Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 177: Does Ji Shengyu shine?

Jingyu received a call from Viola after introducing Shazawa Shomo to General Izumi and Katsuki Yushu.

"The sample you sent Mugan to, because of the addition of the mixture, will presumably reduce the ability of the metal block to produce magnetic fields. Some years ago, someone proposed to make such metal blocks. I originally thought this was only in theory. Up."

In a nonchalant tone, with a sneering tone, Violet said: "Humans, they are all despicable creatures who will harm their own kind for the sake of a little benefit."

Although Mu Gan didn't give her much explanation, she already guessed that this must be the product of the No. 32 monument.

"Don't be so determined, I won't harm you for any benefit." Jingyu said with a smile.

"Not yet? When I was young, I acted in my name more than once. When I grew up, I also brought physical and mental harm to myself for my beast." Vibe scolded.

"Uh..." Jingyu's lips twitched twice, "Not to mention the front, where does it hurt your body and mind? Every time, you don't always shout,'It's comfortable, you will be happy. Dead's..."

Before he finished speaking, he hung up with a snap.

Jingyu smiled secretly, ‘Unbelief can’t cure you’, and put away her phone.

"Yeah-!" In his tent with the girls, strange girls screamed.

He was afraid that the girls would fight and hurried over. "What's the matter?" he asked as he opened the account. As a result, what he saw left him in place... introducing herself as a girl named Buschui. The little skirt and Xiao Nene in the lower body had been torn by Yanzhu and Gongyue.

She is now shyly pulling down the hem of the knitted garment to cover the lower body of the vacuum. The girls in the tent were okay. When Jingyu came in, her purple eyes saw a large amount of liquid accumulated.

Bean tears flowed out.

At the other tent, Zhang Mo, who was talking to the general and Yushu, also heard the exclamation of his partner and came over.

"What happened?"

Jingyu gave Tina a look of ‘pacifying Buschui’, pulled the tent back again, and shook his head at him, “It’s okay, the little girls are playing.”

With his strong ears, he can still vaguely hear the perpetrators' dissatisfied speeches looking forward to failing, "What, there is no tail."

It turned out that for this reason, they took away all the little skirts inside.

"Of course not." Buschui protested, crying: "What should I do? If he sees it, he will not marry."

Previously, Buschwood removed the wizard hat, revealing a pair of cat-like pointed ears. That was Lian Jingyu, and it was the first time I saw it in this world... There were only rumors before that it was the effect of the gastrointestinal factor on the human body. Some cursed children can even grow wings.

"Miss Cui, if you don't put on your underwear quickly, maybe another man will come." Tina reminded.

‘Hey, Tina, I let you appease her, what do you scare her? 'Jingyu lost her smile and took the unknown so Zhangmo away from this tent and said: "In the afternoon, I want the team to go to Sima Heavy Industry for training. If you have no other arrangements, go together and you can see the wood there. Even more."

"Okay." Zhang Mo nodded.

In the tent, Tina's words really worked well. Cui panicked her underwear back from Yanzhu's hands, and quickly put them on her legs...once at the same time.

After losing interest in Cui, Yanzhu and Gongyue went to the festival booth together. The remaining three girls, Tina consciously finished Jingyu's account, walked out of the tent, and came to accompany him; Xia Shi turned over the book to pass the time; Buschui was afraid of life, but because of the relationship seen by Jingyu, Had to sit in the corner of the tent and embarrassed to go out.

Near noon, when Yanzhu and Gongyue returned, they brought some snacks from the stall, and gave Cui a special one. Although the two girls didn't apologize, I was still a little guilty about crying Cui.

This also made Cui's impression of them improved.

However, when the girl was in front of Jingyu, she was too shy to lift her head.

After eating lunch, everyone planned to go to the city as planned... but my headmaster was sending a subordinate to come over.

"Mr. Long, Mr. Tang would like to invite you to the headquarters to discuss something." The subordinate politely said.

'Oh? Can't sit still so soon. "Jingyu smiled a little in his heart and said to the others: "You go first, don't delay training. My locomotive is next to the headquarters, and later I will ride directly."

After everyone left, the subordinate made a gesture of asking to lead Jingyu to the headquarters.

The command tent of the Civil Police Corps is the latest GORE-TEX product. From the appearance, it can be seen that the internal space is several times larger than the tents of Jingyu and others... There are even internal and external divisions, which is convenient for the commander to rest.

"Subordinate" made a sound, and after the inside voice of my head's "Please enter" was heard, the curtain was opened for Jingyu.

As Jingyu walked in, he could see that in the large tent, an electronic warfare platform the size of a billiard table was placed in the center. The topographic map around the No. 32 giant stone monument is marked on it, as well as icons representing the Self-Defense Forces, the Civil Police Corps, the Protozoan Corps, and the emerging structure clusters of small giant stone monuments and hills.

My dean is standing next to the combat platform with his chin touching. Judging from his frowning and meditation, perhaps he is conceiving, how to arrange the position of the civilian police corps in this complex and unpredictable situation, and what strategic intent to achieve.

"Mr. Long, I won't be polite in extraordinary times." He said: "Please come here to see, this is the latest electronic map transmitted by the Self-Defense Force."

He pointed to the blue cluster: "This is us and the Self-Defense Forces," pointing to the red cluster: "This is a gastrointestinal animal."

After he paused for a while, he raised his eyes and looked at Jingyu for the first time, with a meaningful meaning: "I heard that you participated in the details of the offensive and defensive plan. Let me just say that the Self-Defense Force has never liked our civilian police. I can't ask anything from them. However, in order to win this war, at the same time, to enable our civilian police to get the maximum survival rate and make the greatest possible contribution in the battle...please disclose to me ."

He spoke very sincerely and there was no problem with the content. Excluding the utilitarian heart, this person is at least serious about the intestinal animals.

Jingyu said with a smile: "Your news is quite well-informed. I thought that only the staff of Sheng Tianzi knew at the moment that I was laying out the combat plan."

The implication is that this bald deputy commander had some kind of communication with the staff.

My dean smiled bitterly and sighed: "Every time I think I have regarded you as very high, but every time I find out that I have underestimated you. You become a strong 130, I Now I feel that it is deserved."

"Hum..." Jingyu was undecided, "Well, I will need your cooperation later, to disclose some details to you in advance, it is indeed possible." He handed me a long-prepared memory to my headmaster , "There is a tactical deduction plan for how to command the police detachment. You can get familiar with it within a few days."

After my dean was taking it, he showed a surprised expression. It was not the tactical deduction plan that Jingyu had prepared, but Jingyu did so, and it was really saying that he gave the team's field command to him.

Jingyu didn't say much and walked towards the tent. When he opened the curtain, my dean was finally asking.

"It's five nights, your goal."

Jingyu laughed and walked out of the tent.

My dean was staring at the curtain and got into trouble. It is to listen to this person's opinion... No, he has no right to choose. It was this person who arranged the plan.

"Alas." He sighed, feeling quite awkward that he had both Yu Sheng and Sheng Liang.



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