Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 40: Too cunning

Elika pointed at Jingyu again.

"He invited me and said he would show me Kendo!"

Instead, he determined to Jingyu disgustingly, "Did you fear that I wouldn't come, did you say you want to show me Kendo?"

All these caused obvious shaking in Rensheng Sayaka's face.

Sayaka didn't see it either. When Jingyu cast her blame on Elika, Elika raised her pointed jaw demonstratively to Jingyu.

"Yes, is that true?" Sayaka asked Jingyu lowly, with a lost ground.

"Of course not!" Jingyu denied.

"What?" Erica thought, how dare he lie in front of her... she forgot, didn't she say half-truth in front of Jingyu?

Jingyu smiled counterattackly at her and said to Sayaka: "I did say that she would perform Kendo to show her... that was not because of anything else, but the girl's solid Kendo foundation."

He said, ignoring Erica's surprised and regretful eyes, he approached Sayaka's ear and whispered, but deliberately let Erica also hear:

"It's different from being to you. I just cherish her as an individual. If Kendo can recruit someone who can help the women's team win because of my performance, isn't it great?"

Sayaka's cheeks turned red and she quickly turned away: "Sixteen nights, don't... don't be so close to me."

If Erica evaluates the resistance, it is "too low"!

"It turns out that way." Sayaka smiled slightly to Erica. "I welcome you to visit on behalf of Kendo."

There was no need to confirm with Erica at all, she believed what Jingyu said, and let Erica stay for a while.

"Sixteen nights, it's not too early, let's go in." Sayaka turned and walked towards the stadium.

Jingyu stayed still smiling at Elika, "Please, Elika."

The two walked side by side. "That will get you back, and you really have it." Erica whispered: "Sixteen nights is really good at talking to girls."

"If you are so unwilling, you can try to tell me what I proposed to you just now." Jingyu suggested to her.

When Alika instinctively showed the expression "How could it be said", he deliberately smirked, dropped Alika, and went to chase Sayaka.

Erica gritted her teeth, but couldn't think how to fight back.

Finally, ‘less proud, haven’t you been rejected? ’She felt she should believe that he was just rejected!

****Support line of 700,000 words "Time and Space Devil"****

The time displayed on the terminal device indicates that there are only three minutes left before the performance starts. Standing on the stand three meters above the ground, Erica looked around... She was a little worried that the large number of people would crush the seemingly thin viewing area.

I really didn't expect so many people to come and see!

Thinking of ‘someone who likes the guy’s kendo, there are still many of them’, she heard conversations with several girls beside her.

"Sixteen night classmates don't know if they will wear helmets? I really hope he doesn't wear them!" Girl A said.

"Shouldn't you wear it? Because it's a performance." Girl B said.

"Really?" Girl C said cheerfully: "This doesn't mean..."

A, B, and C together, "Can you see the handsome face when the students of Sixteen Nights brandished their swords?"

'Ah ah! The ground, the girls were excited.

Erica stared at them stunned... Then she seemed to remember something, pinched her chin, and looked to the left and right again, and suddenly found:

‘Why are there more girls? ’

Among them, there are even some girls from the first-class students and the more confident second- and third-graders.

If you look at the conversation between the three girls just now, they are not at the sword of Jingyu at all, just that face.

Erica pouted, ‘Although the guy does look handsome and has good temperament...but his personality is very bad! ’

If you all know his character, you will definitely be disappointed. She thought so, because the commotion of the girls became louder and looked towards the venue... Seeing Jingyu put on a darker kendo suit, left hand Carrying the bamboo sword came out.

His face is calm and confident. Different from the seriousness of the competition with sophomore boys that day, when a girl shouted his name, she waved her hand over there.

what! Erica reacted, this time, he was recruiting for the Kendo.

Probably not as serious as the last time!

However, ‘Kao Xiakou said that it was performing for me. If I am not satisfied with it, I’ll pull you to practice with me. 'Erica thought.

Jingyu walked to Sayaka... Sayaka was wearing a light-colored Kendo suit, so that the two would be different.

"Sixteen nights, you are ready, we will start." Sayaka said with a smile.

"About this, I want to make a change!" Jingyu said.

"...What changes?" Sayaka was hesitant and said: ‘Are you still angry? ’

"It's not what I practiced last night." Jingyu gestured to her surrounding audience, "It's just that level, but it's not enough to satisfy the appetite of this number of people... Sayaka, you will do it later. Play as you can. I'll cooperate with you!"

"What... what?" Sayaka froze.

"Trust me." Jingyu patted her shoulder and gave her a positive look.

He took a step away from her and raised his right hand high!

Without any explanation, the people watching the seats automatically calmed down within three seconds.

I was a little surprised when I noticed this situation on the spot!

Obviously only in the first grade, he is still regarded as the second weed of the weeds... but he has the general command power.

He reached the starting line, waiting for Sayaka.

The quiet atmosphere increased Sayaka's tension. Just like the day when she first took to the stage, she took a deep breath and walked to the starting line on the other side, she was already serious.

Not the girl with a lovely smile, but a majestic female swordsman.

"Go!" Jingyu issued an order.

"Yeah!" Sayaka shouted for excitement, progress, and sword.

Continuous attack without leaving room.

Noodles, noodles, small hands, carcasses, diagonal cuts, upper cuts, noodles, reverse diagonal based on the belief that Jingyu possesses the powerful strength to resolve all her attacks, and is desperate!

Its offensive, invading like fire!

All the partners of the Kendo Society including Siga were startled! The audience on the battle seat, especially the girls who came for impure purposes, also forgot to cheer.

The people in the gym all opened their lips halfway, staring at the fierce... performance?

No, it's a fight!

Jingyu's counterattack started after three seconds.

First, it suppresses Sayaka's continuous attacks, and then the two sides have contacts. With the crackling sound of bamboo swords intersecting, they kept moving around the playing field, playing vividly...

Not all of the audience at the scene possessed a sword-like foundation like Erica. She is also the minority who sees the most exciting and rare part of this performance.

Yes, for her, it was still a performance... It is not that she has the leeway compared to that intense performance! She felt that if she was in Sayaka's position, she could not do much better than Sayaka.

Opponent, too strong!

‘It only took three seconds to figure out the strength limit of Rensheng Xuejie! Then, he suppressed his sword skills to a point comparable to that of Rensheng Xuejie. Keep pushing forward, forcing Saya Xiang to fight as hard as possible! I can also adjust the best offensive and defensive speed according to the physical strength of Sister Sayaka’

This is simply a squeeze!

Jingyu is constantly squeezing the possibility of Rensheng Sayaka.

Alika is almost certain that after this performance, the Sister Rensheng's kendo standard will definitely improve.

‘Really...’ She stroked her forehead. ‘I’m still mad at you. I just let people see this kind of thing... It’s too cunning...’..


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