Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 245: Suspicion

The so-called murderer is Shumu Suzaku!

Veritas, who is fully responsible for the investigation, knows that she is in a hurry, but she is different from a pure blood school like Jeremia. Even if Jeremia's idea was approved, it was not implemented exactly as Jeremia expected.

Veretta talked to Suzaku before allowing Jeremy to announce the news. She told Suzaku that this was a bait plan. Suzaku is used as a bait to lure zero to appear. If the plan is successful, Suzaku will be given credit to improve his rank.

The reason for this is the result of the Valkyrie analysis of zero.

The general killer who succeeds in assassinating people, in order to prevent being pursued, the most hope is not to let people find themselves.

However, the zero not only appeared intentionally under the supervision of the governor's office, but also uploaded a video speech on the Internet claiming that it had been given to the Crown Prince of Clovis.

Zero must be a rather conceited person who loves to express himself.

After the release of "True Murder", Zero's speech made him a clown who was sensational. If he could bear it, what would be lost was an honorary Briton, and Veretta did not feel anything.

If he couldn't bear it, Veretta had a chance to catch him.

Moreover, the empire did need to put an end to Clovis' assassination. It is possible to secretly hunt down the murderer Zero, but he is not allowed to take this matter for a show and accumulate admirers for him.

It is also purposeful to use Jeremia, a pure-blooded officer, to operate in the front.

Veretta blocked the news that the Valkyrie had arrived. Ask General Bartlett to cooperate and delegate to Jeremia.

After the Purebreds came to power, it was justified to suppress the honorary Britons with their temperament.

In this way, you can make zero do not know that this is a trap, waiting for him to hook it.

Even if Jeremy's arrest at the front desk fails, Veretta can use the Valkyrie to build a second line of arrest. Under the double preparation, once zero appears, no matter what means he has, the chance that he can escape will be greatly reduced.

No, it is impossible to escape!

Veretta thinks confidently.

After the news was released, it did have a huge impact on the entire Japanese island.

The elite of the pure-blood faction in the 11th district, and the murderer of the honorary Britons, made the unknown Britons trembling with fear of the details. The resistance groups, while determining the truth of the matter, hesitated whether to rescue the succulent assassin of Kumaki Suzaku.

They also contacted Kyoto one after another and asked for instructions.

The new Japanese Prime Minister Sawasaki also quickly confirmed to the six Kyoto families such as Emperor Kagura-Kumaki Suzaku is the eldest son of the late former Japanese Prime Minister Kumaki Xuanwu and the last royal family in Japan, Princess Kagura Cousin Sawasaki wondered what they planned to do with the matter.

He didn't want this to affect his rule of new Japan.

The six schools in Kyoto made it clear that since Tsugaru Suzaku joined the Britannia Army, the two sides have no contact. They intend to ignore it.

Although this relieved Sawasaki, the resistance organizations in the 11th district still did not completely die.

In the Saitama district, the leader named Izumi found the fan and asked if the fan killed Clovis by zero or the officially announced Shumu Suzaku. Quan and his men, but saw zero to find the fan.

Fan was based on this, and he called Inoue. Because it was Inoue who confirmed the death of Clovis and told the others in the group: zero stabbing was successful.

If the TV broadcast is true, it is that Inoue is lying on his phone to reveal this meaning.

Jingyu turned on the TV and watched another TV station's broadcast together with Inoue.

Inoue glanced at Jingyu with his microphone, "It's zero, right?"

"Well." Jingyu nodded.

Inoue then released the microphone and said to the fan: "The news is fake, Clovis killed zero."

"But," the fan hesitated, "Inoue, you only said that you saw the corpse, but did not see the process of zero killing Clovis?"

"That's it." Inoue replied.

"Then, why is it so sure that zero is done?" Fan asked.

"Because the person who took me to see, I trust him." Inoue's lips brought a smile that only Jingyu could see.

The fan was silent for a while, his microphone was not covered, and the voice of others was vaguely revealed.

Who was the one who took her, and some people were skeptical of Inoue; would zero be the Kuzuki Suzaku? Someone asked the fan clearly that he couldn't agree, because he didn't know if he should believe it.

Inoue has said before that she will not disclose the person who took her, and Fan cannot ask any more at this time.

The phone froze for so long.

Inoue did not want to speak, but fan wanted to say, not knowing what to say.

Jingyu took the phone from Inoue, "It's me." His voice made Fan wake up.

"Mr. Camio, great, you are there too!" Fan said in surprise.

However, Jingyu's voice no longer calmed down, and seemed cold. "At night, I will bring zero to see you again."

After he said something, he didn't wait for the fan to say anything, he hung up the phone and looked at Inoue.

"I'm okay!" The latter immediately shook his head expressionlessly, expressing no need for comfort, "We were gathered together for a purpose. Everyone has their own secrets, and they don't need to reveal too much to their companions. Of course, it’s me, and I will doubt it at this time."

Jingyu couldn’t help thinking of the word ‘e’. How did Lu Luxiu explain it to c.c.

For people who call each other comrades, it is easy to split because of the thorn of ‘doubt’.

He smiled slightly, "I know, Inoue has her maturity." He took Inoue's hand and walked into the bedroom as originally arranged. "I just want to hug her and love her. This is my power. It is also my duty."

Inoue finally relaxed his shoulder strength, "No way to get you." She snuggled softly in his arms. "One thing, only one is not very comfortable."

So hide the lost expression.

Jingyu did not rush to strip her clothes.


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