Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 62: Headless snake

Siboda also waited at the back door with Shiwenke people. Both of them are expressionless... it's not that there is any tension, their expressions are just their usual habits.

The Shiwenke people were a little surprised, ‘Returning to the Sixteenth Night is an exchange student, and has superb power to cover up the original name with magic. He talked and laughed in front of terrorists, and I can believe that he has that strength. But what happened to this teenager? ’

This teenager is also a second subject... Is this year's second subject students really so good?

At this time, an intense gunshot sounded in front.

The Shiwen Ke people just thought that the war situation there was very fierce... He didn't know Jingyu's ability, so he made this judgment. Spoda is also different from him.

"The total length of ten characters, this is a signal, let's start." Tatsuya said calmly.

The ten-character stunned, "How do you know this is a signal?"

Tatsuya, who was about to start, thought it would be too special for him to act like this. He quickly said: "It seems that the general manager does not know that one of the purposes of the sixteen night classmates is to bring Sister Rensheng to confirm one thing... …In the confirmation stage, verbal negotiation should be used. If there is a gunshot, this stage can only be passed.”

The Shiwen Ke people remembered the conversation between Mori Watanabe and Jingyu, and nodded. He glanced at the pistol that Tatsuya also held in his right hand... The body of the gun is very long, not the type on the market, I am afraid it is a customized version.

The CAD of this pistol's appearance is a special type of CAD. There are only 9 types of internal storage, which is far lower than the 99 types of general-purpose CAD...The CAD used by the Ke people is just the general-purpose type.

So, "From the point of view of your CAD, you should be good at attacking type magic. Let me take the lead in defense, and you will attack the enemy." The Ke people made a stable or conservative allocation.

Tak also agrees with this approach...but the starting point of approval is different. He believes that this will allow him to expose less to the direct lineage of the ten divisions.

It's just, "The ten-character long-walled phalanx is indeed very suitable for defense." He seems to have a multi-mouthed problem.

Let Ten Words pay attention to him, "You know the magic of me..."

There was a subtle pause in the discourse.

Tatsu also restrained the trend of sweat flowing from his forehead, so he smiled and said: "Of course, the deeds of the three giants in the school are widely circulated..." After a pause, "Can we start?"

"Well." The ten words responded unclearly, and turned and walked forward.

Tatsuya breathed out and followed.

Several groups of enemies encountered since then were shot with firearms. Both the machine gun and the pistol bullets were blocked by a light blue ‘wall’ released in front of the palm raised by the ten characters.

The ten characters hold the wall and move forward steadily, creating pressure on the enemy and forcing them to shoot continuously. When the sound of the guns stopped, he would give Taya precise orders... After Tatsuya rushed out, he shot radium rays from the pistol, piercing the terrorist's body through holes.

They came all the way to the front of the factory, only to see a pile of frozen ice sculptures. The two of the frontal attackers did not advance inwards at all, and there was a lot of suspicion of slowdown.

Although Tatsuya has some opinions, he only thinks about the degree of his heart. If you say something, you might be refuted... The opponent is the'sixteen nights' that can make the girls speechless. They can't do that to the girls, so they simply gave up. .

The four people walked out of the factory to merge with Erica and Leo.

The work of contacting the police station was handed over to the Shiwenke people... When the Shiwenke people did that, Jingyu and the five stood in one place. Erica and Leo complained to him that there was no chance of playing after coming here.

Jingyu smiled and said: "Now, Erica, if you want to take risks, I will take you to the weekend...Blanche's Japanese branch is destroyed, but we can go to the Japanese branch of the headless snake. ."

"Headless snake?"

Erica, Leo and Sayaka are all puzzled.

"Sixteen nights, what is that?" Erica asked as their representative: "Is it also a terrorist organization?"

Siboda also looked at Jingyu in surprise.

Jingyu also happened to see him and smiled slyly, "Da also seems to know that it is better for you to tell everyone about science?"

The three of them turned their faces towards Taya.

"...I don't know too much." Tatsuya thought that it would really cause trouble. When he saw Leo's "Please" expression, he couldn't refuse to say: "The headless snake used to be called The headless dragon... was forced to change its name only three years ago."

"Huh? Forced..." Leo interrupted him. "Isn't it a terrorist organization? Why was it forced to change its name?"

"The headless snake is not so much a terrorist organization, it is really classified as a criminal organization." Tatsuya also said with a serious attitude: "It will change its name, not because it does not work, but to force it to change the name of the person, too strong Now!"

"Who?" Leo asked... eyes started to shine.

"You're so stupid." Erica satirized him, "Dad also reminded me clearly? Headless dragon, three years ago... think about who is the emperor of the sovereign country?"

"Dragon Emperor?!" Leo shouted in surprise, and also thought, ‘It is said that the emperor’s surname is a dragon... Isn’t it true that the headless dragon is disrespectful to the emperor? It's really overbearing! ’

However, if the target is a criminal organization, there is no need to give sympathy.

The reality is that Lin Er...

The Xingwenke heard Leo's voice. Just ended the call with the police, and came over.

"The headless snake is not a pure criminal organization, but a criminal organization that abuses magic. The combat specifications are fundamentally different from Blanche. Don't think that it can be as easy as this time... This topic is over." Said, and looked at Jingyu.

Tah also immediately knew the true meaning of the Ke people, ‘Returning to the Sixteenth Night is the man of the suzerain kingdom, and the Emperor Tianlong may be his elder. It is indeed inappropriate for us to arguing in front of him. ’

Tak also thought he knew why Jingyu gave the story to him.

Ten minutes later, the number of black cars arrived here first. Those who got out of the car were all dressed in black suits. Farther away is the sound of a siren...

On the second day of the incident, in addition to the members of Egallte, ordinary students were in normal classes.

Jingyu made her debut as a ethics commissioner yesterday. After school today, Mori was immediately assigned a patrol task... saying that he was supposed to make up for the laziness of the recent period.

Sayaka was asked to be hospitalized because her memory had been modified. When Jingyu visits her, she often finds the figure of Erica.

In this way, one day, when Jingyu closed the door of the ward and returned to the hospital bed to kiss Sayaka... Sayaka separated the lips of the two with her palm.

"Elika said, you have been very close to many girls recently." She stared into his eyes from behind her palms.

Undoubtedly, he was hit with a small report.

Jingyu started thinking at the bottom of her heart, how to repay the restless ‘little tiger tooth’. ..


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