Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 274: Emperor bride

Jingyu left the room and did not leave the building. Lulu has returned, he is just going to her room.

Enter the password as familiar as you did last time, and the prompt of wrong password appears. It seems that Miss Lulu changed her password, but can it hardly keep him?

After a few seconds, the door made a slight noise and opened to the side.

Different from the corridor, a tangy virgin fragrance came, which revived Jingyu's spirit.

He couldn't wait to walk into the room, like he was afraid that the scent would escape because the door opened too long.

The door closed automatically, and he looked at the sleeping beauty on the bed—in the moonlight, she lay sideways to the door, with a black, shiny blue silk scattered, and the thin bedding outlined the girl's beautiful body.

Jingyu appreciated for a while and walked towards the bed. He had just touched the bed, and when he was close to a foot away from the girl, his abdomen was snatched up.

The girl opened her purple eyes, full of anger. The hand hidden under the quilt, handed forward.

"I'll shoot again when I come over!" she threatened.

The difference in physical ability in the next second made her feel it clearly. After the gun was opened by the man, even the point of resistance was not changed by him, and then he was followed, after he was in his arms, just like last time-

For the first time, Lulu complained in her heart that her mother's body was too sick. Otherwise, how could she not have any fighting cells at all?

While feeling annoyed, a fragrance that didn't belong to him fluttered from his nose, and Lulu turned back and sniffed softly.

‘It’s c.c., the taste is so strong, what did he do to c.c.? ’

Of course she knew the answer. I thought to myself that he was so bad that after bullying the woman, he came to her again.

More and more angry, she pounded his stomach back.

"what the **** do you want?"

"Oh, I kindly told you something, but you pointed a gun at me. In revenge, I also pointed my "gun" at you." He did it again like he did last time. The second excuse is the bad thing of being “used”.

That made Lulu's entire body tense. She almost swears never to sleep in thin pajamas again.

After a while, Lulu barely suppressed the discomfort.

"Yes, say whatever you want to say!" She finished speaking in one breath, and quickly covered her lips with her hands, so as not to make a sound that she didn't want him to hear.

Jingyu smiled. While teasing her intentionally or unintentionally and letting her desire him, he talked about the discovery at the Kawaguchiko Hotel. Of course, he used the prefix ‘I listen to c.c. said’ to make everything logical.

Lulu's willpower is worthy of being strong. Her body is clearly like a fire, waiting for something to quench the flames. However, her brain is still awake. Especially when I heard that there was a special espionage of foreigner troops beside her sister Nana Li. She was so shocked that she jumped out of the forehead with cold sweat.

Jingyu did not toss her at this time. Therefore, when Lulu turned around, it was so easy.

"You, you mean me and Nana Li, who has been monitored by the empire?" She was rather disdainful. Who is in the empire? She actually knew that the only person who could control a unit with a gease capability was that person.

The one she hated the most, the one who wanted to stab the sword — the emperor Charles, her father.

Did he still not get out of his control? He found their sisters and did not order them to be taken back. What other purpose does Bacheng have? However, no matter what it is, his behavior will become ridiculous in his eyes.

Lulu smiled miserably, eyes full of unwilling tears.

Jingyu may have some urge to want her. But, seeing her like this, his **** subsided.

"Lulu, you still have me." He hugged her from the front, let her weak and weak she lean in his heart, let her listen to his calm and powerful heartbeat. He hoped that it would give her strength.

"It's no big deal," he said boldly. "It's nothing to be found. You can use this'discovery' to attack him in the reverse direction. In the art of war, there has never been absolute failure and absolute success. "

Lulu is smart. She can also figure out how to face the disadvantages she has encountered.

He reminded her that he gave her care, because she is a girl who is sentimental, girl sentimental and girl weak. Even if she can stand up, he hopes her grief will be short-lived.

Lulu really calmed down quickly. She raised her head and looked up at this man who comforted her and treated her more seriously than before. She herself knew that if he took the opportunity to do anything to her, she would be grateful to him at that moment.

He didn't do it, indicating his cherishment for her.

Lulu is not ignorant of good or bad.

"Tell me about the plan you originally wanted to carry out, okay?" she lowered her gestures.

Jingyu looked at her with some surprise, could not help but kiss her forehead.

"I want you to be the emperor of Britannia and then marry me." He finished the plan in one sentence.

Lulu froze for a moment, whited him, and had to think about the details-if she could become the emperor of Brittania, she would have defeated Charles. This can let her accept. If you marry him again, her emperor, Dragon Division of the Chinese Federation, can almost be said to be a union of two major countries.

When the time comes, the two will threaten eu together and they will unify the world.

After the world is unified, the war will be eliminated.

No problem here. Lulu also believes that if he joins hands with him, he can do this.

But, "Is it really that simple?" she asked hesitantly: "If the world has experienced many years of war, even if it is unified, can the hatred between the peoples of all countries be easily eliminated?"

"Nothing can't be eliminated by time." Jingyu said to himself: "Lulu, with you and me in control of the world, we will not die for a hundred years, and let the world be free from war for a hundred years. You are afraid that the new generation will remember Hate a hundred years ago?"

Of course, hatred will never be remembered again, no, Lulu thought, even after 30 years, this effect can be achieved.

But why did he say ‘undead’ and ‘100 years’?

"I want you to stay with me forever and be my emperor's bride." He smiled and answered the doubts in her heart.


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