Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 239: Valkyrie

Batlle did not expect that Cornelia's troops would come so quickly. He guessed that it was Clovis's previous contact with Cornelia that had already prompted Her Royal Highness to resolve to send this force.

In any case, His Royal Highness did not tell his sister about the secret research. Batlle loyal to the prince, even if he died, Batlle did not dare to disobey his intention to reveal to the Queen's Royal Highness.

As a result, Batlle ordered the research department to urgently transfer to the Lianshan area of ​​Narita controlled by the largest resistance organization in the 11th area called the Japanese Liberation Front. Research will continue there.

What Bartley did not expect was that two groups of people were eyeing this research department at the same time.

After leaving the student union club building, Jingyu returned to Inoue's home. When I was intimate and consoling, I heard the woman talk about the reaction of the resistance group's companions to Zero's successful killing of Clovis.

"Then they asked how did you know?" Jingyu curiously said: "How did you answer?"

"I naturally showed them the VIP card you gave me." Inoue said: "But I didn't tell them who gave it to me, nor did I explain my relationship with that person in the organization, always They all have their own secrets, so you don’t have to tell them all."

She said it simply, Jingyu guessed that even if it were so, it would still be questioned by the other party.

"You have worked hard," he hugged her tightly. "Let me play for a while, and I will tell them that you belong to me."

"Don't care about it, don't tell them, you are afraid of terrifying them." Inoue said funny: "Wife is kind to you, you will be a man like that, I am afraid you will not give a good face. "

"You are wrong." Jingyu said: "After the man knows who I am, he must respect me."

Inoue stayed, "Is there such a difference? I understand."

Understand what? Understand that he allows women to be less polite to him because he ‘has no good intentions’ towards women.

Like now, didn't he get her just like that.

Inoue gave him a white look.

"Understood, it's almost time to rest. Let's do it again." Jingyu smiled and rolled over and pressed onto Inoue's body.

The time went back to dusk, the tarmac of the Governor’s Palace in Brittania, and the military aircraft that had just arrived stepped down, a blue and silver long hair tied into a whip, with a high beam on the side of the head, wearing a purple dress, Brown-skinned lady in noble cloak.

She looked at the crowd below with cold eyes with cold eyes. The current top officer in District 11, General Batlle, the second leader of the Military Administration, Murat, the administrator, Jeremy Border, and a bald colonel, with many staff Officials.

Some of them are either higher than her rank or higher than her knighthood. However, she was still able to stand tall and look down on them.

All this is because the man said the words, "Let her go to the military school". Her Royal Highness affirmed this suggestion, she put in her own efforts, and then she was now.

Veretta was thankful that she seized the opportunity. At the same time, she also understood that her chances were given by those two people.

A person is a member of the Chinese Federation. From a standpoint, she cannot return anything to him, but can only keep it in her heart silently.

Another person, Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, is loyal to her.

Her Royal Highness was originally sent to protect her brother Highness Clovis. Now, His Royal Highness Clovis is dead, because of the incompetence of these people, Vereta will naturally not give them a good face.

Under the watch of the crowd, Vereta came to them.

"Viretta Slave, Captain of the Valkyrie under Her Royal Highness, came to take over the body of His Highness Clovis at the order of His Highness and was solely responsible for investigating the murder of General Cloth, the murderer, No doubt."

"Yes." Bartley looked ashamed. He remembered what Jingyu said during the day, even though it was not Cornelia in front of him, he still blamed himself: "It is my negligence to fail to protect Your Highness."

This is also his real idea.

However, ‘of course your negligence! 'Viretta thought in her heart that she was still faint, "It is not within my responsibility to assess whether the general is doing well. Please also hand over the current survey materials to me as soon as possible. In addition, please arrange for me to wait for the female Wushen's station."

Behind her, a series of heroic female soldiers stood on either side of the plane down the ladder. Their faces were covered by masks, and each was led by a female officer like Vereta who did not wear a mask.

"Ah, that's up to me." The fatness is even higher than that of Bartlett, and there is nothing sad about Clovis' death. The Director of the Military Administration, Murat, said flatly: "I have sent someone to arrange After the banquet, Veritas Qing can take the Valkyries to the station to have a good rest."

"Banquet? Rest?" Veretta seemed surprised by these two words, and asked, "Isn't the murderer found just now after His Highness Clovis passed away?"

Staring at her as if she was watching something extremely rude, Murat's forehead exuded cold sweat, defending: "This, this is just a small welcome dinner, I, I got it wrong."

Veretta snorted contemptuously, "I'm sorry, even the'small-scale welcome dinner' is not within the orders of my lord. Please arrange your residence."

She paid tribute to the officers and said, "It's rude", so she turned around to rectify the troops and stopped taking care of others. Because she doesn't think it makes sense. The people here are not the subordinates of Her Royal Highness. When the Princess is down, they will all be marginalized.

This is the judgment she made after following Cornelia for nearly ten years, out of understanding the character of Her Royal Highness.

Seeing this, Bartley left with some of his subordinates, intending to hand over the materials tonight as requested by Veretta; in order to reverse the bad impression he left, Murat also personally urged his subordinates.

As soon as the two of them left, the remaining officers looked at each other and left with a dull expression.

Only two people were left at the scene. There was only one group, the bald colonel of the foreign army; the other group was pure blood led by Jeremia.


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