Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 273: .. confused

I have to say that after Nanali was involved, Lulu easily lost her calmness and lacked the ability to analyze problems.

Jingyu couldn't see it anymore, walked over and photographed her on the shoulder.

"Is it so difficult to choose?" He reminded: "Don't forget, Euphemia's sister Cornelia loves her sister very much. Cornelia is the woman Long Jingyu wants, Long Jingyu is a "

He paused, thinking about what a huge sacrifice he had made, and he must find it in Lulu's graceful body in the future.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Long Jingyu is a pervert who loves his woman!"

The corners of his mouth twitched again and again, and more, he couldn't say anything.

Lulu already understood what he wanted to say-if you let Uffimia die, she might tear the skin with the man.

After hesitating, she even thought, why do I have to care about him? But when she thought of what strange and terrible eyes he would look at her after that happened, she was a little uncomfortable.

With a sigh, she knew what to do.

After passing by Jingyu, she paused and whispered: "c.c., this time, thank you."

Watching her back disappear, Jingyu took off his face helmet. His purpose can be said to be achieved. However, Lulu is grateful for the c.c. who thought she was dressed as zero instead.

Jingyu doesn't care who gets this'credit'. He was just thinking, if she knew that he had told her that, would she still accept it so easily?

Even if the situation is reluctant to accept it, I am afraid that it will make some ‘bad’ things that he does not notice when he orders it.

Jingyu sighed, it was about the two beautiful beauties, and he couldn't help being careless.

Jingyu thought for a while and summoned a maid to help him change his clothes. He first left Lake Kawaguchi himself.

Back at Ashford School, find c.c. in the room belonging to him on the first floor of the Student Union Club Building-she did not go out for about a day, wearing a white shirt belonging to him and tying it up casually.

Whether it's a vacuum that is clearly visible from the top collar down, or the length of the thigh that the shirt hem reveals, it reminds me of nothing under her shirt.

That's how she sat on the bed watching TV, eating pizza without expression. A whole box of pizza, except for the one in her hand, there is only one piece left, which shows her fighting power for pizza.

When she saw Jingyu coming in, she stared at her and said: "Go to someone else if you are in heat, anyway, you can always call your pretty maid at your disposal." The stimulus, even the act of covering up.

Jingyu didn't answer, but a blue muscle appeared on his forehead. He was patient as much as possible, because he still had to talk to her about the matter, and this matter needed her help to cover it up.

"Don't you want to eat pizza?" c.c. handed the bite-shaved pizza in the direction of Jingyu. Jingyu stared at the pizza, her lips twitching a few times. Just when he wanted to speak, "No, the last piece of pizza is mine!" c.c. Before he finished eating, he picked up the remaining piece in the box and took a bite to show his right to occupy.

Jingyu felt two blood vessels popping out of his forehead.

"I want to eat you, let's go!" He strode towards her on the bed, his hands on the edge of the bed, and pressed his face close to her in front of her, a few centimeters.

c.c. For a moment, he wanted to dodge and pulled back slightly. However, she can understand that the more you hide as a man, the more likely he is to chase. So, she forced herself to stop and looked directly at his eyes carelessly.

Just do it if you want, it’s just body, nothing. She expressed this meaning to him from those golden eyes. Then, there was a trace of dullness in his eyes.

She felt that she had won.

Just then, the man who was supposed to'retreat' suddenly moved forward. He kissed her lips. It wasn't just a one-touch walk. The technique of sucking her lips was very clever. This lasted about ten seconds.

c.c. also froze for ten seconds.

He smiled after leaving her lips, "So, c.c., I was deceived by you."

The witch who would never blush even if he exposed his body, blushed at this moment. This has both shyness and shame.

When she was kissed by him, how could she be so unbearable?

She completely exposed her gaps in this respect, and she was unprepared.

He saw through this.

Seeing him get together again, c.c. knew that he was facing a terrible situation. But she couldn't beat him, and she couldn't remember what could make this man who had long wanted to get her back away. She turned her face away, unwilling to visit him, unwilling to see his pride.

He didn't kiss her lips, so he followed her cheeks and kissed her earlobe all the way.

c.c. Sitting still, holding a piece of bitten pizza on both hands.

"C.c.," he said in her ear: "When you first kissed you, what did you taste of pizza?"

"You get off!" c.c. was so angry that he turned his face to scold him.

Of course he didn’t ‘roll’ anymore, he smiled broadly and pulled off his white shirt. As he leaned over, he saw c.c. a huge red scar like a cross under his left chest.

That made his movements pause.

The red scar, just like the new one, is in stark contrast with her fair skin, which is very dazzling.

He gently touched there with pity, "I'm suffering from you, I will treat you well, believe me."

Believe? Believe in a man who will bully himself?

At such times, c.c. felt that he was really stupid. However, there was only a little bit, and only a little bit of her found that she didn't actually hate him treating him like this.

This discovery made her feel really bad!

In the middle of the night, when he secretly left the bed, c.c. opened his eyes and thought about this.

How can I accept myself who always wanted to die?

Could it be that, as he said, he would change the desire he asked for?

The witch who has survived for hundreds of years is in a state of confusion.


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