Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 268: Lake Kawaguchi Event 4

Jingyu's spiritual strength is strong. On the one hand, he met Lucretia in the white space, and at the same time, as a zero, he retells Lulu's words smoothly to Cornelia.

Due to the situation created by Jingyu, '11 districts on the island of Japan coexist with the new Japan, and the Chinese Federation and Brittania jointly own the mining rights to Mount Fuji', Lulu did not think about Uffimia People are in the Kawaguchiko Hotel.

She simply thought that Cornelia was worried about the murder of the representative of the Chinese Federation detained in Kawaguchiko, and even caused a dispute between the two powers. This has been until now.

Of course, Jingyu himself is beside Lulu, and he promised to create the situation Lulu needs, which is also the reason that prompted Lulu to think so. She would think that before Zero appeared here, Jingyu had sent someone to suppress Cornelia.

In fact, after Luge used a gease to control a soldier, he also got relevant information from the soldier. Jingyu's personal guard commanded the Purple Emperor's Palace, and the person was in Cornelia's command ship. In front of the Purple Palace, Cornelia was naturally unable to move.

So the ‘word of persuasion’ is like this—

"I think the Chinese Federation must give you a time limit: within the time, your army cannot safely rescue the hostages, the Chinese Federation will send its own rescue force. This is the 11th district, the colony of Britannia, if it is Let the Chinese Federation take action, Brittania's international status will plummet. But now, you don't need to worry about this. It is up to me to rescue the hostages for you."

The Kawaguchiko meeting is organized by both Britannia and the Chinese Federation, so the Chinese Federation can give Cornelia time limits.

Cornelia's face became naturally ugly when she heard ‘zero’ hitting her blood. But she snorted in disappointment:

"You go? Are you the great sinner who killed Clovis?"

‘Zero’ sneered and said, “Cornelia, don’t need to be more clear? If I go in, will you wait quietly for me to save the hostage?”

"" Cornelia's eyes narrowed, her face remained unchanged, and she really thought about what'zero' said-use "zero" to enter to win more time and let the two of her men never want to use The troops tried separately.

‘Damn, not all my regular troops are brought in, otherwise it will not be so. Connelia thought angrily.

At present, the Connelly runner here, in addition to the Valkyrie and the Guards with medium combat effectiveness, the strongest combatant is herself. Although she deliberately entered the tunnel to try to attack, none of her men would let her do this.

If she insists on this, it is forcing the faithful Valkyrie and the Guard to die.

Connelia has tolerated until now, which includes such considerations.

Now, after weighing the pros and cons, she put away the gun.

"Zero," she said. "Even if you succeed, you still can't offset your guilt. Be conscious."

‘Zero’, which is Jingyu, lightly stepped on the top of the car, indicating that Karen and Fan inside were driving.

He no longer spoke to Cornelia.

Cornelia no longer looked at him.

Jingyu can see how gloomy her face is, both angry and helpless in her heart.

‘Let’s make her my woman earlier! The purpose of her future life is not for Britannia but for me. I will not let her encounter such a situation. ’

He made up his mind, thinking about how to contribute to the'last battle', which must be played by him personally. The news car entered the bridge, and its own Britannic army contacted the resistance organization that occupied the central hotel in Kawaguchiko, saying that it was zero to meet them.

In this way, when the news car came to the gate in front of the central hotel, the gate opened to both sides, and two soldiers in Japanese military uniforms with guns waved inwards to signal that the news car entered.

When the news car stopped, Jingyu jumped from the news car.

Karen, who had just walked out of the car, saw the performance of'zero', and could not help staying in her eyes. This light-weight'zero' would be the girl who was out of breath after a short run, obviously not good at sports. Show?

She frowned.

Jingyu is thinking about a problem: the soldiers of the Japanese liberation front are going to check the rear compartment of the news car.

If Lulu is here, she uses geare to make the two soldiers ignore the inspection.

Not good now.

"Fan, let Inoue come out," he said, making changes in a timely manner.

Fan stunned, and responded ‘um’, before the soldiers opened the rear compartment.

Seeing that there was no one around ‘zero’, Kalian approached him and whispered, "Who are you?"

Jingyu gave her a surprised look. He didn't expect that she saw Lulu's zero disguise a few days ago, and now he saw him again.

‘I knew for the first time that she was so keen. ’

He touched the back of the helmet and whispered back in his original voice: "It's me."

Karen's eyes widened slightly, but she nodded in peace.

Jingyu glanced at the two soldiers and instructed her: "After a while, I will let Inoue stay below. You find an opportunity to quietly resolve these soldiers who are guards. Then, go up with everyone with the bomb , Buried in the floor where the hostages are. I will try my best to delay the time, you can take the opportunity to rescue the hostages."

"Then what about you?" she asked, an element of concern in her tone.

Jingyu listened to her joy, and when time and occasion were inappropriate, he could not help but ridicule her. Only said:

"It doesn't matter, I have the ability to cope with the next situation, and I will come to meet you later."

Karen thought, if it was Lulu, it would be really bad for her to face a soldier with a weapon. She somewhat understood why Jingyu was here, and how much he took a look at him for taking care of Lulu.

The rear compartment of the news car was opened, and the soldier saw five people in it, and showed a vigilant look.

"What's going on?" one of them asked.

Jingyu replied in zero voice: "They stay below, I will go up with you alone, no problem."

The two soldiers glanced at each other and nodded each other.


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