Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 303: Euphemia’s ‘misunderstanding’

Euphemia also blushed, which surprised Jingyu. He thought afterwards, maybe she was careful about him but was seen through, so I'm sorry, but I didn't care too much.

"Go if you want, as long as you don't die on the battlefield." He said lightly.

Marika and Lilena stared at him stupefyingly, and after a few seconds, he walked from the door to the desk, and this reflected it. They glanced at each other, and did not expect that he would be so accommodating in recent days. He would do such things to them every day. Under inertial thinking, they thought he would not let them go. That's why Euphemia asked for help.

Well, anyway, the result is ok.

"Thank you." They both said in unison: "So, can we prepare now?"

"Go." Jingyu picked up a document and looked at it, but didn't go to see them.

Both girls were overjoyed and saluted him like Vereta, and went out together.

"You have read them all." Jingyu pointed to the stack on the table and asked Euphemia.

"Oh, yes." Euphemia seemed a little distracted, and responded only after a moment of stun.

Jingyu glanced at her strangely. "If you're tired, you can go to rest first. Isn't there a bed."

As soon as he mentioned the bed, Euphemia shuddered again. Her small head shook like a rattle, and her face was red again.

"No, don't go to the bed." She said anxiously.

""Jingyu had lived in vain for so many years if he couldn't see any problems.

But Euphemia didn't give him the opportunity to cross-examine, and stood up quickly, "I, I have something to do with the Queen." With a pink princess skirt, she trot out.

‘Don’t those two girls tell her what I did to them? "Jingyu thought weirdly, "They shouldn't be so ashamed. ’

There is really no other way of thinking, he can only think so. However, this kind of thing could not be explained by him and Euphemia. If it weren’t, wouldn’t it be known?

‘Forget it, follow her. He thought, it’s no secret that he’s lustful, because there are so many wives after all.

Holding the stack of documents and sitting on the side of the hospitality sofa, Jingyu began to check the approval of Uffia. Anyone who thinks there is a conflict with Uffimia's critique will pick it out separately, record his opinions, so busy until the evening, Uffimia has not returned.

Instead, one of her female secretaries came.

"Consultant Camio, because of the Governor’s request, the Deputy Governor will take a shower and rest after dinner with her. The Deputy Governor will let me tell you that you can leave at any time. The revised document, she will come over and read it carefully tomorrow morning ."

"I got it." Jingyu put down the last document, carried it back to his desk, and left the Governor's Mansion.

This evening he went to the villa where Karen and his daughter and Inoue lived. But as a result, Karen and Inoue had already left before he came because of the night action of the Black Knights. With Karen's mother, he couldn't do anything. After thinking about it, he returned to replace the main hall.

By replacing the main hall and teleporting into the ‘Gundam seed’ plane, it will rain with the women there such as Mayo and Lax.

In the next few days, Jingyu took classes in Ashford School during the day and went to the political hall to assist Uffimia.

Euphemia returned to normal on the second day of that day. However, Jingyu still found that her attention to him seemed to have increased. Occasionally watching him secretly, I don't know what I was thinking.

Lulu plays zero, leading the Black Knights to continue to build popularity-for the weak, to fight against those criminals who cannot be judged by the courts, the terrorist actions that involve ordinary people, the brutal army, the delinquent politicians, Profit-making enterprises and criminal organizations.

The Black Knights are not only sought after by the Japanese in the 11th district, but many Britanians also praise it, and the number of people who want to join has also greatly increased. The main members of the Black Knights had to participate in the review of the new members in addition to their actions.

Karen didn't say that she acted at night and went to school during the day. If she had time to accompany her mother Inoue, Jingyu saw her tired appearance and couldn't bear to pull her to bed again.

He replaced the hall day by day and spent the night with women from different worlds.

Cornelia's army finally left the concession. Sure enough, as Vereta told him, the soldiers attacked in two ways. It's just that Valerta's Valkyrie team is in charge of General Dalton.

After taking a look at the march road map, Jingyu understood Cornelia's strategic intent. The Valkyrie is an army to fight for, and Dalton needs to rely on his prestige and command to gather the defenders in the 11th district along the route.

From the map, these two roads will eventually form an enclosure-

The siege of Lianshan Narita in the area of ​​the largest resistance group in the 11th district, the'Japan Liberation Front'.

Cornelia left the Tokyo Concession, and the chief executive who remained here became Deputy Governor Yumphia.

The first time she faced a situation that required her to take full control, it really made her a little nervous. Jingyu, at this time, suddenly said he would leave for a few days.

"Why?" Euphemia, who has been relying on him, was unwilling to give him a "vacation". "Can't you be a few days later? When the Queen returns, my work will be reduced."

She pursed her lips, as pitiful as a little girl to be abandoned.

Unfortunately, this did not win Jingyu's sympathy. He touched her cheek with a smile and said:

"There are some things in China that I need to go back to deal with. Rest assured, nothing will happen here in the concession. You can do well."

"Really?" Euphemia asked, looking at him with her small head raised.

She both confirmed to him that he said, ‘She can do well’, and also doubted that ‘something happened in the country’. She wondered if he had made an excuse to leave her temporarily. After hesitating for a while, she suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Then, that, I know, if a man accumulates too much and hurts his body, he will swell up"

The more she said, she became blushing, and her red cheeks became hotter.


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