Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 63: There will also be trouble when visiting

Kendo Club has been in a relationship for more than two years because of Division A's lurking. In addition to those who are new to the department, all of them have participated in the previous Blanche invasion.

Among them, Sijia and Sayaka have been mentally manipulated and need to be admitted to the hospital for observation and treatment; others have to undergo psychological counseling for a period of time before they can return to school for normal classes.

This led to the Kendo society temporarily lacking the second and third grade students.

In order to prevent this society from being scrapped, the general leader of the society alliance came to Jingyu... He hopes that Jingyu, who has a high level of kendo, can temporarily serve as a guide for newcomers.

It was also possible to assign someone from the swordsmanship club to teach a year. The Ke people consider the gap between the first and second students before they can find Jingyu who is also a second student.

He also explained this to Jingyu.

Jingyu immediately made a request, saying that an assistant was needed.

Named by him, Chika Erika.

The ten-character Ke people just heard Erica’s surname, and they understood the reason why Jingyu was looking for her...cough, of course, the Ke people were very serious and honest, and didn’t think about it in a crooked manner... simply because he knew What does the name "Chiba" of the surname of Erica represent... Mori, the chairman of the Fengji Committee, but has studied melee swordsmanship under the Chiba gate.

Although Mori's swordsmanship is not high...It seems to Erika and Jingyu not to be high... At first, Rensheng Sayaka saw her heroism in swordsmanship before she wanted to fight her.

Ke people agreed to help Jingyu persuade to try.

But the Croats did not personally go to see Erica... he was the minister who found the tennis department.

Who made Erica the last club to join is the tennis club.

And, according to what Jingyu taught him, he told the minister, ‘don’t tell Erica to go to Jingyu as an assistant, but tell her directly and ask her to temporarily teach a new person. ’

Jingyu's side helped the Ke people to exert pressure through the tennis minister. On the other side, they were looking for Sayaka...Erica somehow. Since then, the relationship with Sayaka has grown by leaps and bounds...she compares to Jingyu It is still hard to visit Sayaka.

Jingyu asked Sayaka to beg for Erica a little.

As a result, Erica made the move.

She was not suspicious until she stepped into the second stadium and saw Jingyu. To know the truth, he went back to the tennis club, from the minister’s mouth.

One can imagine Erica's anger. She later, a little bit to Sayaka... really just a little...a little bit of oil and vinegar!

She swears that she is telling the truth.

Erica herself, Mizuki, Suaka, Shizuku, and the student union’s deep snow, and other four women, plus the chairman of the style discipline, Mori Watanabe...All these are 9 girls, plus the first grade who joined Kendo Girls.

Two digits, if this is not too much, then it is justified!

He did get close to them, such as sitting in a classroom together, sitting at a table in the student union room, going to the restaurant for lunch together, instructing female staff members to practice... especially the last point, even the male Was it not suspicious that the staff had left her?

When Erica tells Sayaka, she ignores the scene where the female staff members strongly asked him to guide him.

In a word, obviously with Sayaka, he promised the girls that he was not good.

Erica grievously disturbed the good sister and complained to the good sister.

****The troubled line of the two days of poor plots****

Then there was this scene that Jingyu faced.

However, Jingyu is a veteran!

Such small problems can hardly disturb his words, but those big scenes in the past are going to jump out and cry.

Under the look of Sayaka, he quietly took out his mobile phone and called up the address book.

"Well, baby, let's take a look." He put the phone in Sayaka's hand and sat on the edge of the bed like she did.

"This, this..." Sayaka was a little embarrassed and said sincerely: "No need to check, as long as sixteen nights say no, I will believe it."

‘Just not be able to say... that is evidence. 'Jingyu was thinking in her heart, and she smiled and patted her hand holding the phone. "It's okay, I'm willing to let Sayaka look."

"Then... okay." Sayaka took her phone to the front, pulled the progress bar, and saw the name above.

No matter which country's surname, as long as you know the language of that country, you can basically see the name of a man or a woman at a glance.

Jingyu's address book is in Sayaka's mother tongue, and she can better distinguish. The progress bar has been pulled to the bottom. Sure enough, except for the girls she knows, no one has added it.

Sayaka sighed inwardly and smiled, "What, Ellie will talk nonsense."

Relax, even the nickname is used.

What I have to say is actually not exactly Erica's problem... Jingyu is so good in Sayaka's eyes, it will make her always think'I deserve him, how many girls like him' of.

Another reason... Sayaka is a little bit shy.

The two have kissed several times, and she finds that Jingyu is too skilled and clearly an experiencer.

Sayaka never expected him to like her forever, but she hoped that she would be liked by him a little longer.

Returning the phone to Jingyu... What was going on was intimacy, and Sayaka's cheeks were covered with red glow.

Jingyu, who accepted the phone, said seriously: "Because I was suspected, my fragile heart was hurt... If the little beauty who doubted me could kiss me, it would definitely cure me."

He closed his eyes.

Sayaka thought to herself, how could he have so many ways to get something shy about her through the law?

He has been hospitalized for less than ten days and has experienced similar things more than once.

The past experience tells him that he did not swear to achieve his goal... Sayaka clenched her small hand, scraped her lower lip with her teeth, and leaned in with him when her heart rate reached a certain height.

"Oh, I'm here again, Saya, how are you today..." The lively girl voice came from the door that was suddenly opened... The red-haired girl who made this saw Sayaka A scene of kissing Jinyu's lips soon.

She was stunned!

I’m not telling you, is he paying attention? Why are you taking the initiative?

When Sayaka yelled and turned away, the boy smiled proudly towards this side.

That is provocation!

Erica thought. ..


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