Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 262: Lake Kawaguchi Event 2

There are some things in the world that everyone will not say. However, it can be non-existent without evidence.

Take the resistance organization in the 11th district, the newly appointed new governor Cornelia knows that behind them are the shadows of the six schools in Kyoto and the new Japanese government. Behind the six schools in Kyoto and the new Japanese government is him, the dragon division of the Chinese Federation.

It can be said that Britannia made Clovis, who has no talent, the governor of the 11th district. To a certain extent, he was fancy with his relationship with the dragon division.

Clovis was indeed the governor who had sat firmly for seven years.

During these seven years, no matter how intense the war between the Chinese Federation and Britannia has progressed, the new Japan has never actively attacked the 11th district.

This has to be said to be a manifestation of the will of the Dragon Army division.

Now, Clovis is dead, and he is murdered silently in the governor's palace by the sudden appearance of the mysterious character zero.

Cornelia hates zero and sees it as a mortal enemy. At the same time, she was even more worried that the will of Yufimiya’s military division, who had invited her to serve as governor, had obviously changed, and the new governor would not necessarily be murdered again.

So, she came by herself.

The man wanted her, she didn't believe he would watch her die. Just like her, he can no longer kill him.

Standing on the grassy shore of Lake Kawaguchiko, the cool breeze blowing from the lake made the purple hair of the majestic Queen's majestic queen float in a strand and reached her eyes.

She blinked her blue eyes for a long time because she was distracted, and with her white-gloved hands, she hooked her hair behind her ears.

Immediately, she stunned herself for her feminine movement. Secretly remind yourself that the current identity is not a woman, but a governor who holds the power of life and death in the colony.

Her eyes returned to the fierce, full of sonorous spirit, only the battlefield of iron and blood can be nurtured and sharpened.

"His Royal Highness." The captain of the Guards, Gilford, came behind her and bowed slightly to his heart. "The formation has been completed. General Dalton asks if you want to start a rescue operation."

Cornelia turned halfway, she first glanced a short distance away, a blonde woman who was also standing on the shore of the lake, said:

"Let's get started, please bring our guests to the command ship."

Gilford glanced sideways. "Yes." He bowed again and walked towards the blonde woman.

The two simply talked a short distance away.

Cornelia noticed that the blonde woman looked at her with her indifferent green eyes, flicked the white cloak behind her, and walked to the command ship first. As she walked, she thought:

‘Finding a woman to be a guard is really in his style. But who is that woman? It can make me feel trembling, just like the old Mariana. ’

Cornelia chewed the name ‘Purple Palace’. She believes that the other party can never be anonymous. However, apart from suddenly appearing as the personal commander of the Dragon Army Division, there is no corresponding information on what the Purple Imperial Palace has done before.

Or, ‘Is it just not found? 'Cornelia's eyes narrowed.

The Purple Emperor's Court followed Gilford towards the command ship without squinting. Near the command ship, next to a large truck, three members of the Special Honor Foreign Forces looked at her.

"Is it her? If Lucilesia said this, wouldn't it be the Chinese Federation that robbed those researchers?" said Duck, who is the youngest and youngest, with brown skin: "This is not easy to handle."

Sandia, tied with braids, also nodded.

But Lucricia said: "Compared to this, I think the colonel is more interested in her true identity."

"Huh?" Sandia asked. "You know?"

"Just guessing." Lucretia said: "You all know that there is only one woman who has used armored cavalry in history and has achieved amazing results."

"France Joan of Arc?" Sandia murmured at the same time as Duck, and looked at the Purple Palace again. They only saw her back, and she entered the command ship in the next second, "But, she can't be alive!"

"Yeah, it's impossible to be alive, so" Lucretia pointed out what he called'value'.

In the whale-type submarine Gnaku off the coast of Tokyo, Lulu suddenly wanted to understand a lot of things when she heard Jingyu's casual question.

He mentioned Celine, because of his relationship with Mi Lei, Celine could not fail to take care of Mi Lei. As long as Mi Lei said a word, Ashford and his party would be among them, and her sister Nana Li could survive without revealing her identity.

Lulu can stop worrying about her. In this way, she began to pay attention to the matter itself.

The Kawaguchiko Conference is an international conference for allocating cherry blossoms, and all countries are paying attention to it. Today, the venue is controlled by terrorists, and the representatives of various countries have become hostages to terrorists. They will naturally hope that the Britannia Army can rescue the hostages.

However, with Cornelia as a person, after trying all the means and failing to succeed, 80% of her will disregard the life and death of the hostages and send troops to force in, giving priority to annihilating terrorists.

At this time, if anything can prevent her from doing this

Lulu unexpectedly put his eyes on him through his helmet.

Then, she closed her eyes in a dead heart, ‘Damn Military Commander! ’

Isn't that man looking at her as well?

Moreover, his confident and smiling look is just saying to her: ‘Hurry up, I’ve prepared a new stage for you. As long as you speak, I will send you to the stage. ’

She really doesn't want to bear his affection. However, this does not seem to be an unbearable thing compared to the destruction of Brittania. As long as it is right afterwards, as long as she can return it to him.

Lulu made up his mind and walked towards him.

"You said, if you have action, you have to submit a plan to you." She said: "It just so happens that I have a good idea now. Do you want to hear it?"

(The witch rider of the new book through, the first volume in Tokyo, I wrote it, please find a collection, flowers.)


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