Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 20: Sayaka's dream


Really fortunately he can hang the word on his mouth without blushing.

And the people in the class are really, even believed... Have you ever seen such a tough party with a confession? What dragged the confessed girl hard was kidnapping and a crime of sexual harassment!

What makes Sayaka most embarrassed and angry is that a few girls who have a good relationship usually shed tears of blessing.

Ah, I was so careless about making friends!

In the process of being pulled forward, she thought of these things that were not there... she didn’t think about herself—although he was tough, he did not reach the level of using force, how could he be pulled by him What?

Perhaps the only excuse you can find is that you can't beat him, and it's useless to struggle.

When he heard the sound of the class bell, Sayaka was pulled out of the classroom by Jingyu, and came to an atrium with a little tree cover near the teaching building... there are benches.

After Jingyu brought Sayaka to a bench, she pressed her on the bench.

At that moment, he pressed his hands on her shoulders, making the two faces closer than ever. Coupled with his predominance and slightly leaning forward, it was too aggressive... Sayaka was flustered in this posture for no reason.

"No, no, even in Kendo, I respect you very much, but, if you continue to be brutal, I, I..."

She was really shy...and, he chuckled and laughed.

Hey? With a dumbfounded startle, she lifted her small head and scratched her nose.

"What do you want?" He looked at her funny, let go of her shoulders, and sat down next to her. "I'm here to hear your answer... Forgot? The one who asked you yesterday."

Sayaka can now be thankful that he did not continue to stare at her...shyness turned to shame, making her whole face red. There was nothing wrong, but she sandwiched her hands between her legs and couldn't lift her head like an uneasy little animal.

Jing Yi appeared briefly in the atrium. He didn't say anything, Sayaka didn't want to say... The sunlight in the spring did not scorch the spots hotly, and an unknown bird screamed in the tree.

I didn't know how long it was. "Still still?" he asked.

Sayaka twisted her face away from him, "Not at all!"

"So, what is the answer to the question?" he asked again.

This time Sayaka was silent... shyness didn't fade until then.

He was pulled here, regardless of what excuses she had. Even if you want to escape, I'm afraid it will be pulled back.

It is really inescapable, and the words that must be answered-Sayaka throws the question out first.

"In terms of your experience, before reaching the current level, will you be confused about the way forward?"

Jingyu thought for a while...because of the existence of a replacement system, he really had no problems in this regard. However, judging from the disciples and students who have been taught, basically there will be confusion in one period or another.

Now, he doesn’t want to presuppose that he has a replacement system...that is not suitable for Sayaka.

Therefore, according to common sense, he nodded.

"Since that is the case, I think that I have not been criticized by you." Sayaka said.

She said nothing and looked at him carefully...I don’t know if he could accept her little protest...This is actually a temptation-if he is willing to accept it, she can regard him as a truly reliable Kendo predecessor , To spit out more.

Jingyu froze for a moment, and said with a smile: "What I Well, I take back the part that taught you at the time, and the part of the question is still reserved. In addition, don't use honorifics to me... when As a friend, is it okay to chat with me?"

This can be said to be in the middle of Sayaka's arms, and she immediately wanted to nod. However, before nodding, "Chat is okay, but you are not allowed to criticize me after hearing something unsatisfactory." She had to make sure first.

To be honest, he is a bit scary when he has a hard face...she is afraid to face him like that.

"Agreed." Jingyu waved his hand, "I'm all friends. What's your position to criticize you? At most, I help you find your problem, and then come up with an idea to teach you how to correct it, or how to get rid of the problem... like this Is it okay?"

Sayaka thought, this did not go beyond the scope of her friend. "Well." She should take a deep breath after she got down. "I was so self-conscious. I started from this period a year ago..."

Sayaka's high school years have been wearing the aura obtained through kendo. People give the title of "Kendo Komachi", wherever they go, they are the objects of concern and enthusiasm.

However, after entering high school, she was only a second-subject student with poor practical skills... What she enjoyed in the school was the title of "weed" and the treatment of being mocked as a spare tire for the first-subject student.

This psychological gap has made her unbearable, and another incident happened during this period. At the recruiting conference last year, I witnessed a school sister's superb magic sword skills and took the initiative to ask for advice but was rejected indifferently.

"Isn't that the school sister, Watanabe Mori?" Jingyu said.

Sayaka nodded, "I'm really hit hard. The sister refused to accept my request, definitely because I was a second-class student..." She raised the matter one year later, and her face still showed. Sad, it can be seen that the "strike" is deep.

It's just, "In my observation of Sister Morley, she wouldn't look down on people as a first student and a second student." Jingyu touched his chin.

"I can't remember what she can it be remembered?"

Yes, it was precisely because of that sentence that she had been suffering for nearly a year! She wouldn't be so confused that she held her misunderstanding, and hated each other for a year.

"Sixteen nights, don't you believe me?" she asked... a swaying uneasiness in her eyes.

This is a hard-to-find person who can let himself speak. What if he can’t even do it?

"It's not that you don't believe..." Jingyu looked directly at her eyes, thinking of the violation she had felt faintly before. There was a gentle smile on the corner of his lips, "Sister, don't mind... shall I go and see for myself?"

"Huh?" Sayaka just doubted, and saw his eyes turned into bright red. That eye has a fascinating monster, so she can't look away from it anyway.

****Support line of "The Devil of Time and Space"****

Sayaka feels like she had a dream. In her dream, she saw herself a year ago... that self was looking forward to a second-year school sister who used magic sword skills.

Seeing that Sister Xue had taught those members of the swordsmanship club, a year ago, she plucked up her courage and went towards Sister Xue.

No way!

Sayaka knew what would happen next, and hurried over to stop her. It is a pity that the hand passed through one's own body a year ago, and what should be said is still spoken.

Sayaka wants to cover her ears so as not to hear that kind of magic sound again.

However, "Sorry, I can't be your opponent with my strength, it will only waste your time. Instead of looking for me, you should find other people who are worthy of your strength to practice."

Hey……? If you are a step behind, you may still have some illusions about the school sister... But, are you really listening?

She couldn't help but look at the past, she saw the school sister who smiled heartily... that kind of smile, it is impossible to say bad things.

Sayaka thought to herself, ‘it turned out to be a dream. ’Dream what I wanted to dream, not real. However, at least the self in the dream will not be hurt?

Looking towards that person, I saw the expression on my own face just a year ago-the unbelievable that the envisioned school sister would say hurtful words, and the sadness that almost shed tears.


Sayaka whispered, how could it be that expression when she heard that? She couldn't help but stretch out her hand and wanted to push the poor girl who was immersed in her own world, and wanted to tell her: Not like that, you heard it wrong!

She woke up. ..


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