Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 26: Win trust

Time to return to the area of ​​the atrium in the morning.

Hearing Jingyu said that his memory might have been touched, Sayaka couldn't help but stop.

She turned around and looked at him suspiciously, trying to see the trace of lying from his face.

However, the more you look at it, the more you can find that there is a deep concern in that face.

Jingyu stood up and said sincerely, "Sister Xue, please think about it. If it is not for your own sake, can I commit this to intentionally provoke your suspicion and displeasure? I can only be a Kendo. People come to attract you, don’t they?"

Sayaka was surprised for a while, and she agreed in her heart that "It's true"... As a master of swordsmanship, he has successfully won her respect. This point, no matter before or now, there is no violation.

I still remember what happened when he was pulled out of the classroom. For any other male, it is impossible for him to obey that kind of tough...especially the reason is confession!

Thinking of Sayaka here, he gave him a weird look, "You really use a bad idea."

"Huh?" Jingyu lowered his head. "What a bad idea."

He did not know what she was thinking, but also reassured Sayaka.

"Nothing." She didn't intentionally mention embarrassing herself. After a pause, "Is the memory changed, is it the one I just dreamed of?"

"Yes." Jingyu said.

Sayaka was silent for a moment... and suddenly smiled miserably, "Is it really my misunderstanding?"

"I also saw the scene in the dream together. If Sister Xue believes in my eyesight, it seems to me that if Sister Mori at that time simply compared Kendo with you, she wouldn't do it... Of course, if you count it as magic, She must be stronger."

Jingyu did not ignore her distressing "smile", "However, Xuejie doesn't have to lament the past year."

"Why?" Sayaka excited, "I wasted a year under the guidance of misunderstanding!"

One year! Life may have a lot of years, but there is only one time between 15 and 16 years old!

She couldn't change the year when she was eighty years old to make up for the loss.

Youth is because of the person who changed his memory, and was so confusedly consumed.

Sayaka showed an expression of both anger and sadness.

Faced with this, Jingyu smiled comfortably, "Sure enough, Sister Xue is so strong!" He exclaimed: "Even if there is a misunderstanding, Sister Xue has not wavered and gave up to work hard... My eyes will not be wrong. Compared with a year ago, the current level of Kendo's kendo is almost the same."

"You lie!" Sayaka shed tears.

"Speaking as a student, I won't make you believe it. Then..." Jingyu posed a bit of majesty, "I will judge by the kendo master in your eyes, Sayaka, compared to one Years ago, you really became stronger!"

This did not stop Sayaka's tears, which were even more fierce. She first covered her mouth and whispered quietly, and finally couldn't help but fell into his arms...**** Support Line for "The Devil of Time and Space"****

Back to the student union room——

"Ah, did the 16th night student brother finally hold the beauty back?" Qi Cao Yumi's hands prayed, his face slightly raised, his eyes flashing with a longing smile... The words said made Jingyu's lips twitch.

"I said..." He had to say to the girl who was immersed in the romantic atmosphere: "Isn't that right, confession is just an excuse to take her out?"

"But, hug?" Zhen Yumei raised a finger.


"Rensheng Xuemei is a beauty," Yumi said again.

Jingyu, who had been anticipating this pursuit, held her forehead. "You won!"

"Year!" Really, Yumi and her hands showed the word "V", like a lively bunny.

Mori Watanabe gave her a white glance and tapped the table with her hand. "Now it's a matter of discussion, really..." In order to continue the conversation, she asked Jingyu: "After letting her believe, about changing the memory What are you going to do about the prisoner?"

This is actually the area of ​​responsibility of the Discipline Committee. Mori Watanabe asked, not to give Jingyu the job of handling this matter, but to consider his ability to read memory.

"Sister Xue wants to ask, is there any requirement to read the memory again?" Jingyu pointed out.

"Yes..." Morley said: "If you ask for it, should she agree? Or, as far as I am concerned, she may propose it herself."

"It is the latter. She proposed it herself... However, I did not agree." Jingyu gave an unexpected answer.

Morley opened his lips halfway, "Why, why?" he asked a little in disbelief.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think that this guy's thinking was too out of common sense... without the consent of others, he used the magic of reading memory without permission; well, when others agreed, he didn't Dry.

What the **** is he thinking about!

Jingyu said to her: "Sister Xue's thinking is too simple... I remind you, why did the prisoner intentionally change the memory of Sister Sayaka?"

Morley stayed for a while, "Aren't... are you targeting me?"

"No." Lingyin answered, "If it's aimed at Morley, you just need to catch the prisoner."

She carefully recalled the dialogue between Jingyu and Sayaka, and her face suddenly changed, shocked and said: "The other party... Is it aimed at the contradiction between the first and second students?"

"Smart..." Jingyu looked at the ring tone and shook his head and sighed: "Today I came to the student council room. The biggest gain may not be to have dinner with five beautiful girls, but to know the cleverness of Sister Ling Yin... …With this calm personality, it is very suitable for staff or assistant. Are you interested? I can recommend it for you!"

"Sorry, and thank you." Lingyin said plainly: "I have made a good plan, and the future goal is to conquer the "gravity-controlled thermonuclear fusion reactor", one of the three major problems of modern magic."

"Uh..." Although Jingyu had heard of the'three major problems of modern magic', she didn't know why they were difficult, and she didn't expect to appear in the conversation of high school students, and she smiled bitterly: "If you look carefully , I am now surrounded by excellent students of the first subject..."


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