Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 158: Dialogue with the fool will be fruitless, the decision of the Holy Son

In the evening, Jingyu and Retty were having dinner in a box in the Flying Dragon Pavilion in downtown Tokyo.

In front of them was a reddish-brown table of eight immortals. In addition to the rich dishes, there was also a piece of white paper that listed some names and positions. Among them, some of them were obviously circled with red pens after being printed.

Jingyu pointed at them and asked Retty: "What's going on? Are you dead?"

Wearing a Chinese-style printed cheongsam, Letty's hot figure was the most perfect embodiment. The bumps are detailed, and the hem reveals nearly half of the thighs. With the addition of two lace garter stocks, Jingyu has decided that she will be tossing her to beg for mercy tonight.

Retty snuggled on Jingyu's body, sipped her wine with her plump red lips, and her cheeks were a little red because of the strength of the wine... that made her look even more glamorous.

"Ah, that, it was the little princess who ordered them to be arrested." She made a humming laughter, "This happened in the afternoon, Master, it seems that you have done a good job of her training. What."

"Training..." Jingyu chuckled, and he used his left hand to pass through Lettie's left armpit, holding her while grabbing the chest that was almost as big as a football. "So, what after?"

The key thing is not what order the Holy Son made when he was angry, but whether the opponents collectively questioned the order, whether she could withstand this accountability.

"The Japanese Pureblood Society is running around, calling on politicians to resist the dictatorship revealed by the Holy Son. However, like the chrysanthemum, senior officials did not participate in this storm. Huh, because they know the Tokyo area What is facing now-the mass extinction, if the time passes, the Tokyo area will no longer exist."

The Japan Pure Blood Association and officials in the Tokyo area are two concepts. The Japan Pure Blood Society is an anti-curse child organization spread across five major regions of Japan. The demise of the Tokyo area has lost at least some of its supporters to the Japan Pure Blood Association, which does not constitute a major loss.

Therefore, chrysanthemums and others will naturally not support them to make trouble.

However, after all, there are many politicians and regional leaders covered by the Japan Pure Blood Association, and the power is huge. Even senior officials in the Tokyo area are unwilling to offend them in this situation.

This caused the dilemma that Sheng Tianzi would stand alone against the condemnation of numerous politicians and leaders of various industries.

Jingyu has served as a marshal, has served as a speaker, and has been an emperor. This is no exception, and they are supreme in their respective worlds. When he listened to Retty's remarks, coupled with his own analysis and speculation, he touched the state of affairs... he sneered at it.

"I will never allow people who can't stand with me in trouble to stay with me."

"This is how the master is different from her. Then, it is our intimacy as one with the master."

Lettie offered a sweet kiss on her own initiative. She put down the wine glass in her hand and gently drew a circle on Jingyu's chest with her fingers.

"Now, Master, when will we go..."

Even if it is intimate, some kind of reservedness that belongs to women must be possessed. Only in this way can the woman be sublimated to the goddess in the minds of men... Lettie skillfully uses hints to urge Jingyu.

"Hahaha..." The man laughed happily, hugged the stunner sideways, and walked toward the door.

The Flying Dragon Pavilion has a back hall.


At the same time, the Holy Son is indeed troubled. Outside the gate of the Holy Place, many demonstrators and demonstrators have gathered at this moment. They shouted the slogan of "Expel the Cursed Son, Release the Arrested Politicians", and held a banner with the message of bringing down the Holy Son.

How to do? Is it to mobilize the police force and arrest them all?

Then it really became a dictator who restricted public opinion.

"Master Sheng Tianzi, it's time to attend the military meeting." Qing Mei came to her desk and said softly.

Sheng Tianzi standing by the window sighed, "I will go now."

In the commander's room of the National Security Assurance Conference underground of the Holy Place, there are two rows of senior officers, at least all of them are colonels, and there are three major generals and one lieutenant general. Because of the color of the military uniforms of the three major generals, we can clearly see that they represent the three military services of sea, land and air.

In addition, there was the Minister of Defense sitting opposite the Lieutenant General, and the first ones were Kikunojo and the Cabinet Chief. The door of the meeting room opened. Seeing the Holy Son, the officers and ministers stood up.

Sheng Tianzi walked to the conference table, "Please sit down." She sat in the first place, facing the lieutenant general, "You already have an understanding of the status quo."

"Yes." Lieutenant General replied: "Although the situation is in crisis, our army will definitely be able to defeat the gastrointestinal animals."

The Rear Admiral added: "This time, the total number of gastrointestinal animals proved to be 2,000... We destroyed more than that during the Second Kanto War. Even if the opponent was the one who destroyed three cities. Bi Suwu, we are also sure of victory."

From the face of Lieutenant General Sheng Tianzi, he saw the last colonel. She turned to the other side and looked at it again... She found that the soldiers' faces did not pay enough attention to the gastrointestinal animals.

Are they still immersed in the victory of the Second Kanto War?

Sheng Tianzi was disturbed by this idea and reminded: "Don’t forget that it was these gastrointestinal animals that forced humans to the brink of destruction. The world’s 20 million troops all ended in defeat. Now we have only 7,000 troops. still is……"

"Sir Son of Heaven, please forgive me for being rude." Lieutenant General interrupted: "Ten years ago, the reason why human beings failed was because they were caught by surprise... They didn't understand the characteristics of gastrointestinal animals, and they didn't have targeted weapons. But now it’s different. We have metal bullets and we only need to defend two thousand gastroenteritis. The time is only three’s not difficult."

How to listen, these words seem very reasonable. Fight head-on, bombing with missiles first. The gastrointestinal animals with weak regeneration ability are bombarded into fragments and will still die. After the remaining gastrointestinal animals approached, the giant body greeted with artillery shells, and the air units had air defense artillery and fighter jets. After getting closer, it is the metal bullet.

This is enough to win, and the Second Kanto War also proved this tactic.

However, if Jingyu still hovered in the mind of Sheng Tianzi, she asked: "So, do you understand that the gastrointestinal animals are already different?"

The soldiers looked at each other and looked at each other.

"You mean..." Lieutenant General asked.

"You should have seen a report that ant-type gastrointestinal animals invaded into the interior, but did not spread, but stayed in the strong magnetic field of the giant stone monument until the last one died. According to the habits of gastrointestinal animals, they are not Will easily approach the giant stone monument. Do you not have doubts about this?" Sheng Tianzi asked.

"This is indeed abnormal. But is it not the biologists' responsibility to analyze the cause?" the lieutenant general argued.

Sheng Tianzi completely understood the gap between mediocrity and genius. Speaking to Jingyu, it is a wonderful formation, and here it is simply treated as a biological issue.

She explained with patience: "If you think so... those ant types are to ensure that Bi Su Wu successfully injects the erosion fluid and stays there to block the SDF? In exchange for success by sacrifice."

She originally thought that after she said this, the officers' face would change suddenly. But what she saw-they turned collectively grotesque, and some even showed grinning faces.

Do they think I am telling jokes?

Sheng Tianzi feels really stupid. So far, how did you hand over the army to such a person?

"Master Shengtianzi? Are you saying that ants will be so... clever?" They still said, from the expression, if she is not Shengtianzi, they want to say this more:'That's an ant, an insect. They want to be as smart as we human beings, Master Son, are you too restless and tired. ’

At this moment, Sheng Tianzi completely understood what Jingyu said, and he was unwilling to tell these people how to fight to win... but he knew that it was useless, they would not listen at all.

"Okay." She sneered. "The head of state is the supreme commander of the three armed forces. I decided to visit the scene in person six days later. At that time, I think that this will definitely let the Tokyo area know the news. The people understand my determination and the end of this war."

She didn't try to persuade the military to temporarily hand over the command of the army to Jingyu...because no one would listen.

Sheng Tianzi's determination, like a stick in the head, knocked everyone dizzy.

Kikuno Sei responded first, "Senior Son, please think twice, how can you be in danger."

"Yes, Lord Sheng Tianzi, if anyone must go, I will be willing to take the place for you."

Petitioned, blocked...Various voices filled the back, and the Holy Son blocked it mercilessly in the door of the conference room.



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