Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 221: gease

When she saw the woman with blond hair and maid dress appearing together with Nana Li, Lulu thought that she had seen the shape of Nemo.

If it were not for a woman to know an unknown girl named c.c., Lulu would definitely give her an absolute order after using the gease: prohibit her from divulging all information about Nana Li.

Lulu is such a character, she will not believe anyone except Nana Li.

Now, knowing that the woman is called the Purple Emperor's Court, Lulu regretted that she didn't do that.

Lulu, who pays close attention to the situation in the world, cannot possibly be mistaken. She is the personal commander of the dragon division.

As such, he is here himself, and as his escort, it is not surprising that he will be in District 11. Lulu just wondered if the Purple Palace had reported to him about Nana Li.

Even without mentioning himself, once the name ‘Nana Li’ ran into his ear, he would never know where.

Lulu started thinking about countermeasures at night.

She is not afraid of him, she is afraid that he is just sending someone

In the early morning of the second day, a little earlier than the scheduled wake-up time, Lulu was awakened by Mi Lei who was at the door. The student president seemed to think of it suddenly, and the budget of the club was not completed. Student union member.

Students are almost always on campus, which is not difficult.

Lulu, who lives in the student union club, became the last person to know this.

As vice president, she couldn't escape the job.

Although it is a little unpleasant, I wonder why I have to get a common social budget in the face of life threats?

When Lulu changed her pajamas to a girl's school uniform, she started to talk to Mi Lei and explored her tone.

From the conversation with Mi Lei, she knew that at least that person had not confirmed to Mi Lei whether their sisters existed.

In this case, in addition to his personal visit, there is a possibility that he will send people to the surrounding area to investigate.

Lulu is determined to find such a person, gease it, and let him make a report to him that suits her wishes.

The budget is completed before the class. After eating breakfast with her sister Nana Li, she told Nemo to protect her. When Lulu came to the classroom by the door, she heard the word "poison gas". There are students who come early in the classroom and are using teaching computers to watch TV reports about Shinjuku City.

Lulu walked in pretending to be indifferent, but watched the picture and listened to the students' comments.

There was nothing that made her feel useful or interested. She withdrew her attention, took out the textbook for the first class, and set out to prepare for the class. In my mind, I continue to calculate what will happen around me and how to deal with it.

Lulu was interrupted by a hello. She looked to the door and saw that there was a red, shoulder-length hair, graceful and decent girl Lian Bu walked in. Several young girls greeted them and asked her if they were okay, and some teenagers looked at her with admiration.

Lulu was also looking at the girl. Her delicate brow furrowed slightly, and she immediately realized.

‘It turned out to be her. ’

She remembered that she was in the truck and saw that the man driving the red body was the red-haired girl in front of her.

‘Hum, the chess pieces are together again. Lulu’s lips curled up.

After waiting for one morning, during the lunch break, Lulu took advantage of the opportunity to separate the red-haired girl named Karen from other girls.

It was by the flower garden on the outer wall of the teaching building. The red-haired girl quickly cut a hand knife and knocked out a flying wasp. When she realized that such a move was seen by Lulu, she asked with some anxiety:

"You, do you have anything?"

The voice also seemed quiet and weak.

Lulu knows that the other party is not as sick as he pretends to be. It is better to say that he has more physical fitness than ordinary people. However, Lulu, who is weaker than ordinary people, has no fear of the other party.

She directly activated her ability and ordered: "Answer my question."

A red gease icon appeared in her left eye. She managed to control Karen and asked her why she joined the resistance organization. Do you know Long Jingyu? The latter question let her know that Karen had a relationship with Jingyu several years ago. .

Kalian held Jingyu's double emotions of anticipation and resistance.

However, this deviates from what Lulu wants to know. She recalled the pseudonym'Kamiyu' mentioned by Jingyu herself, so she asked questions again.

"Know." Kalian replied.

Lulu snorted with pride, thinking, "You pit yourself", and ordered:

"Tell me what you know.

"He is very similar to the Dragon Army Division, and unlike the Dragon Army Division, his eyes are red. He is very good at fighting, and he is also a powerful manipulator of knightmare. He defeated Clovis's troops with him yesterday. ."

"What? Won the troops?" Lulu was taken aback. "Here, tell me in detail."


Kalian then told the battle process in her memory.

Compared to Kalian himself, Lulu quickly grasped what Jingyu did yesterday.

‘Horrible guy, what kind of gease did he get, can he fight that way? ’

Lulu pondered, thinking about all kinds of possibilities. Before she was able to determine this, she felt it was dangerous to shoot him.

Thinking about it, Lulu slapped Kalin again. From Kallen's words, she can easily hear his attention to Kalyn. At present, it may be just that Karen has a very high quality of controlling the body.

However, if the person knew that the two had a relationship,

Lulu knew his affair. Married at the age of 13 and had a daughter at the age of 14, and then several other ladies. Ambiguous women have been reported to him, including her half-sister Conelia and aunt Mariana.

It is not surprising that a man like him would say that he would marry many wives like the emperor of Brittania.

Karen in front is enough to become such a woman.

There was a sneer on Lulu's lips, and she knew how to use the "chess piece".


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