Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 240: Veretta

Worthy of being Cornelia's direct force!

Both people thought so. Looking at each other, the colonel grinned groaningly and turned to leave. After he left, Jeremy stepped out of the crowd and walked to Vereta alone.

"Veryta Qing's loyalty to the royal family is really admirable!" Jeremy began with admiration and attracted Vereta to turn around. He continued: "Our pure blood faction is also like Verreta Qing, absolutely Loyal to the royal family."

Veretta did not correct Jeremy, letting him know that the loyal object of Cornelia's runner was only Princess Cornelia himself. With no expression on her face, she nodded in agreement and responded:

"Jeremiah Border Uncle, the loyalty of the pure-bloods is indeed beyond doubt."

Jeremy showed a proud expression, and then the expression changed again, lowering the volume and saying:

"It seems that I am waiting for someone who is loyal to the royal family and should join hands to fight against foreign enemies in such an extraordinary period. However, I still deeply doubt the behavior of General Batlle."

As Vereta frowned, Jeremy said, "I would like to swear to your high princess in my honor that there is nothing false. This morning, Batlle secretly led an unknown figure of the Chinese Federation to Check the body of His Royal Highness. Such behavior is a great disrespect for the royal family. Please also convey to Her Royal Highness."

Veretta was surprised. So far, the news of Clovis' death, in addition to several dignitaries in the country, is only the senior members of Cornelia's forces, and the advance team she led.

It would be revealed by the people of the Chinese Federation, Is there any problem with Bartlett?

Veretta asked Jeremy carefully.

This was in the middle of Jeremy's arms, and he gave his reasoning out.

"The heavily guarded governor's house can be quietly invaded by thieves? Is this possible? Therefore, I suspect that it is obvious that Bartley made the thief's internal response. This is just my personal guess, there is no evidence. I Just thinking, maybe this will help Verretta who is going to investigate."

He also stated that the pure blood faction fully supports the Valkyrie investigation and hopes to make a small profit in it.

Veretta thought that her troops came to the 11th district. After all, she was unfamiliar, and she really needed the cooperation of the local troops, so she responded.

Jeremy left with satisfaction.

Then, two female officers who led the team came to Vereta, and Vereta explained the words of Jeremya to them.

One of the female officers said: "Captain, this level of our generals is no longer at our discretion. I think, let me report it to Her Royal Highness and ask for instructions."

"It should have been so." Veretta nodded. "It's just that Her Royal Highness is now commanding the troops to fight against eu. It is not easy to be distracted. We still have to investigate more clearly before reporting. But this must be secret. get on."

Both female officers agreed to nod.

Subsequently, the large army led the station to one of them, and the other two led a few female soldiers who were good at investigating into the governor's house. They checked the room where Clovis was killed, and the video image captured by the surveillance camera was directly opposite the door of Clovis's residence, but it was only when Zero left.

The masked man intentionally stayed under the camera and looked up at the camera to see its arrogance.

Bartley told Jingyu at the time that they knew Cleves was a few minutes late. It was because of seeing this image that they rushed open the door and saw Clovis shot in the head.

Now Batlle is present, and after seeing the video, Veretta asks him.

"Is it only the zero shot here? If he goes into the hallway, there should be more than one monitor."

"Sorry, it's gone," Bartley said. "It's weird here, we don't even know how zero enters and leaves."

Vereta didn't say anything on the surface, and she couldn't help but believe a few words of Jeremy.

She asked Batlle for surveillance video of the entire governor’s house for the past two days on the grounds that ‘the possibility of a thief cannot be ruled out’. During the night's inspection, several vacancies were found that were cut off. In terms of time, it coincides with what Jeremia said about this morning.

Veretta knew that Bartlett had indeed met the Chinese Federation.

But, who is it that will make Bartlet so special?

Veretta recalled the beginning. There are indeed people in the Chinese Federation who have exercised great power on the land of Brittania.

The next day, she tentatively tested Batlle.

"It's him, the dragon division of the Chinese Federation!"

Bartlett's face changed suddenly, which made her believe that she hadn't guessed wrong.

But because of this, she put down a lot of doubts about Bartley.


Inoue has participated in the actions of resistance groups many times, and has good physical fitness in order to adapt to the difficult battle. As a result, this is convenient for the lecherous man. He made a dissatisfaction once, let her rest and reply, and then did it again and again to make her several times, until she also had to sue.

After all, he didn't force her after that.

After that, the exhaustion made her dawn. Feeling his movements, she woke up.

Slightly opened his eyes and saw him holding her in one hand, holding a communicator to his ear with the other hand.

"It's me, what's the matter." He asked in a tone that didn't lack majesty.

He never talked to Inoue like that. Therefore, Inoue is both curious and happy.

If he is talked like him, he must not dare to treat him in the slightest.

He has such domineering.

Inoue looked at him quietly.

Jingyu originally thought it would be the report of the Purple Emperor's Court to send someone to take action, but the man said:

"Your Excellency, this morning on the Britanian side, someone came to the embassy and said they wanted to visit you

"Oh? Did Bartley reveal it so quickly?" Jingyu played with the taste: "Who is the other party?"

"It's a woman named Veretta. Nu Wu. According to the data, she belongs to the Valkyrie Connelly."

"Viretta can ask from Bartlett, she really grew up." Jingyu was relieved, said: "Let her wait for me in the embassy, ​​I will arrive in an hour."

After confessing this sentence, he hung up the phone.

Inoue immediately left his shoulder and was going to help him find clothes.

As soon as she sat up, a pair of big hands passed through her arms, grabbing her **** one by one, pressing her face down onto the bed. She felt his amazing firepower, which brought a huge threat, let She blushed and begged for mercy:

"No, it won't work."

She is really unable to cope with him now.

He seemed to see this, not rushing to attack, but biting her earlobe:

"So, your task during the day is to take a good rest and restore your strength. I will love you again at night."

He rubbed on her wantonly for a while before leaving.

Looking at the closed door, Inoue lay down again, and was proud of his body, and smiled bitterly.

‘It’s too difficult to satisfy him alone. ’

She has the heart to help him find a woman to share the "stress".


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