Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 68: Koharu

While not yet in class, Mori Watanabe walked out of the classroom with a serious expression... Then he saw standing at the door of Class A for three years and seemed to be waiting for her beauty.

Mori stayed for a while, and the bad hunch was stronger.

"That... wouldn't it be true?" She walked to Zhen Yumei's side and asked carefully.

"It's true. I knew it last night, and I got the exam papers he answered... In order to prevent you from sleeping badly, I didn't tell you in advance. After reading those answers, I still feel like I am in a dream till now. "" Yumi smiled bitterly: "Sixteen nights, it's really amazing."

"Yeah, I can only praise him honestly this time. It really did..." Morley relaxed his tight shoulders and gave a grin.

But, "No." Yumi really shook her head.

She confused Morley, "What... ‘no’?"

"I didn't commend him because of his excellent test. After all, I bet he can do it. With psychological preparation, I'm not too surprised by the result. It's..."

Mayumi hesitated whether to tell Morley. After looking around to the left and right, she motioned for Morley to follow her away from the classroom.

"This is about the reputation of our Seven Caojiaos, you must keep it secret." She confessed first.

Morley nodded heavily.

Zhen Yumei took a light breath, "We all know that only the names written and spoken by ourselves at sixteen nights have a magical cover effect. Then, the people who saw and heard it were already false. Name. Even if I write it by hand, it will only be'reverse back to sixteen nights', and it will never be his real name. The electronic file in the school system is the same..."

The principal of the first high school belongs to the neutral not fall to any of the ten divisions. The ten divisions all want to know who the exchange students are, but they can only investigate by themselves and cannot obtain Jingyu's signature through the school.

This time, because of Jingyu’s special answer, he took his test paper out of school... even invited professors of the University of Magic to read it, and the score was also approved by those professors.

That is to say, "The test paper has been transferred to many places outside the school." In this part, Zhenyu specifically lowered the volume, "My father has seen the name he wrote."

"What is it?" Morley ignored the process... which is what Yumi hoped for... she asked with great interest.

"Failed." Really beautiful.

There was a brief silence between the two girls.

After a while, Molly recovered from her sluggishness, "Do you mean that even Uncle can't see through the cover-up magic imposed on that name?" She nodded when she saw Mayumi, and understood what Mayumi said was'very powerful' What does'mean' mean, and quickly asked: "Will... Is he writing a fake name at all? The character of Sixteen Nights can be done."

"Father said, the font is wrapped with a layer of mysterious power that he can't understand." Yumi really hides his inner bitterness.

Her father Nansuke Hiroshi, when he told her this, further affirmed the value of Jingyu.

This also means that her father has become more inclined to make her a marriage partner of Jingyu.

Really Yumi’s heart doesn’t resent being Jingyu’s engagement, but, father, is the daughter of a prosperous family?

She looked out of the window, under the long-term eyes, she was thinking about the winner's request to Jingyu.

****Support line of "The Devil of Time and Space"****

Classroom E in one year——

Erica probed from the back of her seat to the front. "Sixteen nights, did you invade the system and change your grades for yourself?"

Jingyu turned his head and suddenly made a mouth-opening gesture to bite her lip, making her yell, and retracted.

With a brief acceleration of his heart, looking at the wicked smiley face, Erica's small red face showed anger.

However, nothing was done this time...Compared to the ambiguous attention of the two, the students in the class began to say ‘really, did the sixteen night classmates invade the school system’?

Because that grade was too weird, some people believed it and passed it to friends in other classes through the terminal device.

Witnessing this, Erica panicked.

"No, it's not like that, I'm just joking!" She tried to explain.

The classroom was quiet for a moment, but the whispering continued again. A few anxious students also ran out, fearing that their friends in other classes would not know.

Erica really wanted to cry without tears.

"What to do, sixteen nights..." She looked at Jingyu apologetically... The intention was not to cause this kind of commotion.

Jingyu was unimpressed. "What should I do? Is this small problem of this degree worth worrying about?"

Small, small problem?

I will treat the commotion in front of me as a small problem, I am afraid you are the only one?

The classmates who had a good relationship with him looked at him with admiration and surprise. However, they soon accepted...because this is the "return to sixteen nights" they know themselves.

Erica calmed down. "Really, forget it. If something goes wrong, I will bear it with you at most!"

"Huh? Is this an oath of'together'?" Jingyu raised a finger and suddenly said.

Immediately denied, "No!" and spitting, "Where do you see it like that?"

In such a nutritious squabble, the school bell rang. The wrong information was briefly blocked, and the students were given enough time to calm down and think.

No one can be admitted to this first high school. After a class of time, when I go back to the list of registered results, I see that there is no change in the results, and I know that it is true.

As a result, the discussion changed from doubt to thinking about how he did it.

Even Erica was very interested.

When Erica, Mizuki, Leo, etc. all stood at his desk and asked questions, he pointed his finger in the direction of Erica, Mizuki, "You two are going to date with me, I will tell you guys."

"The result is the same... I must tell Saya this time!" Erica shouted.

Others are no strangers.

During school, Jingyu received a newsletter from Ono Haruka and asked him to go to the tutor's office.

After Jingyu saw Yao, she embraced her in her arms.

"No, no way..." Yao blushed and protested. "I didn't let you come to replenish your female energy... And, didn't I hug you in the morning?"

"Although this is the case, the female energy emitted by Xiaoyao's body is too strong. I always feel that not taking the opportunity to absorb it is not good for my health." Jingyu said seriously, making Yao feel that very colorful.

He regretted it a little bit, and he was softly embraced by him at that time. From then until now, for a whole semester, I come every day... I already have a girlfriend, and I came to see her. Even if she is Xiaoyao, you can understand that he is deliberately taking advantage of her.

It's just that I seem to have been inexplicably conditioned to launch. Seeing him open his arms, he would not have the will to resist... obviously every time before he came, he gave himself encouragement, saying that he could no longer indulge him.

Not every time.

"Then," she made a small request, "you can't put your hands in strange places like last time."

"Say it, not intentionally...because you and Sayaka used the same perfume, I thought it was her, and I reached out unconsciously." Jingyu smiled silently and said on her mouth Very helpless.

I thought to myself, ‘In other words, have you always treated Rensheng that way unknowingly? ’

Even though he and Sayaka are male and female friends, Yao still feels that they are a bit too bold as a high school student.

"Enough is absorbed... Let me go, let's talk about business." Yao urged him.

"You can talk like this, you can say it boldly, I listen." Jingyu still hugged him.

"I said you..." Remote sensing is helpless, "Do you still treat me as a teacher?"

"Yes, so I didn't do anything extra to you. Or else..." Jingyu's lips leaned to her ears, and the breath of the speech made her shrink her neck... he whispered: "I will Take you to the hotel."

"Woo, that, that's absolutely not enough!" Yao quickly shook his head against it, hoping to get rid of his approach in this way.

Then she heard him make a little manly laugh.

She is obviously younger than her age, and she is clearly her student. After saying such a topic, she is actually more shy... While realizing that he may be an experiencer, he feels ashamed that he is not an experiencer himself.

In order to get rid of this dilemma, I quickly rushed to the topic, "This, I'm calling you this time, the school wants to ask you through me...Is there a plan to jump directly into the Magic University? If so, the school can recommend you to ."

"No, there is no Xiaoyao to let me hug every day when I go to the University of Magic, so I won't go."

He said something a bit self-willed, but made Yao's heart happy.

But when he thought of his duties, "I can't do this." Persuaded him, "You are definitely beyond the standard of high school. It is better for you to enter college early."

"I'm the best right now." He hugged her and hugged her... that was like not wanting to leave her.

Then, without waiting for her to say anything, she took a photo at a location she shouldn't touch and escaped.

"Really, really..." Yao blushed and covered it. "Why?"

She didn't realize that her tone was not complaining, but more like complaining. When I couldn't help but think about what happened just now, I was shocked.

‘Me, I was just happy because he said... ’

Woo, no, no way!

She covered her flushed cheeks, ‘what should I do. ’Squatted in trouble...


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