ears of an ordinary player, that player could just slap him in the face and say something angrily.

.ˇYou are not talking nonsense!

It can be seen from this that Asuna's reputation among players is so high. If she were not beautiful, she would not be rated as one of the five beauties of SAO.

So in the eyes of others, Lin Mo took away their beloved deputy captain. How could he not cause public outrage?

Judging from their murderous looks, they can almost go to Lin Mo Yijue to fight to the death. Of course, the premise is that you have to beat him...

After Hezcliff said a few words, everyone (remarkably) disbanded, leaving only the people of the Blood Alliance Knights.

At this moment, a firm look flashed in Asuna's eyes, she took a deep breath, walked to Heathcliff's side and said.

Captain, I have something to discuss with you.

Heathcliff always kept a calm smile on his face, and did not rush to agree. Instead, he looked at Lin Mo next to her and said, Come with me, this is not a suitable place for talking.

Asuna and Lin Mo looked at each other, and then followed Heathcliff.

(Please subscribe to Flowers. I have been saving new book manuscripts recently, so the updates are a bit slow. There will be a wave of 6 updates on Saturday.)

248 Duel

Tell me, what do you want to discuss with me? Heizkelev sat in front of the meeting, with his hands on his chin and a faint smile on his face.

Captain, I want to leave the team for a few days.

Asuna took a deep breath, bit her lip and said.

Oh? Can you tell me why?

An imperceptible light flashed in Heathcliff's eyes.

Because after going through this, I want to take a good rest for a few days.

Asuna slowly spoke out the words she had prepared, and casually glanced at Lin Mo standing beside her.

She didn't know why, but as long as Lin Mo was around, her courage would be greatly improved.

Heathcliff did not agree or refuse, but said calmly to Asuna: You should know that we are in a tense state of conquering progress now. If we conquer as soon as possible, we can escape from this world as soon as possible. Isn't this right? Is it what the players want? If you were not here at this time, those people would have very big objections.

Lin 350 Mo's brows wrinkled slightly and he cursed the old fox secretly. Do you plan to use the strategy team and the liberation of all players to suppress Asuna? Indeed, if Asuna was not on the front line, the progress of the strategy would undoubtedly be much slower.

There are still 33 floors left before the 100th floor. If Asuna is suddenly not on the front line at this time, there will be a lot of discussion. If there is no one to take Asuna's position, the road ahead will undoubtedly be very difficult.

Asuna looked anxious, fearing that Heathcliff would not agree. She was now wearing the uniform of the Knights of the Blood Alliance, so even if she wanted to leave the team without permission, she would not be able to do so.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand and put it on Asuna's shoulder, motioning for him to step back.

Although Asuna didn't understand what Lin Mo was going to do, she felt relieved when she saw his confident expression and didn't know why. He retreated behind Lin Mo.

Lin Mo stared closely at Heathcliff in front of him: How do you want to let (bgec) go? It's such a big blood alliance knights, it should be enough to find someone to replace Asuna's position, right?

Hearing this, a gleam suddenly flashed in Heathcliff's eyes. Lin Mo said this, which meant that the initiative was in his own hands, but he certainly couldn't let him go easily. He had to find a way.

Heathcliff tapped his fingers lightly on the table, lost in thought.

Asuna looked at Heathcliff nervously. The heavy atmosphere in the conference room made her palms slowly sweat.

It's not impossible to let people go if you want to...

Heathcliff spoke slowly, but Lin Mo knew that things were not that simple. Sure enough, the next sentence confirmed his idea.

But you have to have a one-on-one PK with me, how about that?


Asuna was startled, with uneasiness appearing on her face.

Not only that, I can also promise you an additional condition. With my personality, I will agree unconditionally as long as it is within my ability. But! If you lose, you must join the Blood Alliance Knights.

Heathcliff said again, a smile slowly appearing on his face. He has concluded that Lin Mo will definitely take over this competition.

I agreed.

As expected by Heathcliff, Lin Mo agreed without hesitation and did not see the anxious expression on Asuna's face.

As expected by Heathcliff, Lin Mo agreed without hesitation and did not see the anxious expression on Asuna's face.

The time is set for the afternoon of the day after tomorrow. Is that okay? Heathcliff said calmly.

no problem.

Lin Mo nodded.

Then we'll see.

Although Heathcliff's face didn't show anything, the gleam of victory in his eyes could not be concealed no matter what.

However, he did not notice the subtle smile on Lin Mo's face.

Who will win is not sure in the end!

Coming out of the conference room, Asuna couldn't bear it anymore and shouted towards Lin Mo.

Why did you agree? It's not like you don't know how powerful the leader is!

Of course I know.

Then you still agree to it!

After hearing this, Asuna's face became even more angry.

The leader's health bar has never dropped to yellow, and he has a unique skill that combines offense and defense: Holy Sword!

How are you going to win in this situation!

He is very strong, so I must be weak? Lin Mo glanced at the furious Asuna next to him and said calmly.

Asuna's voice suddenly stopped, and he recalled that the man in front of him was known as the strongest player in SAO!

If the two really fight, it's not certain who will win.


Asuna started to worry again.

If you lose, don't you have to join the Blood Alliance Knights!

I won't lose. When have you ever seen me lose?

Lin Mo's strong self-confidence was exaggerated to Asuna who was standing aside.

Asuna sighed.

I hope so!

She has decided that no matter what happens, she will definitely stand by Lin Mo's side.

(Please subscribe, flowers, 6 updates tomorrow. Please give me everything!).

249 Duel Day!

The day of the duel came soon, and I don't know where the players got the news about the duel between Heizkelev and Lin Mo, which caused the duel field where the two were to be extremely popular.

On the busy streets, most people were walking in one direction, with excited expressions on their faces.

The purpose of their trip was exactly where Lin Mo and Heathcliff dueled.

One is the leader of the Knights of the Blood Alliance, Heathcliff, who has unique skills in SAO. The other is known as the strongest player in SAO who has conquered nearly half of the floors by himself.

The duel between the two has not yet begun, and the surrounding auditorium is slowly filling up. The popularity is the highest in SAO's history!

In the center of the duel arena, two people were facing each other. They are the protagonists of this banquet, Heathcliff, -Lin Mo!

Not far away, Asuna stood at the entrance of the duel arena. She looked at the figure on the arena with a worried expression. The fists on her chest were slightly clenched. She could only believe in Lin Mo now and believe that he could come. What a miracle!

Lin Mojun, I'm so sorry. I don't know where they got the information about our duel. Heizkelev held the shield in one hand and rested the hilt of the straight sword on the ground with an apologetic look. said.

But from his eyes, Lin Mo didn't see any apology, there was just the burning fire of battle.

Of course, Lin Mo knew who revealed the news of this battle. It was far away and right in front of his eyes. Since Lin Mo is known as the strongest player in SAO, as long as Heathcliff defeats Lin Mo head-on, the halo revealed to him will dim.

Vice versa.

The two of them fought with their own names on the line. One was the player with the title of 'Strongest', and the other was the player with the title of 'Invincible Myth'!

The fight between the two had already become extremely heated even before it started, and the cheers from the audience never stopped.

Everyone gave their best cheers for their favorite people, and some even opened a betting market.

The noisy sounds around him made Lin Mo frown slightly. He was not particularly unaccustomed to this feeling of being in the spotlight.

Let's start quickly.

Lin Mo said coldly.

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