Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 79: Meiyue's eyes

The entrance of the teaching building——

Another week has passed since the flag-giving ceremony of the Nine School War.

Shibata Mizuki stands alone here waiting for friends who are busy with all kinds of things...Deep snow, Sui Xiang, Shizuku, and'Sixteen Nights' preparing for the Battle of the Nine Schools; because they are participating in sports clubs, need to assist Ai Li Card and Leo.

There would still be someone idle, and that was Siboda, brother of Shenxue. Tatsuya, who did not participate in any society, had more time after school than Meiyue, who joined the liberal arts society.

But don’t you think it’s too weird to stand alone after school every day?

If people are often witnessed, there will definitely be rumors.

Meiyue, who has a personality that is easy to be shy, once thought about how to deal with this kind of problem... While waiting for the first day, Tatsuya said that he would go to the library to find materials.

In this way, it becomes Mizuki alone waiting for everyone to come to meet.

When thinking of this, Mizuki thought of a character who was related to one of the above-mentioned people... The girlfriend of'Sixteen Nights', the second-year student, Rensheng Xuejie, participated in a kendo club that does not use magic.

If it wasn’t because he was busy with the Nine-School Battle, it was almost impossible to go home with Miyue and others after school... This started in May when Sister Rensheng was discharged from hospital. Since then, the two have been recognized as lovers in the school.

Lovers...Mizuki's cheeks flushed.

‘Ten, sixteen nights, I would say that to me when I was in the classroom. I don’t know how much time he would have in private. What would he do to Sister Rensheng... Will Sister Rensheng agree to his request? ’

Even knowing the front of this line of thought is a taboo abyss for girls. However, Meiyue belongs to this type. If no one comes to wake her, she can't get out of it.

Seeing her cheeks have become more and more red, the pictures appearing in her mind are becoming more and more explicit. If you go on like this, even if a person faints here, it may be possible.

A strange wave called her back to reality from the fantasy world.

Meiyue sent it for a while.

When I realized I was thinking about something, my cheeks were red again.

Shake his head to reflect, and then look in the direction of the wave.

what is that?

Based on curiosity, she hesitated for a second before taking off the glasses she wore on her face.

It's just not a good thing for her to take off her glasses. In the modern era of 2095, vision correction has become popular, and it is impossible to have untreated myopia...Mizuki is actually not myopic.

On the contrary, her eyes are so good!

You can see the light emitted by the spirit son that other magicians cannot see, and you are not under your control.

The glasses that Mizuki wears are coated with anti-aura paint. To a certain extent, it can cover the excessive light emitted by the spirit son, making the vision of Mizuki become that of ordinary people.

And when she took off her glasses, a torrent of color swept through.

Meiyue continued to close her eyes and open her eyes. After three degrees, she gradually adapted.

Then she put away her glasses, searched for the Lingziguang enough to penetrate the anti-aura paint, and walked there.

The last thing she arrived at was the place where the ‘pharmacy laboratory’ sign was written.

Creeping inwardly pushed the closed door open a gap, and Mizuki looked in.

The next moment, she almost screamed.

The hand stretched out from behind was the cause of her screaming, and it stopped the screaming—by covering her mouth.

The hand that covers her mouth is very large; the body that clings to the back is very hard... From both aspects, it shows that the person behind is definitely not a woman.

Meiyue thought she was being violated and wanted to struggle.

"It's me." The voice was a bit like it was directly in the mind, but because it was a familiar voice, it dispelled the idea that she wanted to struggle.

She was relieved.

Immediately realized, ‘this is not right’. Even if he knew someone, he was a man, and he usually wanted to move her foot to her... Now, he is clinging her body to her body.

Meiyue's cheeks flushed.

She wanted to turn her head to tell the other party "Don't do this".

The opponent moved back half a centimeter in one step. It can make Mizuki feel that the clothes are delicately attached, but you can't feel his body. The hand covering her mouth was also put down and pointed inwards.

"It's an elf, look."

‘Elf? ’

Meiyue was attracted by the meaning represented by this noun, and really temporarily put aside the ambiguity that occurred between him and her, and looked inwardly following the instructions.

I saw that in the pharmacy laboratory, many blue, aqua, and dark blue light **** flew in the air.

If this is the case, it will be no different from what you normally see after removing your glasses. However, Meiyue clearly felt the consciousness of existence from those light balls.

It's like living creatures.

It's really an elf.

Meiyue was moved to see such a scene.

Look at the people who are surrounded by elves... It is this man who called these elves.

After seeing who it was, "Yoshida..." because it happened to be someone she knew, making her forget that what she was doing was a "voyeur" and called the other person's name.

"Fool!" the person behind murmured.

At that moment, "Who is it?" Ganbi Gu, Yoshida, who was facing away from the door, turned around rapidly, and the elves flew toward the door in response to the anger that he was disturbed by.

Meiyue's eyes were occupied by light, and she almost screamed.

This time it was the person behind him who covered his mouth with his hand.

Feeling that his body was still held up by him, Mizuki had no time to be shy at this in a state of complete overwhelming.

At this time the field of vision turned around.

The change of the horizon is too rapid, which makes Mizuki feel dizzy.

"Close your eyes." There was a gentle voice in her ear, which made her immediately obey.

Feel the wind blowing his face. He hugged her and seemed to be running quickly.

Meiyue doesn't know if he uses the magic of the mobile system, in short, it should run very fast. Rao is that she has a little confidence in her weight, but also admires the fact that she can still run fast.

Behind... It didn't seem to be long before, but the sound of the door being violently opened came from far away.

Yoshida Kanbigu stood at the door, looking at the left and right, and there was no one in the long corridor.

"Did the elves make a mistake?" he thought so. When I go to communicate with the elves, the result is very vague. In the end, it can only be attributed to the fact that they are wrong and that they are too sensitive.

He was immersed in his practice again...


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