Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 269: Lake Kawaguchi Event 5

One soldier stayed on the spot to watch Fan and others, and the other soldier led Jingyu to the entrance of the central hotel building. The soldiers did not move forward again. It was already dark. The first floor of the hotel was under the light, and it was not clear inward.

With the help of the lighting outside the hotel, you can vaguely see two people appearing behind the pillar inside the hotel. They also had guns in their hands. After they showed up, the lights on the first floor turned on.

Obviously, these terrorists also left a hand sneer in Jingyu's heart. After the soldiers on the side opened the glass door, they walked in silently.

Both of the insiders were also dressed in old Japanese soldiers. After stopping in front of Jingyu, they turned inside and stood face to face on both sides of the road.

When Jingyu walked past them, it was not difficult to find them secretly looking at him.

Since the emergence of zero, he killed the third prince of the Britannia Empire who had been the governor of the 11th district for 7 years; afterwards, zero again blatantly rescued the pivotal tree who was a suspect in front of the Britannia army. Suzaku.

What zero does can be called an incomplete miracle. Zero succeeded, he is famous, and others are naturally curious about him, wondering what kind of face is under the face helmet, and judging that the terrorists here are willing to let go when they hear that zero is coming. psychological.

Jingyu, who pretends to be zero, doesn't care about the terrorists' searching eyes. He was not afraid that they would suddenly pick up and take him down, and placed his back in front of them in an imperial manner, and walked towards the elevator leading to the upper floor without any care.

Although he didn't look back, he could feel the two terrorists glancing at each other behind him. One shook his head slightly to the other, and the two followed him slowly.

In front of the elevator, a soldier was in charge of the operation, and the elevator stopped on the floor where the terrorists and hostages stayed.

After the elevator doors opened, there were two other soldiers with guns. The four soldiers led Jingyu around the corner and came to the room where Lieutenant Colonel Caobi, the terrorist leader, was.

The door was open, and the two soldiers in front walked in before him. Jingyu came to the door and looked inward, but she couldn't help laughing.

The chubby soldier with a beard bears a Japanese saber and sits on the hospitality sofa. There is a coffee table in front of him, but there is no other one on the opposite side of the coffee table to Jingyu. At this moment, it may be said that Jingyu is pretending to be zero. There is no sofa to sit on.

‘Who does he think he is? Is zero here to meet him? ’Even if he was not zero, Jingyu couldn’t help but express his agreement on the level of the original Luluxiu who would kill this person.

The Japanese Liberation Front is indeed decayed, because the soldiers who constituted it did not recognize the strength and weakness at all.

Jingyu walked to the opposite of Lieutenant Colonel Caobi. Wrapped in a black cloak, he resembled a vampire bat. The two soldiers behind him waited for him to walk into the room and closed the door from the outside.

The room is luxuriously furnished by the hotel. Compared with the warm light from the outside, the room is darker and colder, and it just responds to the stiff atmosphere.

Lieutenant Colonel Caobi watched'zero' for a while and said arrogantly: "zero, the Britanians say you want to see me. I'd love to know, when you who killed the Britannia prince, when did you contact Britta Have the Niah joined forces?"

Zero came through the defense line of the Britannia Army, which would make him understand it.

Jingyu said in a zero voice: "Joined together? No, yo, I am here just to let you release the hostage because there are people who are very important to me." This sentence reveals a message and a request to frown the grass wall.

"You said you wanted me to release?" Caobi sneered behind the stunned god. "Why?" He paused. "I'm curious, who is so important to you in the hostages? It's important to make you willing to take risks. this."

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Jingyu to speak, he glanced at the zero-face helmet Jingyu was wearing.

"That thing really hinders you! If you want to keep those important to you safe, let us see who removed the helmet first!"

He paused the saber in his hand, and the soldiers standing on both sides responded to the gunpoint at Jingyu.

Jingyu looked back and forth from both sides, "humming" He raised his hand to cover the front of the helmet and sneered. "It's just a scum, this seat is willing to talk to you, you should be grateful to Dade, How dare you stand up in front of this seat?"

The words naturally shocked the soldiers, they looked at the grass wall and waited for his order. Cao Bi himself was furious, he ordered to shoot, but after the shooting, zero died, and rumors have begun to pay attention to the existence of zero in Kyoto, so how would you think of the Japanese liberation front?

He hesitated at this moment.

Jingyu started the face helmet program at this time. The program automatically runs. The face helmet covers all of the head, shrinks from the back to the front, and exposes the long broken hair first.

Seeing this, Caobi stopped thinking.

Jingyu finally withdrew the helmet. The pupils that are as dark as ink, but as bright as the stars of the curtain are exposed in the eyes of the grass wall.

"Ah?" He exclaimed. He hadn't seen Jingyu's entire face, and had stood up from the sofa. "You, are you?"

Panic made him speechless!

The soldiers looked at him for his exaggerated reaction.

Jingyu completely took off the face helmet and stood behind the grass wall, and the soldier who was like the adjutant of the grass wall gasped loudly.

Cao Bi himself widened his eyes. His eyes were not big at first, as if he was trying to squeeze his eyes out of his eyes.

"Huh." Jingyu coldly touched the corner of her lower lip. "Are you satisfied now? This seat will give you another surprise to know if you see this seat here, wearing zero clothes, will there be any consequences? "

"Ah? You, do you want it?" Cao Bi returned to God. He was both afraid and clenched the knife in his hand unwillingly.

Jingyu narrowed her eyes and said mercilessly: "Sue yourself immediately, as the last kindness this seat gives you."

He shoved his cloak abruptly and suddenly he planned to leave.


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