Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 280: Looking for mother

The car was galloping on the road, and Karen in the passenger seat held his hands tightly together, full of tension and cold.

I just heard Jingyu say it is a drug, and the effect is to make people have the illusion of going back to the past. Kalian suddenly thought about why her mother used this drug.

If it were before talking with Jingyu today, she would be angry to think how weak the mother should be, relying on men, and now relying on drugs.

Now, she knew that her mother was indeed weak. It was because the mother realized that she was weak and could not protect her by herself. This was after the death of her brother, she was sent to Schuttenfeldt's house.

The mother did this for her, but she couldn't get her response, so it's comfort to rely on drug chat.

Me, I'm so stupid.

Karen's eyes were filled with tears of regret.

"It must be fine," Jingyu driving comforted her. "We will find her now and help her quit drugs."

What he said was so certain. Probably because of this, Karen was given strength.

"Well." When Karen nodded heavily, the tears fell on her knees.

She wiped the corners of her eyes, looking at the way back, and her eyes became firm and full of light.

The car drove out of the bustling area and stopped at a low alleyway. Kalian didn't know how Jingyu found it here, but since he was willing to stop the car here, she was willing to believe that he found his mother.

Because he is a dragon division, he deserves such trust.

The two got out of the car, led by Jingyu, and walked towards the alley.

The alley is quiet. The time is obviously noon, but the sunlight can't come in. The temperature in the alley is several degrees lower than outside.

But Karen didn't care about this, she just stared at his back in a strange way.

He walked too smoothly.

He turned twice in the alley, and followed him without pause and confusion. If Kalian knew that he was a dragon division, he might have thought that he lived here, or had visited at least once.

She couldn't help but wonder whether the drugmen had something to do with him?

She thinks this is also unlikely.

Finally, after entering the third branch, Karen heard the men's voices. They probably thought no one was here, and the volume was not suppressed.

"The eleven woman who just entered, hum, but it's really beautiful."

"Why, you're fancy? Don't worry, she will beg us for lack of money in a short time. When the time comes, it's not what we told her to do, should she do anything?"

The two laughed lustfully.

Hearing Karen here, only felt the blood rushed to his head. She vowed that she must give those two painful lessons.

Jingyu kept walking, and she was also angry.

After turning a corner, I saw the two men who were each leaning on the side of the alley.

"The two of you" Kalian yelled.

Faster than her scolding is the black light flying towards the man. Kalian just vaguely saw Jingyu raise her arm, and a dagger nailed to a man's forehead.

The man didn't even make a sound, so he fell down with his eyes open and still had that ugly expression on his face.

Karen froze in place, another man turned blankly to see his companion. When he realized that his companion had been killed and looked back to Jingyu again in surprise, Jingyu had already approached him. He grabbed his head expressionlessly and slammed it down to the ground.

Even though many Britanians were killed in the battle with the Britannia Army, Kallen couldn't help closing her eyes and shrinking her neck.

With a loud bang, the man could not have survived.

Karen felt her heart pounding, and the violent figure was lingering when he killed, but he didn't have the fear of killing him.

Not only that, she later felt extremely relieved.

"Karen." He called her.

When Karen opened her eyes and saw what he seemed to want to say, she was not a girl who was good at speculating others' thoughts, but at the moment she could understand and she quickly said:

"I'm going, my mother is there."

He smiled, "Come here."

Perhaps the loud noise attracted the people hidden in the alley. When Karen avoided the bloodstains and brains on the ground and walked to him, a lot of footsteps sounded with the sound of drinking.

The two looked at each other, he held a dagger in his hand, and Kalin held a pistol in their hand and they slid side by side.

Since he is not soft-hearted, even if Karen is not a killer, he will not fall behind at this time.

Soon after, the two easily resolved a dozen drug dealers who rushed out, but Kalian didn't see her mother.

She looked at him suspiciously, wondering if he had found the wrong place.

Jingyu put away the dagger and took Kalin into the house where the drug dealers had originally gathered, and opened a door at the end.

Kalian still grabbed the gun and followed him carefully into the door. The room was not bright, and several people could be seen vaguely.

"Don't move!" Karen shouted with a gun without seeing who it was.

However, no one responded to her.

Slowly adjusting to the light, Karen saw clearly that she found her mother's familiar back.

She was wearing casual clothes and stood frontally against the wall. I wonder if it was an illusion created by the darkness or whether Karen hadn't paid attention to her for a while. She always felt that her mother's body was much thinner than she remembered.

"Mom, what are you doing." Karen was sad and happy, and she ran over when she closed the gun.

Jingyu reached out and stopped her.

It was time for Karen to understand, what happened to him? Is there any other enemy?

Thinking of this, Kalian quickly looked around.

This room is fairly large. However, there is no accumulation to hide people, and there are no hidden doors. A limited number of people, scattered in different locations of the room, are facing the wall, like a mother

Kalian suddenly felt a little strange, like a mother?

She stared at them repeatedly, why didn't the gunshots outside attract their attention?

Karen finally felt abnormal, "Mom, Mom!" She shouted twice, one higher than the other.

The woman, whom Karen called her mother, still faced the wall, as if by someone who lost her spell.


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