Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 25: Second b ability

BS ability is innately specific ability, it can also be said to be super ability.

If a person has superpowers, there is usually only one kind, but it is not without having several kinds of records at the same time.

So, Yumi is not surprised that he still has a second ability... The surprise is that it is not documented.

Since the investigation of him had been admitted by herself, he said that he could be asked. Then she decided that she would no longer be polite to this disgusting student.

"What is the second BS ability of the 16th night student brother?"

"Read the heart." Jingyu said.

The word came out, and the whole room of the student union quieted down... the girls stared at him.

Don't get me wrong, this'staring' is not to fancy him, but to be alert!

By the way, how many people can sit at a table? Can whispers hide others? Everyone just pretends to have eaten their own food... It is not possible now.

"Read, read..." Yumi really replaced everyone and asked tentatively, "What is it?"

She glanced at Mori, undoubtedly worried... Especially Mori, who thought of something not so good, reached the level of anxiety in her heart.

"When my eyes turn red, as long as I want to, I can read the memory of the person I looked at... like this. So, the school sisters and Xiaozi, as well as the deep snow, can actually be used. Then look at me." Jingyu laughed.

His disgusting rank immediately rose to a new height in the hearts of the women.

Nakajo Azusa protested in tears, "Why should I be excluded alone... And you call me that again!"

Everyone ignored her and the topic continued.

This time was a speech made by Mori...She said with awe-inspiring attitude: "Yumi said yesterday that it is against the school rules to use magic in the school defensively. And you are also suspected of violating the privacy of others. !"

"Oh, if you say that, I'll accept the investigation of your Excellency Chairman. However, I don't tell you what I saw... what's really going wrong, you should wait to regret it."

Jingyu pouted like a troubled child, and began to fight with his head down.

His tired look of ‘look at what you can do with me’ made Morley so angry that his teeth tickled.

Mayumi continued to wink at her again and again, let her endure without continuing to speak.

Mayumi persuaded Jingyu to say: "Sixteenth night student brother, you will take the initiative to use magic on Rensheng Xuemei, I believe it is out of concern for her good intentions... but don't delay the business because of unnecessary things such as anger."

"What about my use of magic?" Jingyu said: "What if someone investigates afterwards?"

‘ stimulate Mori again. "You Yumei shook her head desperately at Mori, and said, "No, no one sees it, right?"

The members of the student council all twist their heads, not looking at the president of the student council who says something obviously wrong. Jingyu smiled at Mori, "Well, then I will go on." Mori turned away.

However, the attention of her ears is still on Jingyu's side.

Jingyu's face was a little more serious.

"At first, I would care about Sayaka, in addition to her level of swordsmanship, and the violations she felt in her. Well, this is probably due to my sharper mentality... In the morning, listen to her , Sister Morley once rejected her and said too much to her. Thinking of the character of Sister Morley, that would not be the case, and finally could not help using the magic eye."

"Yes...because Morley?" Yumi was surprised.

Morley also turned her head back, half-confident, staring at Jingyu carefully and saying, "You, are you lying?"

"Joke is a joke, now I'm talking about the business, I still have a sense of justice. Please also learn sister you hurry back to God." Jingyu said with a smile.

Morley's cheeks were slightly red... She had already remembered that when she met Rensheng the day before yesterday, Rensheng did have some problems with her attitude. So, he took a deep breath and gave Jingyu a white glance, throwing out the meaning of'I have let you go this time'.

"What the **** is going on?" At this time, she was the vigorous and disciplined chairman of the discipline. The beautiful face was full of awe-inspiring spirit.

"Sayaka said that the sister had once beautifully subdued the swordsman club's troubles with magic swordsmanship at the club recruitment week a year ago. At that time, she asked you for swordsmanship, and in her memory, your answer was: you Not enough to be an opponent, this is just a waste of time, or choose your own opponent..."

"Slow! Not right..." Morley immediately remembered what was happening at that time and negated what Jingyu said, "I didn't say that!"

"Don't you stare at me, she said what she said?" Jingyu spread his hand.

Being accused of this, Morley stagnated and said at the beginning: "I, I know..." After a pause, he frowned: "But, why did she remember that, I said clearly not that."

She said what she said at the time, very clearly... This was done to let the members of the student union know that she did not do that kind of excessive things, so as not to be misunderstood by close friends.

After she explained, "Is the memory tampered with?" Really Yumi nodded her chin with her green fingers. "Because there are traces of magic used, she was captured by the sensitive spirit of the sixteenth night student. Does it violate...?"

Jingyu gave her a thumbs up.

Shin Yumi reveals a shy triumph.

"Then, since I have read the memory, I believe the prisoner knows it too?" said the ringtone sitting across from Yumi.

"Sister Lingyin, don't take this for granted. The other party is a girl. How can I look at it casually..." Speaking of Jingyu here, he noticed that everyone was unbelieving or'Aren't you going to watch?' His suspicion made him smile bitterly, "It's not what you think... this time it's a form of using, letting her fall asleep and dreaming, and looked at that memory...cough, which is the knee pillow!

The knee pillow turned out to be the case. The five women nodded or suddenly.

Ling Yin also said: "Since the memory can be reproduced in the form of dreaming, and this memory has been changed by the prisoner...I should also be able to see the prisoner related?"

‘I’m really worthy of the student union cadres really selected by the United States! "Jingyu praised her in the bottom of my heart, "I can see the prisoner who changed the memory, but I didn't go to see... The reason is, can Sister Lingyin think of it?"

He looked directly at the bell.

"Because you have used this ability without her consent without her consent, she will not be trusted by her." Ling Yin said calmly. She also squeezed her chin with her hand and thought for a while, "It seems that the memory has been changed. I seem to have told her... Then I am curious. How would you convince her next?"


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