Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 39: Girls and Girls

After the tie was pulled away, the chest of the uniform was slightly opened.

Plus her stooped posture with her hands on her legs.

Jingyu froze for a moment... In terms of the dress etiquette of this era, it is to avoid bare skin in public. A young girl who has grown up with this deep-rooted thought cannot deliberately unbutton her to provide him with services.

She didn't know her condition or what he saw.

Changing another boy in Jingyu’s position, I’m afraid I will do it. I try to twist the beginning inadvertently, pretending not to see it before I find it. The most unfavorable thing is to continue to look on in a silly way to reduce his character in the heart of the girl.

Jingyu is neither the former nor the latter.

Although the scenery in front of him is beautiful, he hasn't gotten enough to lose him... compared to seeing, he instead has a greater interest and hobby for the shame of provoking the girl.

"Now, Erica." He called the girl, who was ‘eh? ’Don’t be sure to look at him, and gave a thumbs up, “Although yours is smaller than Mizuki’s, it’s still within the scope of Good_job!”

For a moment, Erica didn't understand what he was talking about. After memorizing it carefully, she found two keywords: "Mizuki" and "Small"... She suddenly remembered the conversation of the previous two days. She looked down and almost fainted.

But if he faints, he still doesn't know what this big and bright pervert would do.

Erica cheered up and cheered!

"No viewing!"

Holding her arms tight, she stared tearfully at the boy with an expression on his face...I didn't know that this guy was actually enjoying her courage.

‘Ah, it’s amazing! 'Jingyu gave her a thumbs up again,'That kind of coquettish woman is good, I like this kind of shameful woman too. ’

The relationship between the two is still very shallow. If it is too amused, it may really make the relationship stiff.

"Well, don't look at it." He said perfunctoryly, turning his back, whispering in a low voice: "I thought you made me see it on purpose, it's not a bit overdone if you don't praise..."

He was pushed from behind.

"Shaohu, why should I show you on purpose?" But Erica knew that she was the one who untied the tie. As for the buttons, because of the tie of the tie, she didn't button them at the beginning.

I forgot what I just did.

‘It’s cheaper for him! She pursed her lips in tears, and felt unable to release her heart. She said, ‘If he hadn’t let me run, how could I not breathe and untie her tie. ’

Therefore, there is still his fault.

Holding this kind of psychology, even if she fastened her clothes button, Erica still ignored him with a small face.

Jingyu waited two minutes before turning around.

After noticing Erica's performance, he put on a serious expression and said, "Erica, has caused you trouble!"

Erica thought he was about to apologize, and slowly turned his face... At this time, he felt that the strange ingredient was higher than the shyness... Will the "return to the sixteen nights" of his own behavior even apologize?

As a result, "I will be responsible." He said.

"Negative...responsible?" Erica froze.

"Well, seeing your body, you should marry me." Jingyu said seriously.!

Erica's face flushed again. "It's not like that!" She seemed very forceful.

The target was not scared by this posture, but instead laughed.

"So, don't be angry... I'll show you Kendo!" He invited with a gentle tone.

Then, walk directly towards the second stadium.

Erica thinks he is too cunning. ‘Obviously I have made an appointment with someone to perform, but I said that it’s a show to me. I don’t believe it. But after all, she couldn’t bear the temptation of ‘what on earth would he do’, and she rushed to his back with a small nose and followed.

Outside the Second Gymnasium, Rensheng Sayaka, who had changed her kendo robe, was waiting for Jingyu. He was a few minutes behind schedule, making her anxiously anxious.

When Erica and Jingyu walked around here, they saw Sayaka walking back and forth uncomfortably from a distance...Erica slowed down automatically.

Jingyu glanced back at her, and she returned a bright smile.

In fact, she thought, ‘I’m going to see, how do you tell Sister Rensheng. ’

Rensheng Sayaka saw Jingyu, "Sixteen nights!" She called to him, trotting towards this side and ushered in a paragraph... Erica could see the joy on her face at first, slowly stretched A small face raised, and said: "I thought you were not coming."

The tenderness is very obvious.

‘Wow, Sister Sayaka looks like someone who refused to confess. 'Erica thought in surprise.

"If you did that, how would you come to see you in the future?" Jingyu Chong Sayaka blinked her eyes. "When she walked out of the school building, she was chased by various clubs... We spent a lot of time, Just got out."

"Really?" Sayaka said apologetically, "Master, will you spread out what you will come to practice..."

"It's not Sayaka's fault. So, you don't have to show this expression." Jingyu looked in the direction of the gymnasium. "It's the commander-in-chief. It's really wholeheartedly for the Kendo Society."

He directly pointed out the excuse that Si Jia could use for doing so, but there was a hint of unhappiness in his tone.

This made Sayaka feel overwhelmed... Sayaka actually felt a little problem. Because when Jingyu was there yesterday, Si Jia did not consult Jingyu about this point.

Just when Sayaka thought about how to explain this to her, she suddenly saw a pretty girl with short red hair standing a few steps behind Jingyu... I did use it just now...and we. ’

"Sixteen nights, did that school girl come with you?" Sayaka asked slightly.

I will know that Alika is a school girl because of Alika's beauty... The students of this appearance are also second-class students. If you have been in the school for one or two years, Sayaka can't help but not know!

When Sayaka mentioned herself, Erica stepped forward.

"Hello," she didn't face the timidity of the second grade, and raised her hand to greet lively, "I am the classmate of the sixteen nights, Chiba Erica."

"Hello..." Sayaka asked abruptly: "Did Chiba come because she likes kendo?"

Erica stayed. After a little scrutiny, it's not difficult to find that the school sister's face and words imply temptation.

‘It’s not like rejecting a confession! After she reached such a conclusion, she glanced at Jingyu. ‘But, it just fell into the hands of this satyr and always felt a little too cheap for him. ’

He just held it and wanted to add some trouble to him in retaliation for his blatantly taking advantage of himself.

"No." She smiled brightly, and answered. ..


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