Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 304: Kiss before farewell

Jingyu's hand on her cheek really felt the change. Reminiscent of her words, he finally reacted when she could hardly continue, and could not help pinching her delicate little nose.

"Are you thinking about this these days?"

God, I’m not alone without a woman. Who instilled her?

Thinking of Jingyu here, he froze and forcibly stroked his forehead, because he found the culprit.

‘What did the two little girls tell her? It is also true that I do a lot with them every day. It's just that their bodies are relatively new to me, and I'm not so bad that I can't do it. ’

Of course Jingyu couldn't imagine it all. Marika and Lilena just shyly described part of it, and Uffimia imagined part of herself. After the two of them left, he was thinking about many things in these two days, and there was more time for silence. Euphemia wondered if he had not been released and affected his body.

After thinking about it, she quietly asked her female bodyguard: Do men have to do that often?

The female bodyguard was taken aback by this problem. She dared not talk nonsense, but Euphemia asked her again. In the case of her lack of experience, she could only make a vague response.

At this moment, Yufimiya was more affirmed that she also had the current embarrassing and ambiguous situation.

I saw Uffimia lower her eyes shyly and moved her head slightly.

"Yes, if I do something for you, will you stay?"

She sounded like a mosquito and her voice trembled. Rao is she has always been bold and naive, and her whimsy is constant. At this time, when you say this kind of words, you can’t stand by the blood to the extent that the brain has reached the level of fainting, and you can stand here to bear his sight. The deputy governor's responsibilities overcame her restraint.

Jingyu stared blankly at her like this. When Uffimia could not support her, he laughed out loud. Then it became uncontrollable and turned into a hahaha laugh. Tears came out with a smile.

"You, you, you must not laugh!" Euphemia thumped into his arms and thumped him in the chest, smirking: "I don't know how embarrassed I am, I can't laugh, I can't laugh anymore, I'm angry!"

Perhaps it was instinctively feeling that he had no intention of'that aspect', her shyness had gone a lot, and the rise was annoyed.

There was also a little bit of disappointment, ‘Am I not as attractive as the two of them? 'And this is not convincing.

She beat him.

"Okay, I don't laugh anymore." After waiting for a while, the small fists tickled in his chest, and their owners gasped a little, and he finally caught the wrists of her little hands.

"You are still laughing." Big blue eyes charged at his face.

He pretended to be serious. But the expression was so strange, it was both laughing and pretending, and Uffimia was angry and could not help but feel amused. She couldn't help but laughed out. This was in his eyes, and she scolded him with a slap in his face. '. Trying to twist away, but couldn't do it because his hands were still caught.

She had to turn her face away and tell him that I haven't gotten rid of it yet, you have to say something to coax me.

"If I did something to you, your sister would come back and kill me." Jingyu said. Euphemia suddenly flashed a sad face on her face. She noticed that she seemed to be playing with him like a couple, and he was the one his sister liked, and she thought she was a good match with her sister.

No, you can't do this with him.

She has the intention to stop herself, trying to draw his hand from his hand.

But, "If, I mean, if" He spoke again, still holding her hand, and moved closer to her, "If you are willing to keep a secret together, we can do it quietly without her."

Euphemia looked up at him in surprise. The blue, beautiful and moving eyes are as beautiful as the clearest sky, and his black eyes, as deep as the night sky curtain, look at each other.

What is in her eyes?

Shy! confused? reserved! expect?

And him.

Her white tusks bite her pink lower lip, and the blue breath entered the nose of his approach.

I don’t know if I should accept it, or whether I should push him away. She just looked at those eyes, as if they were really sucked in. Then she felt that he touched herself, okay, she didn't need to think about anything.

Beya ran away quickly, what chased me in chaos

Crystal clear droplets appeared in the corner of Euphemia's eyes.

I don't know how long it has been. The unprecedented enrichment and unprecedented emptiness are all driven away by the urgency caused by the brain's lack of oxygen, and she is released by him. Feeling physically weak, he grabbed his strong arm and gasped with his head bowed.

He said something at this moment, and when she came back to look at the adulthood, she felt very uncomfortable.

"I still have to leave Yufi. I didn’t want to tell you. I didn’t want you to be sad. Eu struggled with the Battle of Alamant against Brittania and asked for help from the Chinese Federation. Alamand and our Arab region of the Chinese Federation Adjacent, its victory or defeat is related to whether Brittania will have an extra area surrounding our country. I cannot let it go."

At this time, Uffimia was really down because of another war, and there will be between Britannia and the Chinese Federation. It was like pouring cold water on the excited head. It was shy and difficult to face.

She just raised her head and asked worriedly:

"You, you will be back, right."

"I can't rest assured without letting you go to the teacher." He made such a joke at first, and then the handsome face was filled with seriousness, "I will definitely come back, and I will come back in at most a week."

Euphemia lowered her heart and smiled reluctantly at him.

On the same day, Jingyu left the 11th district by plane from the embassy and returned directly to Luoyang. After meeting Marina here, he took a plane to Paris, France, which belongs to eu.

On the same plane, there is also the ‘deceased’ Joan of Arc, the former French Virgin, who is now the Purple Palace under his command.


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