Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 67: Bet it

I strongly demand that those who have been exploited should receive a fair and just return!

According to Jingyu's character, at least four of the girls were thinking about it, he would definitely say so. But he calmly disappointed half of their ‘expectations’.

I saw that he was still the yoyo with his arms folded, "Is it true that Aesthetic Sister bets, can't I not participate?"

"Huh?" Xiao Zi's voice around him.

On the opposite side, Mori stroked his forehead and said in his heart: ‘Is there still this hand? ’She already felt that she had been counted.

It’s just... she thought, ‘do you really believe that he can do it? ‘It looks really beautiful.

Xiaozi asked naively: "Why can't you participate in Sixteen Nights? Should you bet on yourself to win?"

"The premise is that I myself was not used as part of the bet." Jingyu explained to her.

Xiaozi ‘hey? ’Look towards the real Yumi.

Mayumi smiled at her, "It was so planned, but, sixteen nights, you are considered as part of the bet, it is not called not to participate. It is better to say that none of our staff can bet on you here. China has participated more."

"Isn't that weird?" Jingyu smiled. "I didn't bet, why would I participate the most?"

"Uh, this..." Yumi really stagnated.

Ringtone assisted her in a timely manner, "Sixteen nights, the key is not here, but what you can get... You don’t want to listen to the content of the bet before deciding whether to continue to embarrass you?"

"Well, Sister Lingyin makes sense. Then please listen to the sister of aesthetics." Jingyu said.

‘He didn’t deny that he was embarrassing me (really beautiful). ‘This is the psychological activity of three third-grade girls.

After Yumi half opened her lips, she decided to ignore this discovery.

"Cough," she coughed artificially. "My bet is... the winner can ask Sixteen Nights to do what he can..."

She deliberately paused here to deepen everyone's greed for winning the benefits.

Then he said, "If you lose, you have to date 16 days a day."

It's a double fire!

"Why, what?" Morley even shook to exclaim, "Date with him? Really beautiful, how can it be?"

"Ahra, if Morley thinks he will lose, he can change his guess now." This is the victory of the student president... It was really beautiful and easy to suppress the objection of Chairman Feng Ji.

Mori, who refused to admit defeat, let out a wooh sound.

However, this time, Ting Ting couldn't allow Yumi to go down.

"President, using the word "dating" is too cautious for the sixteen nights that already have a girlfriend."

Although I don’t mind spending a day with Jingyu, I want to characterize it as a date... she feels a little bothered. "Yes." Morley immediately supported.

"That's it... yes, then it's better to change to "Play for a Day"." Yumi really compromised.

It's so easy to regress, although there is a reason why he really has a girlfriend...More, whether he loses or wins, it is good.

If you win, you can use Jingyu to help solve her troubles;

If she loses and goes out with Jingyu, she can persuade herself under the pretext of ‘it’s willing to gamble to lose, not to win over love’. In order to win the status of "marriage contractor".

Mori and Lingyin had no objections. Xiaozi couldn't raise any objections. The last thing left was Deep Snow.

"President, here I to count?" she asked carefully.

I always feel that in this position, if one is bad, it is very likely that both will be involved.

However, it can only be said that her carefulness is in vain... How could the real Yumi of the devil's character let go of'whole person'?

Jin Yumei said with a smile: "Snow Xue Xuemei is half and half."

After chewing on the meaning of ‘half and half’, Xiaozi said, “Chairman, it’s strange... If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be said that Shen Xue would have determined that he had won and lost before the result came out?”

Since it's a matter of yourself, you might have to date Jingyu... Even if the date is changed to ‘playing for a day’, the content hasn’t changed at all... Because of the girl’s restraint, Shen Xue rarely and strongly expressed his opinion.

"Yes, President... You also said that I was talking about an option. If the result of the sixteen nights came out, I was lucky enough to say that the whole team should be the only one I win. In turn, I did not What I said is only a loss...shouldn’t there be a half and a half?

Zhen Yumi did not retreat under this powerful offensive, but smiled and said: "Deep Snow remembers what I said, I did say that... Then, does Shen Xue remember what he said then?"

"I said half of it..."

Deep snow with clear memory, after saying here smoothly, it got stuck!

The light smile on Mayumi's face turned into a triumphant smile.

Incidentally, although Mori felt that Yumi really was chewing on words. However, out of the demon psychology that she did not find herself, and was unwilling to admit... Maybe she was really infected by beauty, whether it was Mori or Bell, it was all a tone... Mori did not have a chairperson of justice. 'S identity, extend any help to Shen Xue.

Ling Yin looked at Jingyu with interest. Although she didn't know what benefits Yumi could gain in this bet, she knew Jingyu was actually the biggest beneficiary... Didn't see this guy, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

No good, will he be so honest?

One day later, the intranet of the No. 1 High School announced the list of students with outstanding performance this semester. Each grade ranks the top 20 in total scores... and the top 20 in theoretical and practical scores will be ranked separately.

Due to the ranking of the second and third grades, after so many semesters, it has basically been fixed, and not many people are interested.

This year, the first thing you do when you log on to the school network is basically to look at the ranking of the first grade.

Then, uproar!

Did the school log in the results show an error? Many people doubt this.

Not because the second-class students are ranked in the top 20 of the first grade, but his theoretical scores... The average score of the five subjects is unexpectedly higher than the full score! ..


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