Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 244: Reveal the disadvantages of geare

The next night, Lulu made an appointment with Jingyu.

When he thought about whether she was going to answer his proposal yesterday, she saw her in zero costume.

Lulu understood what the unexpected expression on his face was, she explained: "Since it has been seen by you, the same thing will let you know more, and there seems to be no big deal. I want to find all the big men in the 11th district. . Some questions were asked yesterday, please accompany me."

She could really say that she didn't reveal at all why she was looking for those people. Even though she knew he might have guessed something, she still believed that ‘guessing’ did not mean ‘truth’.

Seeing Jingyu didn't answer, Lulu said again: "Your camouflage should also be changed. It always appears in the attitude of wearing glasses, the characteristics are too obvious."

She held out her gloved hand from under the cloak, clutching a handbag.

"In the future, when you act with ‘zero’, use the clothes inside.”

She said so much tonight. Jingyu somewhat understood that she did not give him the opportunity to ask her for the answer to the proposal. Since he said to give her time to consider, and there is no time limit, she can naturally delay.

She is really cunning. Isn't this equivalent to that she got an indefinite promise from him?

Jingyu whispered in her heart, letting her go by herself.

However, "Can you use your original voice when talking to me so alone?" He said: "It's really uncomfortable for me to be male."

"What if someone else hears it?" Lulu refused.

The tone of rejection was not very strong. It’s like a girl with a strong self-esteem is making temperament, ‘why am I doing this for you? ’She knew he had reason to make such a request, just like she was asking him to help her do things.

"Then I promise that it won't be heard, will it?" he said.

no solution anymore!

Lulu under the helmet reluctantly lowered her lip and raised her hand to gently press the hidden button on the back of the helmet.

‘Why didn’t I make them a helmet with a specific male voice? ’

She regretted this.

Today, this helmet on her body is certainly not the one she ordered. He gave it to her after being converted.

As he described it, it was very comfortable. Lu Rusi has no need to worry, wearing this equipment when the weather is hot, will make him sweaty. She felt that she should be grateful for his kindness. But now, because the equipment is functionally the same as before, it brings a new ‘burden’ to her, and she will bury the word thank you in her heart forever.

"Change it." She said it again, a beautiful female voice.

Jingyu nodded with satisfaction, took the bag and opened it, and saw the black knight uniform in memory.

There is some difference in his set. Like Lulu's blue aristocratic costume, it is inlaid with gold thread.

Replace it with Lulu's face. At the bottom of the bag is a black banquet mask.

‘Oh? It's really nostalgic! ’

There was a smile on the corner of his lips. Removed the brown glasses and put on the mask.

Lulu saw that he had black eyes and asked, "I'm a little curious. How did you get your red eyes?"

She still remembered that when she kissed him that day, she clearly saw no contact lenses inside.

She didn't think she was wrong.

"If you want to use gease to me, you must do a good job of consciousness, even if it is strong, and I will dominate you!" Jingyu laughed.

Lulu snorted softly.

The two are now in the concession, but they are far from the rule of law in the concession.

Rather, it is the boundary between light and darkness on the edge.

Lulu adjusted the sound of the helmet, turned back to the male voice, and turned to the darkness.

Jingyu followed her, and after walking out of the alleyway, she first saw two Britannic youths talking. They had no slight accidents about the appearance of the two, and even the movement of the conversation did not change.

Jingyu knew that Lulu had used the gease to them.

Walking past the two, and then inward, the people you meet here are a little different. They either hold a cigarette and **** their heads down and slam; or a few people get together and talk about the experience of seeking flowers and asking Liu.

When these people saw Lulu's zero dress, they stopped what they were doing and looked at Jingyu and Lulu.

Lulu just walked forward with his head upright.

After a few seconds, the young people reacted and looked at each other and gathered towards the two. Others ran away quietly, about to inform their leader. After the road ahead was blocked, Lulu stopped. Jingyu walked out, looking at the humane ahead:

"Go away!"

In order not to overshadow the thunder of zero, he did not use the slightest momentum, and his voice only seemed wild and uncool.

The gangster youths will naturally not be frightened.

"Is that guy zero? The person who killed the Governor?"

"No, the Governor is still alive."

"Then he is bragging!"

This chorus made a big laugh

Jingyu suddenly burst out, grabbed the heads of the two talking, and took them back to their previous positions. Kick each leg to them and let them kneel towards them.

The young people only reacted at this moment, looked at their companions, and shouted out like'Asshole','Finding Death' and so on.

But because Jingyu grabbed their companions too fast, they took out knives and pistols, but no one dared to step forward and nobody dared to shoot.

The two kneels naturally wanted to struggle. As soon as Jingyu pressed hard, they screamed.

"Stop, stop! It's about to burst!"

The two men raised their hands and tried to pull away the hands holding their heads. I just feel that the touch is as hard as iron tongs, and the strength is getting bigger and bigger, but they are terrified.

Lulu didn't speak until she saw a middle-aged man in a suit and ran over with several others. After she separated the crowd, she said:

"I am zero, we are here to talk about things, but, I want to ask first, do you want to talk, or"

Jingyu loosened one of the hands holding the two heads and flicked to the side, and a silk thread that was hard to discern was wrapped around the neck of a young man a few meters away. As soon as he tightened, the silk thread struck blood on the young man's neck.

It is conceivable that if he continued to work hard, the young man's head fell only momentarily.

The middle-aged man secretly panicked. He knew that if the other party used this trick against him just now, he would immediately be subject to others but the other party did not do so. So he believed zero.

He waved the young men away the knives and guns and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Lulu pointed to the side, "I don't want to be heard by too many people." She didn't wait for the middle-aged to answer, just like walking on that side. The people blocking the road glanced at the steel wire in Jingyu's hands with fear, and obediently made way for her.

The middle-aged man didn't follow Jingyu when he saw it, so he walked alone.

After reaching there, Lulu gave him a gease

This night almost repeats such things. At dawn, Jingyu sent the tired Lulu back to Ashford School.

Before leaving, "Let's continue tomorrow night," Lulu said. "You can go back and have a good rest."

Jingyu stopped her, who was about to open the car door, "gease keeps using it, what will happen, you don't know yet."

Lulu stopped, turned around and looked at him with little expression, distinguishing the truth from what he said.

"Then listen to it."

"As you use it, its power will become stronger, so strong that you can't suppress its activation. It's like a malfunctioning switch, which is turned on but cannot be turned off. By that time, what terrible consequences will there be?"

Lulu's already fair face became paler. After shaking her purple eyes a few times-

"Then how did you do it?"


Jingyu didn't expect that she would ask this question, but then she realized that she might think he had a gease. He smiled and did not deny it.

"I will help you make a lens with the same eye color. When you notice that the strength is starting to become stronger, you have to learn to remove the lens and use the gear. Also, if there is no accident, within two days, I will start from Lowis snatched a research team from there to study how to lift the gease."

Lulu was surprised that he would tell himself so much. She wanted to believe that he was really willing to help her. But she knew he was the most cunning man in the world and her most difficult opponent.

She did not want to bow to him easily, and did not dare to believe him easily.

"thank you."

She can only say that when it comes to parting.

When Jingyu returned to Inoue's house, it was already morning. Inoue got up and made breakfast for him. When he dragged her to be intimate, she received contact from her companion.

"Look at the news!" Fan said, "Clovis's death is being broadcast. However, they said they caught the murderer, but that's not zero."


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