Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 21: I feel good about you is your hint

Sayaka woke up.

Opening her eyes, she saw her hands stretched upward...they were grabbing an arm.

Since she hadn't fully recovered from the dream that was too real, especially since she didn't get rid of the regret that didn't prevent success, she maintained this posture for a while. Then, looking at the arm, through the arm, I saw the face of its owner.


She found something wrong... she looked at his face from bottom to top.

'It's this posture, isn't it...' She stood up in shock and returned to the sitting position, then looked at the position just now... Sure enough, until just now, I don't know how long it has passed since I was lying on a male's On his thigh.

This, this... is this the legendary knee pillow?

The red horizontal line passed over the top of her head in an instant.

She turned sideways, waving her hands helplessly to him, "Then, that, I don't know why I fell asleep, why did you let me lie on your lap... No, I'm not talking about this , I want to say, I don’t know why I lie..."

The incoherent language really reached a very high level! Can say the same thing over and over again.

Jingyu laughed. He felt that he should still do it, laugh, laugh, and make her feel ashamed.

Sure enough, in that laugh, Sayaka lowered her head to her chest and shrunk into a ball. However, she was so smiled, she couldn't help but protest, "No, don't have to laugh to the point."

"This can't blame me completely, it's because the sister's reaction is too interesting." Jingyu gradually stopped the smile, and asked: "Sister Xue remembers what happened before falling asleep?"

"Before I fell asleep..." Sayaka cast a puzzled look and spent a few seconds recalling it. "Remember you seem to be saying... By the way, did your eyes turn red?"

"Is it like this?" Jingyu changed his eyes to the red eyes of the true ancestor.

Sayaka was shocked when she saw it, ‘I thought it was an illusion, it turned out to be true... so to speak, I would fall asleep because...’

In the end, she is also a student of magic college, and she is a sophomore. Thinking of that possibility, he quickly turned his head.

"Ah, Sister, don't be afraid... as long as I don't use momentum, it doesn't matter if I look directly." Jingyu said.

Sayaka still didn't turn her head back, she said in a pained and angry voice: "I really misread you! I still believe you so much, and treat you as a pioneer of kendo who can guide me, you, you... "

She couldn't say anything heavier, she stood up and was going to leave.

Jingyu took her hand.

"You let go!" Sayaka's small head turned towards him, shaking the arm.

"Sister Xue, haven't you noticed yet?" Jingyu said: "If you can scold me so fiercely, it means that my power has no residual influence on you."

His sentence pointed directly to the root of her intense reaction-Sayaka was worried that he controlled her mind.

Listening to him say this, she stopped struggling with her arms in doubt. However, I tested myself in my heart, ‘what do I think of Sixteen Nights? 'She asked herself this way.

The conclusion reached her cheeks a little blush, and she began to struggle again.

"You, have you said yet?"

"Hey...? Yes?"

Jingyu froze, "What's there?" Although he knew what she was talking about, he didn't know what she was talking about.

Sayaka said: "It's not that you made a hint, how could I have a good impression on you so quickly?" Since they met now, this is the third day, and they have met for the fourth time in total... Only four times, she can clearly recall his handsomeness, his bad In his eyes, he was witty when he brandished a bamboo sword.

Recalling this, she found that her heart rate increased.

No, it's impossible. She thinks this is definitely not her due reaction... she is not a nympho.

And, the impression he left in her heart is too clear, right? It must be an implied effect!

Therefore, when Sayaka said her inner thoughts, she was not as shy as ordinary girls. Instead, her angry component is bigger now.

"..." Jingyu stroked his forehead with the other hand, a little bothered and amused: "Cough, I said, don't you think, maybe it's your own idea?"

"My own? How is that possible?"

If so, just tell him this, and don’t be ashamed! Sayaka couldn't help but turn back to refute.

When she looked at his face, she thought of red eyes again, and turned back quickly... This time it was only half done. Even with a glance, she noticed that her eyes were now black.

Black, it doesn't matter.

She calmed down a little, looked at him again, and said with a straight face: "Remove the hint to me!"

Jingyu smiled, "Assuming that I did give you a hint, Sister, let me eliminate it for you. I'm not afraid of such a mean me. Do you have anything to do with you?"


Yes, there is such a possibility! Sayaka thought wondering, ‘Why do I have to make this request to him? ’

If he is not confused, it is still the influence of his hint.

Taking advantage of her six gods and no master, Jingyu said again: "Now, Sister Xue, do you want to sit down and listen to my suggestions?"

"...You don't have to sit down, you say it." Sayaka said after pondering for a few seconds.

"First of all, I’m talking about my ability, it’s not a hint to you...because Sister Mori is different from my impression, I want to verify it. This is the reason why my eyes turn red , I want to see what happened then... Ah, don’t get excited, let me finish!"

When I heard that he might have seen her heart, Sayaka almost got so angry... Jingyu, who was standing up, pressed her shoulders and pressed it on the chair.

He also sat back and continued: "The ability I use is similar to the legendary monster Demon... that is to make people dream! I let the school sister fall asleep and let the school sister reproduce the time in the form of a dream Situation. And I, I can take the opportunity to see...I promise, absolutely nothing is done."

"The guarantee is invalid. For the time being, I don't believe in Sixteen Nights!" Sayaka twisted her face to the other side with anger.

However, the expression on her face quickly became a surprise, ‘he said, let me reproduce the situation at the time in the form of a dream... No, this is a lie, because of this dream, with my memory...’

"Sister Xue, you must be doubting, the dream is different from the memory?" he said.

"You, how do you know?" Sayaka turned back in shock. "You, are you still reading me?"

Thinking of this possibility, she could no longer stay away from the bench.

Behind, "Then you haven't thought about it, maybe your memory has been manipulated before me?"

Such a question came and let Sayaka, who ran out of steps, stunned!

Passive memory?

how is this possible! The answer should have been so clear. However, why not step away?

Deep inside Sayaka's heart, there is something vaguely preventing her...


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