Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 80: Play tricks

The adjustment of CAD is based on a certain meaning, and the magician must reveal his inner self. In the case where the CAD holder is a girl and the engineer is of the opposite sex, the girl usually has a distrustful idea about the engineer or is unwilling to have no reservations about it.

Basically, they rarely go to find strangers to adjust themselves.

Allowing such holders to fully trust themselves is also part of the ability of the engineer to be patient.

——Jingyu had an agreement with Zhen Yumei before taking over the first grade girl group. If he can't get the female players' approval, he will be transferred to the boys' group.

Originally, he came to participate in such activities, just to play with the little girls, how to allow this to happen.

Even at the current stage of preparation, he was serious.

Every day two girls, after school, will talk to them individually and adjust CAD separately. In this way, before the start of the Nine School Battle, a two-degree cycle can be achieved.

Today is the beginning of the second round, and the objects are Spike and Shizuku. Since the two girls were acquaintances he had known for a semester, and Suixiang seemed to have a good impression on him... He easily completed his homework and left them early.

Then, I discovered the situation of Meiyue...

****Reference line for "The Devil of Time and Space"****

Time goes back to the present.

When Yoshida Kanbiko returned to the pharmacy laboratory, Mizuki felt the ups and downs of the terrain... even with her eyes closed, she knew Jingyu should have taken her down a floor. Then there was the sound of opening and closing the door, and he stopped.

"Okay, is that all right?"

I don't know when it turned into a gesture of being embraced by him. Meiyue shyly shrank in his arms and asked quietly.

He ‘um’ screamed and placed her on the ground.

After Meiyue stood firm, she opened her eyes.

She found out that it was a room with windows covered by thick curtains, completely opaque... Thanks to the glasses not being put on, the light emitted by the surrounding spirits just reached the level that made Meiyue not dim. To the point.

However, there is one that she cares more about.

When he walked to the door, he seemed to be listening to the aisle in order to judge whether he was chased by Yoshida, the body of ‘Returning to Sixteen Nights’ was radiating light that fascinated Mizuki.

‘True, really beautiful aura. ’

Perhaps it is because in such a dim environment, the elements that interfere with vision are greatly reduced; and because she does not wear glasses with anti-aura coating, he does not have any precautions against her...

In short, the combination of all the elements makes Mizuki born the conclusion of facing his own eyes for the first time since birth.

It would be great to have these eyes.

Because of them, you can see such a situation.

The aura is not dazzling, so soft that it can make people sleep lazily. Obviously it was produced by him, but the aura of light seemed to have its own consciousness...Mizuki didn’t know if it was an illusion, as if he saw the golden dragon shadow cruising in the ice-blue light.

Since the period when Japan became a dependent country three years ago, the culture of the sovereign nation has been passed on a lot.

The emperor of the sovereign nation is known as the Emperor of the Dragon.

If it weren’t for Mizuki’s thoughts,'Reverse Sixteen Nights' claimed to have come to Japan from USNA, and his name did not seem to be used by people from the sovereign state... Mizuki might be able to guess the crystal at this moment Yu's background.

But because of being confused by Jingyu's own words, Meiyue only guessed that Jingyu's future achievements would be extraordinary, but did not associate his background.

At this time, Jingyu turned around.

The first sentence he wanted to say was definitely not what he said now, because he saw Meiyue's daze and changed his mouth.

"Why? Because I was saved by a hero, did I fall in love with me?" He smiled playfully. Mizuki noticed that she was staring at a boy for a long time, and she was too ashamed to raise her head.

"Speaking of it, there is no Erica here." Jingyu approached her.

What about Erica? Meiyue thinking so, looked sideways at his face in a puzzled way.

Ah, that face was already handsome. Under the reflection of the aura, Meiyue quickly turned away.

Jingyu lowered her head slightly, close to her little ear, "Because no one will stop me."

Meiyue slowed down half a beat to understand what he meant. He quickly turned his head to look at the environment here... Opaque windows covered by thick curtains, closed doors.

It's school time now!

The worst!

"No, it won't work..." She took a step back quickly, "It's okay to wave your hand, open, and make jokes. If you really do anything... I'll be angry."

"Oh?" Jingyu touched his chin for a moment and thought, "What's the appearance of Mizuki's anger? Haven't seen it yet... why don't you perform it?"

He smiled ‘hey’ and walked towards her.

Meiyue stepped back step by step under his approach. Until he was forced to the wall, he was completely blocked by the gesture of supporting the wall with his two arms.

A beautiful moon with nowhere to go, "Sixteen Nights..." called his name in an almost pleading voice.

When you look at his face, you will find that there is no violation even if there is a bad smile on that face. It's better to say, but there is a strange direction of attraction...Mizuki's heartbeat accelerated.

Although it is a bit inappropriate... but her thinking did diverge a lot because of confusion. I even thought that if it was not persecuted for another occasion, I might reluctantly accept his small actions.

This was a shameful and shameful idea, and Meiyue quickly flicked her cheek to disperse it.

When she looked at him again, she had made up her mind... No matter how you said, it was impossible to really agree that he disregarded her wishes.

But what can you do?

No idea at all.

Do you want to refer to your friends' possible practices?

In the case of Erica, it must have been a fist in this case.

However, even if it is possible to do so, I can't do it myself...Mizuki feels a little sad for herself.

Thinking like this, Mizuki suddenly discovered that he seemed to have done nothing.

After hesitating for a moment, he raised his head carefully and saw his funny face.

Mizuki seemed to understand something, "Aren't... are you kidding me?" she asked quietly.

Jingyu nodded, "As a girl, your reaction is really boring."

"No, it's boring..." Mizuki loosened her tight shoulders, thinking, he really expected a reaction like Erica's?

It can be seen from usual. He would make jokes about her, mostly to elicit Erica to fight with him.

Somehow, Mizuki envyed the scene slightly.

Just then, when her thoughts had diverged from under her eyes, the lips were suddenly attached.

The so-called defenseless is like this.

At that moment, she only had ‘hey? "This reaction...


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