Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 178: Small salvation

Jingyu encountered a convoy on the way to the city. There are several black cars, and some trucks with closed compartments. He wanted to drive past, but someone in the black car rolled down the window and shouted at him.

"Master Jingyu."

Qing Mei, the secretary of Sheng Tianzi. She poked her head out of the car window and waved at Jingyu. Then he opened the door, stepped on high heels, and trot over.

"You are... going to the barracks of the Self-Defense Forces?" Jingyu asked with a single leg supporting the locomotive.

"Yes." Qingmei pushed down her glasses. "Master Sheng Tianzi instructed me to move some equipment from the Holy Place to the military camp of the Self-Defense Forces, and make arrangements for her to work there... She will be tomorrow morning at the latest come."

Qingmei said here, lowering his voice, "Originally, there was a car, a luxuriously decorated and fully equipped RV. I originally hoped that Lord Sheng Tianzi would be more comfortable, but she did not intend to use it. You can advise Is she? In places like military camps, girls are always inconvenient."

Such as bathing, it will be very troublesome.

Jingyu knew the character of the girl very well and understood it at the first thought. She may be thinking, ‘I’m going to share hardships with the soldiers. You still let me live a luxurious life there. What do you think of the soldiers who want to go to the battlefield and fight with the gastrointestinal animals? ’

This is not the only thing. In recent years, the Self-Defense Forces have basically tended to the main battle because of the victory of the second Kanto War against gastroenterology... that is, they actively attacked and attacked the gastrointestinal animals. They are very cryptic about the Holy Son who suppresses this kind of thinking, and gradually he does not obey the commands.

This time it was okay that the Holy Son himself was there in person. If the Holy Son does not go, I am afraid that from the mouth of the commanders of the Self-Defense Forces, he will say something like ‘will be unacceptable to the foreign monarch’.

Sheng Tianzi is to understand the hard work of the soldiers, but also to avoid intensifying this rebellion.

Her thoughts are not wrong. However, looking at her suffering is not what Jingyu wants to see.

"Qingmei, you can quietly pull the RV over. If Sheng Tianzi blames you, you will say it was arranged by me. If she insists on not using it, it means that the tent is not enough. Let her sleep with me at night."

Qingmei covered her lower lip in surprise, and then smiled again. "Sir Emperor Sheng Tianzi meets you, that is ultimately impossible... well, I will arrange it immediately." She bowed to Jingyu and excitedly Run back to the black car.

Jingyu drove back on the road.

The boulder monument is about to collapse, and gastrointestinal animals will strike. The news has spread for a day and a half. Now, the urban area is no longer peaceful and harmonious. The streets were sparsely populated, the shop windows were smashed and burnt, and some radical text sprayed with paint was everywhere on the walls.

There were also some leaflets in red font scattered on the ground. You don't have to pick it up and you will feel a sense of discomfort. Its content is probably even worse.

The scene here reminds Jingyu of the end of the world...and a biohazard has indeed occurred.

When the locomotive reached a crossroads, it accidentally saw a dozen people. They all faced in one direction, and Jingyu glanced inwards through people, and braked the car suddenly. After the locomotive stopped, he did not have a chain, so he walked towards the crowd with a sullen face.

In the direction being watched by the crowd, there are one big and one small girl with two silver-white hairs...the big girls are only as old as Yanzhu, and the younger ones are probably only four or five years old. Around their body, there was a shopping bag, and the food was scattered after being torn.

Faced with two girls, or rather, they are embarrassing them, only the first three people. However, none of the onlookers wanted to help the girls...because the larger girl had red eyes.

Its identity is self-explanatory and the son of a curse.

"Please let go of my sister, she is not a cursed child." The girl with red eyes did not resist, but begged.

Indeed, the little girl shivering behind her, with a pair of clear amber eyes.

"Who believes you monsters." One of the three adults held a knife with a handle of only 20 cm. He said to the girl with red eyes: "Before you, the color of the eyes is not red, but it suddenly changed. It's... she will definitely change."

He pointed at the younger girl with a knife and made the girl cry in fright.

It may be that the crying also stimulated the atrium of this middle-aged man. His hand holding the knife shivered. However, as if to disperse the pity that had just risen, he shouted sharply:

"No crying!"

The knife in his hand also waved up and down intimidatingly.

At this moment, Jingyu grabbed the man's arm from the side and folded it upward. The man held the knife himself and stabbed him in the chest.

He was a little stunned, as if he finally figured out what had happened, and screamed and fell to the ground.

"Blood, blood, I'm bleeding, no matter who, call an ambulance." The man cried.

This is an amazing scene that happened so quickly that other people around, and even two girls, froze. Afterwards, the adults reacted and took a few steps back collectively.

The two young men who had stood together with the middle-aged sword-bearers did not pay attention to the middle-aged man. Looking closely at their eyes and paying attention to middle-aged people is much less than paying attention to Jingyu.

"Huh, it's not a group." Jingyu sneered. "Do you want to participate in the ranks of the cursed child?" He leaned down, grabbed the middle-aged man's head, and raised it with one arm Get up, "Do you want to be like him?"

He threw it at the two young men. The violent strength and speed made the two young people completely unable to escape. The three collided together and rolled for several laps before stopping. Moaning on the ground.

Seeing this, the other adults around them dared to stop and ran away. Soon, the street groaned a little, and quieted down.

"Then, that..." Jingyu turned around, the girl with red eyes looked at him and whispered: "Thank you, thank you."

"You should have used the first kind of suppression potion, why did your eyes suddenly turn red?" Jingyu saw that she had not received combat training, but the cursed children were stronger than ordinary humans. Ah, "just now, why not resist."

He looked at the wound on the girl's arm, which was gradually healing. Even if it doesn't matter, I believe it will be as good as before. It's just that the fact of being hurt doesn't disappear because there are no scars left.



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