Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 260: Lake Kawaguchi Event 1

The hatch of the submarine automatically closes, injects water, and slowly dives into the sea.

Inside it, Jingyu motioned to Kalian and herself to stand in the center of the front of the gate in front of the horizontal passage. He communicated with the communicator and asked the soldier behind the gate to pass the order.

In the rumbling mechanical sound, the Founder's gate opened from the center to both sides. In front of Karen and Lulu, it was a huge Gnaku. A red knightmare docked at a position that Karen could see. She glanced at it and was attracted by its unique shape.

Others, after seeing the red body, with the opening of the gate, were quickly shocked by the many knightmares lined up.

"Great, so much!"

"Is that glasgow?"

"No, that seems to be the "Brai" deployed by the New Japanese Army!"

"Then, this submarine is from New Japan?"

Everyone discussed and looked at Jingyu.

Jingyu didn't make any explanation. When he walked into Gnaku, he walked straight to the red body.

Everyone looked down, and saw a few researchers in white coats standing under the red body.

Among them, a woman with tall blond wavy hair and a very tall woman pointed at the male researchers with the slender cigarette holder in her hand. It was a little far away, and she couldn't hear what she said. But after she said a few words, she turned halfway and faced this side.

She first looked at Jingyu. Then, through his shoulders, he looked at Zero. Then, she glanced at all the resistance organization, and finally looked back at Kalin up and down, her lips curled up a bad arc that made Kalin uncomfortable.

He wasn't so famous, Karen knew this. Then, the other party will look at her like this, it must be the reason of the man who is walking towards the blonde woman.

‘Damn, how did he tell me about it? She thought angrily.

Lulu's disguised zero is the second person to step into Gnaku. She also walked towards the Jinfa woman and thought to herself:

‘This guy brought his first knightmare developer. ’

She also glanced at the red body and looked forward to its performance.

The members of the resistance group walked in, and she was thinking of it like this, but Jingyu beckoned to her after whispering something to the blonde woman.

That obviously made her pass.

Karen walked up to him reluctantly, staring, "What do you do?"

"This is Lakshatta." Jingyu introduced to her and gestured the red body behind with her thumb. "It is the developer of the seventh-generation knightmare behind. I recommend you to be its driver, Lakshya. Does Tower want to test your ability to be confident? If you agree with her, you will be able to get it. With it, if you meet the white body again, you will have a chance to win."

Karen had followed his words, and the dark blue eyes were all bright.

"What is a chance? I will definitely win!"

She wrinkled her little nose at Jingyu, thanking him in her heart, but walked in front of Lakshatta without revealing her face, politely saying:

"Hello, I am Red Moon Kalian, please advise!"

"Well, there is a very spirited girl." Lakshatta nodded to Karen with satisfaction, lowering her voice and pointing. "I also like your attitude towards him. Come on, I still look forward to you. of."

"Don't teach her extra things." Jingyu reminded Laksita.

The latter pretends to be stupid, "What is the extra stuff you said?"

There are other people present, and Jingyu will not say more here. He gave her a white glance and said something encouraging to Karen. After giving Karen to her, he came to Lulu who was waiting. "There is a condition that the body here can be used by you, that is, you must submit to me a usage plan that will satisfy me."

Under the helmet, Lulu frowned and weighed the pros and cons.

She thought that with his mind and intelligence system, she might not guess what she wanted to do when she saw the clues. In this case, telling him will be fine.

Furthermore, the plan is dead, and the person is alive. In the implementation, it can be changed according to the specific situation.

In any case, he will not be subject to him.

So she said: "I can accept this condition, but I have to ask clearly. What do you mean by "all bodies", including the red body to be handed over to Kalin?"

That body was like the seventh-generation body he said, and if there was the driver of Kalien, Lulu thought that there were more things he could do immediately.

"Including." Jingyu said simply.

"Then cooperate happily." Lulu reached out to Jingyu.

Jingyu smiled, ‘I clearly gave her assistance, but she only said that it was cooperation, but it was really cunning. ’

He was about to reach out in response, and someone ran quickly.

"Sir, great things are not good!"

The man shouted as he ran.

When everyone was wondering who this "adult" shouted, they saw a lieutenant colonel officer standing in front of Jingyu.

"Resistance organizations in Area 11 control the Kawaguchiko Hotel."

He reported so.

After hearing the news, Lulu and Karen glanced at each other. Of course, Karen couldn't see Lulu's eyes, but they were all thinking about one thing. Today is the day when the international conference for the distribution of cherry stones is held at the Kawaguchiko Hotel, and the day when the Ashford Student Union travels to the Kawaguchiko Hotel.

That is to say, all the participants Mi Lei, Xia Li, Nina, Nana Li, and friends invited by Nana Li, are not all in Kawaguchiko Hotel?

The resistance group controls the Kawaguchiko Hotel, what about them?

Lulu began to worry about Nana Li. But she thought, Nemo followed Nana Li, Nana Li's safety should not need to worry. The only thing that made her care a little, if Nemo was found, would it cause trouble for their sisters.

Kalian was a little worried at first. Then there was entanglement, thinking that those people were all Britannia, and she was a Japanese herself, both sides had national hatred, why should they worry about them.

However, she still couldn't help thinking of the past of contacting those people over and over again.

‘Stop, Karen, they are not your friends. ’She had to admonish herself like this.

Compared to them, the men of the resistance organization looked at Jingyu in a daze. They are also thinking about something, ‘Are Kamiu’s rank high? ’

Just listening to Camio in their eyes, the man wearing brown glasses asked lightly: "And then?"

"Hah" Lieutenant Colonel stayed for a while, "Sure, then?" He didn't understand why Jingyu asked him so. But he thought, since it was asked by the master of the military division, he must have a deep meaning, so he racked his brain and thought about it.

Jingyu laughed at his stupid performance, "I mean, the resistance organization controlled Lake Kawaguchi, and then? What else did they do? Celine? Isn't she there?"

The Chinese Federation, the New Japan, and the resistance organizations in the 11th district have such a relationship-the Chinese Federation is the sovereign state of the new Japanese state, and the resistance organizations in the 11th district rely on the assistance of the six schools in Kyoto. Kaguya, the leader of the six Kyoto families, takes root in the new Japan. She is also the adopted daughter of Jingyu.

As Jingyu himself said, he has never intervened in the resistance activities of the 11th district. However, he can control the life and death of resistance groups in District 11 through six schools in Kyoto in one sentence.

Therefore, Celine, who represented him in the 11th district to attend the meeting, the resistance groups in the 11th district dared not hurt her. Before she set off, Jingyu told her to take care of Ashford and his party.


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