Everyone took a breath. Just one blow, with its powerful strength attribute, killed a person whose health bar was still in a healthy state in an instant.

This was the first time they saw Lin Mo take action. If he didn't take action, it would be amazing! Fully reflects Lin Mo today.

Even the player who fell to the ground still had disbelief in his eyes. He was just a little bit away from exiting the world stage forever.

He could clearly feel that his body was trembling all over, and his eyes showed fear.

He finally understood now that the moment he was about to kill them, the other party's words and deeds were no different from his own now!

It's just that the roles have been reversed...

And Heathcliff, who was not far away, was obviously attracted by the sound of an explosion. He turned his head and discovered that Lin Mo was there. He smiled slightly and immediately began to concentrate on dealing with the few people in front of him. personal. No one knew what was going on in his mind.

And Heathcliff, who was not far away, was obviously attracted by the sound of an explosion. He turned his head and discovered that Lin Mo was there. He smiled slightly and immediately began to concentrate on dealing with the few people in front of him. personal. No one knew what was going on in his mind.

Lin Mo walked over step by step, looked at the player who collapsed on the ground, and raised the weapon in his hand expressionlessly, without a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

Then he chopped it off without hesitation.

The player looked at the long sword on his chest, with a trace of unwillingness and resentment in his eyes. His tightened pupils seemed to leave Lin Mo in his mind forever, but as his HP reached zero, his figure It turned into pieces and drifted away in the wind.

The other five players seemed to be frightened by Lin Mo's vigorous actions, and no one dared to rush forward for a while.

Despite this, it does not mean that Lin Mo will not take action.

········Ask for flowers···

The figure rushed forward like a breeze, leaving a faint afterimage along the road. The sword light, which was no slower than Asuna's speed, suddenly turned into double shadows all over the sky and attacked the few people who were stunned on the spot.

Seeing that Lin Mo had attacked, several people quickly came to their senses. They had just been shocked by Lin Mo's power. For people like them who always walk on the edge of a knife, the death of their companions cannot affect their mentality.

The dense sword shadows were like a sword curtain, sweeping away grains of sand.

“Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

Five thick voices came, and the few people did not defend against any of Lin Mo's blows! The lightning-like attack made their brains completely confused, and all they could see was the sword light filling the sky.

.... ..... 0

Lin Mo's power is not only abnormal, but his speed is no less than Asuna!

The figures that flew upside down immediately stabilized, and their health bars dropped to yellow without exception.

Compared with Lin Mo's charged blow just now, this ultra-fast swordsmanship that cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye is slightly less powerful.

Several people quickly distanced themselves from Lin Mo. In just a few rounds of confrontation, they had fully understood Lin Mo's strength. If you still dare to get close to Lin Mo now, you are not stupid, but you are mentally retarded!

So they looked at each other and understood the meaning of deal with each other.

Use three people to hold Lin Mo down, and then the other two people use secret hidden weapons that have been prepared. As long as they are hit, they will immediately lose their combat effectiveness!

This is also the strategy they have already prepared!

(Please subscribe, send flowers, and give rewards! As this is the first book for a newcomer, many things cannot achieve the ideal state in everyone's mind. The author is also very sorry here. Not only in terms of writing, but also in terms of plot conception. In all aspects, everyone is a little disappointed, and the author deeply apologizes! And vows to continue learning and tell everyone what he wants to express through writing and plot!).

245 A devastating battle

The people around Lin Mo exchanged glances with each other. Although the faces under the cloaks could not be seen clearly, they could understand each other's thoughts in an instant.

Lin Mo only felt a sense of crisis coming from him. After a long period of training, he subconsciously held his long sword across his chest. Just as he finished this series of actions in one go, a small silver light tore through It filled the air, magnified infinitely in Lin Mo's eyes, and finally hit his sword.


A particularly clear sound sounded, and Lin Mo saw clearly what the weapon that was attacking him was, a very small silver needle! It was coated with black liquid. If the 740 did not observe carefully, it might not be possible to find this weapon that is less than 1 millimeter.

Several people had long expected that Lin Mo would block this attack. The next moment, arrows shot out like arrows from a string, and various weapons exuded rich light of skill.

One of them slowly retreated into the darkness.

Lin Mo looked at the people who were shooting with no expression on their faces. Although this little trick may not seem like much, once it is ignored, it can easily become a deadly explosive and blow yourself to pieces.

Lin Mo snorted coldly, the tip of the Abyss Devourer's sword pointed diagonally at the ground, his figure slightly bent, and the other hand was placed in front of his chest, not retreating but advancing! The whole body suddenly turned into a blue light, flashing towards the void!

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

The collision of weapons sounded like falling rain. Facing the offensive of several people, Lin Mo was like a tiger in the jungle, waving the sword dance brought by the Abyss Devourer wantonly.

The swordsmanship, which was reaching its peak, brought up gusts of wind, and more than a dozen illusory sword shadows stabbed forward mercilessly.

The four people waved their weapons vigorously, and large beads of sweat flowed out of each person's face hidden under the cloak.

Obviously, they are in a state of exhaustion!

Although the other person hiding in the dark used long-range attacks to consume Lin Mo from time to time, his attacks were all blocked by Lin Mo, who was well prepared.

Not to mention the few people who were fighting Lin Mo head-on, their defense alone was already too much and they couldn't launch any effective offensive at all.

The result was clear. Just when they were pressed to the point of being out of breath, Lin Mo suddenly shouted loudly, a thunderous sound suddenly erupted, and the abyss devourer's light suddenly increased.

Swing it at a few people!

It was obviously a one-handed long sword that could not be more insipid, but the power it exerted was able to bring about waves of 'wind and rolling clouds'. To outsiders, it is simply unbelievable!


The explosion that resounded through the sky suddenly sounded like a thunderous roar, and the figures of several people rushed out, and finally hit the wall beside them.

The explosion that resounded through the sky suddenly sounded like a thunderous roar, and the figures of several people rushed out, and finally hit the wall beside them.

There was a shocking scar on his chest and body.

The place where Lin Mo fought was already very conspicuous, but unexpectedly, this explosion, which was stronger than before, attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone gasped when they saw the scene around him.

The place where Lin Mo fought exploded like a meteorite impact, with rubble flying all over the sky, and the scene was a mess.

As for the people who fell on the wall, it was obvious that there was a huge crater behind them.

But the virtual bloodstains on their bodies accelerated their death. Unexpectedly, after a few seconds, the entire body split apart like fragments...

Lin Mo waved his sword casually, with an indifferent expression on his face, as if he had done something indifferent.

With one blow, several people were instantly killed!

How terrifying!

Although no one present had paid attention to Lin Mo's battle, the shocking effect could not affect their admiration for Lin Mo in their hearts.

Since the friendly side admires him, the enemy can only be afraid of him.

Even though the four of them seemed to be knocked out of action by Lin Mo, only Lin Mo knew that after a few minutes of fighting, their health bars had dropped to red.

He just gathered his strength together and then simply swung it out.

Four people were eliminated at once, and the effect was undoubtedly inspiring.

As if being stimulated by Lin Mo, the players were not to be outdone, and exploded with the greatest strength in their lives, defeating them one by one! 1.3

As for the other person fighting with Lin Mo, he had shrunk so much that he didn't even dare to show his head.

Lin Mo glanced around the empty venue and found that the sound here was almost occupied by all the shouts.

Passing through the crowd, he finally locked onto a beautiful figure.

(Please give me flowers, subscribe, and give rewards! Sword Art Online is here to speed up! The next world is the Fat series. As for how many times the protagonist appears until the Holy Grail War, you are welcome to leave a message below the book review to discuss your suggestions, or in the QQ group Chat with me privately! This group drives at irregular times every day. If you are interested, you can come and have a look.)

246 The end of the battle and Asuna’s cry

Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Asuna not far away.

Asuna always had a serious expression on her face, and the thin rapier turned into a rain of swords in her hand like starlight. Her elegant posture makes her movements as holy as those of ancient knights...

The knight uniform based on white and red brings her temperament that can be seen from a distance but not played with to the extreme!

Asuna's posture in the midst of battle is undoubtedly the most eye-catching. But it doesn't mean that Lin Mo will put Asuna in danger.

A figure shot away like a streak of blue starlight with a long tail and a faint sound of air explosion.

The Smiling Coffin members surrounding Asuna were obviously startled by Lin Mo's sudden attack. They had clearly seen what they had just done, but Asuna was clinging to them like thorns. If they were not careful, they would be stabbed by her knight sword. 16

Therefore, they could only try their best to avoid the two attacks in order to minimize the damage caused by being attacked from both sides.

But is it possible?

Lin Mo and Asuna seemed to have a telepathic connection, constantly exchanging their figures to make up for the physical stalemate caused by the other's attacks.

SAO always has a final limit on the body's judgment, and this limit is physical stalemate.

Every time a knife is swung, there will be a brief stalemate in the body. Neither Asuna nor Lin Mo can escape this rule.

It's just that because of the powerful attributes of the two, this shortcoming is not worth mentioning.

Several people were miserable. Faced with the attacks of these two players who could be said to be the best in SAO, they could not stand it for less than a minute before they were defeated one by one by Lin Mo and Asuna.

After dealing with these people, Lin Mo and Asuna exchanged glances with each other, as if they could understand each other's thoughts.

That is to end this battle quickly!

Since it is fast, the efficiency of the two people's cooperation is undoubtedly the highest.

Just imagine, the opponent can't even see the tip of the enemy's sword, and is killed by the ultimate swordsmanship. Is it such a frustrating thing to be unable to even defend?

At this point, a beautiful scenery suddenly appeared on the battlefield. Not only were their strength strong, but their cooperation was also tacit.

A man and a woman, like a couple, work together and are invincible. The battle between the two produced unexpected results.

The battle slowly began to become one-sided.

Originally, the number of people in the Smiling Coffin had an advantage, but under the pull of Lin Mo and Asuna, the gap gradually decreased. In the end, the people in the Smiling Coffin could only be forced to retreat.

Naturally, Lin Mo and others would not let go of this excellent opportunity and pursue the victory.

Naturally, Lin Mo and others would not let go of this excellent opportunity and pursue the victory.

Fortunately, most of the people in Smiling Coffin chose to surrender, while a small number of people were fighting to the death.

Despite this, the number of people fighting to the death is almost the same as the number of Lin Mo and others!

It can be seen from this that the total number of people in Smiling Coffin is astonishing.

Ten minutes later, the whereabouts of PoH, the president of Smiling Coffin, were unknown, and the others were arrested, and were escorted to the dungeon one by one by members of the strategy team.

Kirito and others, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, they instinctively rejected this kind of fratricide, so they did not exert their 100% strength in this battle.

Klein, are you okay? This battle is really tough.

When Kirito recalled the expressions on those people's faces when they died, his body couldn't help but tremble.

This is the first time he kills someone in a real sense!

My inner defenses almost collapsed.

Kirito, who has never experienced the moonlit night incident, is far from as strong as in the original novel.

You must know that in reality, he is just an ordinary high school student in 087!

But when he was in pain, Klein did not respond to him.

Hey Kirito, is that the deputy leader of the Blood Alliance Knights?

After a long time, Klein stretched out his hand, pointed straight ahead and said. From his 'rich' expression, you can always see a look of incredulity and disbelief.

Kirito looked in the direction Klein pointed and was momentarily froze on the spot.

Asuna was seen nestling in Lin Mo's arms, maintaining a very ambiguous posture. It could be clearly seen that there was a glistening tear stain on Asuna's face.

And Lin Mo was whispering something, obviously saying some comforting words.

Kirito finally understood why Klein was so shocked. They had never seen Asuna like that!

This kind of thing made them even doubt their own eyes.

(Please subscribe, send flowers, and give rewards!).

247 Discussion and decision!

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