Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 220: Pointing

Jingyu patted him on the shoulder, "Bartley, your ability and don't say, this heartfelt praise is worth it. If you can't mix in Brittania, come to the Chinese Federation, I will keep your general title. , Give you some suitable administrative work."

Bartley stayed, his eyes flashing excitedly. It is a great honor to be praised by this lord.

However, he refused: "Thank you for your love, but I am, after all, His Royal Highness' Clovis's courtier. As you said, if Bartlett leaves only heartfelt changes to other countries, I will lose even this ."

"Really." Jingyu was not disappointed. He patted his shoulder again as a comfort, and pushed the door into the room.

The Purple Emperor Court nodded politely to Batlle, followed Jingyu, and closed the door for him.

There was a strong smell of paint in the room, and there were many easels all around. Some of the above works are completed, and some are just starting. Clovis is drawing an oil painting on an easel by the window.

He didn't pay any attention to whether people came in the room.

Jingyu walked to his side and glanced at the painting. It was a battle scene-the one-armed blue body twisted and threw a knightly gun with a thunderous blow.

"Humph thought that you had fallen, and the painter didn't step back in any way." Jingyu said.

The word Depravity was used on him by the Purple Emperor's Court, and he now gave it to Clovis intact.

The latter's paintbrush paused, turning his head a little dazed and unhappy. The daze is because the sound is familiar, and the displeasure is naturally because the drawing is interrupted.

"It's you?" Clovis made a few seconds before deciding who he was.

One night was enough for him to recognize the severe situation he was facing. Unable to change, he can only devote himself to the things he likes to escape his worries.

Jingyu smiled faintly, "Clovis, who is in high spirits, this decadent look is worth falling into the canvas."

"Are you here to laugh at me?" Clovis frowned.

"So, what do you think I should do?" Jingyu asked him back.

Clovis opened his mouth, but snorted, and said nothing. He still had at least some self-respect for the royal family.

Jingyu laughed again, "My daughter likes the painting very much. She can see from the painting what she and her parents look like when she was born, and how much they love her. Father’s, has not paid back to the painter."

Isn't it the person who painted me? Clovis was delighted and said in surprise: "You"

Jingyu raised her hand to stop him, and said blankly: "If you want to save your life, you can go to your elder sister Cornelia, she can always do it. Of course, to hide from her that you are secretly doing Things. If you want to keep the status of the prince and the governor, you can only go to Suzanne and tell him what you did secretly."

The results of these two "ifs" were really different, and Clovis frowned in puzzlement.

Jingyu didn't mean to stop explaining again, "Clovis, this may be the last time we met, so please do it yourself."

Having said that, he walked toward the door without stopping.

Zihuangyuan opened the door for him, and the two left together until they were far away from the Governor's Mansion. Zihuangyuan was in the car, and asked curiously about Jingyu, who took the helmet off again.

"I can think of not telling Connelia about the secrets and not wanting her to be involved in danger. But, you said that intentionally in the back, not out of good intentions? I don't understand what you came today. What is the purpose, what do you want him to choose."

"It's not that I want him to choose. It's what he chooses to choose the front. He can live and continue to draw his favorite paintings. Isn't this good for him? He is also suitable for this kind of life."

Jingyu’s eyes narrowed, "But most of us tend to forget what we pursue and need, and toward the truly degenerate Clovis chooses the latter, because of the character of Schneizel, he will not be scrupulous. Clovis's life and death, he will only make the necessary arrangements. I said it, this may be the last time to meet."

"So, if Clovis chooses both?" The Purple Emperor said.

"Cornelia loves the character of her sister and brother and will still try to help Clovis; Schneizel will stop because he knows what will happen. He, who is in charge of imperial politics, is in charge of the powerful military. Leah, and the third prince, who is still the Governor of a district, join forces together."

Even if only temporarily, this is a very dangerous signal.

Other brothers and sisters who desire the throne will definitely try to destroy it, or even join forces to destroy it.

Even the emperor Charles had to consider the threat this would bring.

Clovis will definitely die.

After understanding this, Zihuangyuan shook his head slightly.

"Internal struggles for power, as expected, there will be everywhere"

Jingyu put her hand on her thigh and patted it comfortably.

"It's okay, you won't meet again in the future."

The Purple Emperor's Court lifted his hand up, "I understand your heart, but please don't put your hand there when you say that kind of words. That will make me think your words are unreliable."

Jingyu smiled and withdrew her hand, "Jean, I have been with me for two years, haven't you moved me yet?"

"This generation of French patron saint has been dead two years ago, I am the Purple Palace." She said, she cheeked to the window beside her, a performance that she did not want to open again.

In the Purple Palace, only the surname has no name.

Jingyu leaned back on the chair, thinking that the girl had abandoned her surname and retained her first name. Jeanne here seemed to have abandoned her name, but did not accept the new name.

Isn't it a kind of similarity?

Thinking of the girl, he put down the pursuit of the Purple Palace, also to change the atmosphere.

"After going back, send me something to Ashford School. The recipient wrote "Nana Li's Sister"."


Yesterday evening, Lulu took Nana Li and Nemo around for a while, and after confirming that there was no chase, they returned to Ashford School.

Sakiko, who got in touch earlier, has prepared dinner for them for two.

The reason why Nemo did not raise Misaki's suspicion is that she used her ability to eliminate the entity. In the non-physical state, only Nana Li, who has signed a contract with her, can see her figure.

Lulu was thinking about it while eating dinner.

‘If Nemo had no doubts, let her protect Nana Li better than Sakiko. I decided to eat dinner and wait for Nana Li to take a bath. I’ll ask her to talk about it. ’

The so-called "talk" is that she uses language, forcing Nemo to agree to use the force of the gear that she just got.

Otherwise, she cannot trust Nemo.

The only one who can break Lulu's plan is Nana Li. The latter, who thought she had almost lost her sister, lingered on Lulu to take a shower and sleep together. Lulu also felt that she should ask Nana Li why it was there and why there was Nemo.

The sisters had a long conversation, which ended after Nana Li fell asleep.

Lulu waited for a while, and after Nana Li fell asleep, she called Nemo.

"I happen to have something to talk to you." Ni Mo said.


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