Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 279: Promote reconciliation

Jingyu looked at the room first.

In the closet composed of many drawers, he saw the stockings that were clamped to reveal a corner; under the piano, he saw the barbell for weight lifting and the dumbbell for exercising arms; there was almost no cosmetics on the dressing table, on the other side In the bookcase that occupies the entire wall, it is estimated that she rarely reads the heavy brick books.

As a girl's room, there is really no mood here.

Jingyu was also polite, sitting under the watch of Kalin, sitting on a tea table beside a round table.

"Pour me a cup of tea," he said.

Karen's lips twitched a few times. Thinking that he was, after all, the famous dragon division of the Chinese Federation, she resisted the urge to drive him out, sat opposite him, lifted the teapot and poured him up.

The tea liquid is of course cold.

This perfunctory attitude made him only glance at the tea cup. Even if the tea cup was very expensive, he didn't even bother.

Kalian was still staring at him, waiting for his answer.

Jingyu looked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and wondered how to tell her. For a long time, just when Karen was impatient--

"Karen, I remember, where have we met before?"

Karen's eyes widened and her tight little face turned red. Fortunately, Jingyu didn't look at her at this time, otherwise she would look away with embarrassment.

Then she thought about why he could suddenly think of it.

"Really." She smiled sadly. "It disappointed you. Although my family at that time was poor, but my brother was still there. My mother could spare no effort to conflict with the soldiers to protect me. Now"

She couldn't speak anymore.

What if life improves? The elder brother is gone, mother, that woman has become a slave she can't even see.

"I'm not disappointed, I do have a disappointment." Jingyu changed his wording and stared at her when Karen looked at it suspiciously, "It's disappointment for you."

Kalin blinked his eyes innocently, as if he didn't understand what he said at all, even thinking he had heard it wrong.

Jingyu said, "Karen, why didn't you understand her? District 11 coexists with New Japan. If the woman in your mouth hates you and disdains, just to live a good life, why stay in District 11? This place that discriminates against Japanese? She puts you here alone and goes to New Japan, will she live better?"

He thought that the coexistence of the 11th district with the new Japan would change some things. But now it seems that he still has to come in person.

Karen's eyes widened again, and she stood up after hearing from the beginning to the end.

"What do you know?" she shouted excitedly: "You don't know that woman. After the war, she didn't even go to work. She relied on her brother to make money to feed us. She knew she went to New Japan. Bian, still can't change this situation. After her brother died, she came to beg her pity for her old lover."

She paused and chuckled, "As a result, she was just called as a servant, like a fool, really deserves it!"

Jingyu covered her forehead and shook her head with a sigh.

How can the same thing be considered to the extreme extreme?

Even he didn't understand what was wrong inside.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Karen, I don’t know how you lived. However, one thing, I hope you can understand that as you said, if she can beg a pity to her old lover, then New Japan, by virtue of her appearance, can't she find a new lover enough to feed her and be willing to provide her a better life?" The room was quiet at this time. Karen seemed to want to refute, but she opened her mouth a few times without saying a word.

Jingyu walked to her side and patted gently on her shoulder.

"She didn't go to New Japan, stayed here and didn't have a good life, and was mocked by her daughter for what? Is she really stupid, so stupid? Do you really think so?"

Reminiscent of Karen's mixed-blood identity, in the new Japan that hates Brittania, it simply cannot live well. He suddenly became enlightened and thought, this is really a pair of mother and daughter.

The mother wanted to be with her daughter, and she wanted to be with her regardless of any unfair treatment. On the other hand, the daughter knows how much misfortune she will bring to her mother because she knows her existence.

As a result, they did not speak to each other. Obviously, it is good for the other party, but the other party has suffered more damage.

Jingyu looked at the changing face of Mo Ding Kalian and persuaded: "Talk to her as soon as possible, tell her what you really want, and listen to why she must stay here. Dragon Warrior assured you that you will Rewarding."

He felt that he could only say so much. How to do it is still up to Kalian himself.

Karen remained silent, Jingyu dropped her hand and planned to give her time to think about it.

His hands were caught by Kalian.

"I, I want you to accompany me." She dared not look at his face, and her voice was as low as a gnat.

Even Jingyu thought that she might be ready to be teased by him.

‘It’s a frank girl! "Jingyu really laughed, but he was never mocked." He reached out and rubbed Karen's head.

Karen looked at him, knowing that he must have thought about rudeness. However, at this moment, she could not resist that hand.

It was warm and safe, and I was relieved that Calian's troubled heart was calm a lot.

The two came to the ground floor where the servants lived. Kalian was very familiar with where her mother’s room was, because she had come quietly and knew what was happening in the room——

The walls were covered with profanity made up of Britanian characters, made by other servants; there was only one bed and a table, narrow enough to be as large as the bed that Karen slept in now.

Kalian knocked on the door.

"No one is inside." Jingyu said. He felt that there was no one inside, so he frowned.

"Maybe there is a job, let's find it"

Before Kalian's words were finished, Jingyu came to the door and pushed inward.

"Hello, you" Karen stretched his arm to stop him.

Not because he entered the mother's room, but because he didn't want him to see the text inside.

Jingyu pushed her arm away and went in. Karen stomped her heels in and saw that he pulled open the drawer on the small table that was always locked. It was unlocked today and it was still half open.

She walked over curiously, and as soon as she saw what was inside, she became nervous-the syringe, the medicine bottle, is the mother sick?

This is Kallen's first reaction.

Then, "Drugs." She heard him say that.


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