Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 157: My elder brother, dictator

It is Huimei who accompanies the Holy Son today. She is a ten-year-old pink-haired girl who has a weak face and should not be completely associated with the words guard.

At this moment, in the rear compartment of the elongated Lincoln car, she glanced at the emperor of the opposite side showing frustration, hesitated for a long time, and finally whispered something in her heart.

"You, are you angry with your elder brother?"

Sheng Tianzi raised his head, as if noticing the existence of this girl, he stayed for a while. Afterwards, "Brother Elder?" She chewed it again before she realized who it was referring to.

She shook her head slightly, trying to deny it. However, after one more glance at the girl who was looking at herself with her big pure eyes, she nodded innocently. When she realized this, she smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, what he said is very annoying." She admitted frankly: "Perhaps, the deviation from my expectations is too great."

He said he wanted to help her, and he has really helped her a lot now. But if you reflect, you will find that things are always different from what you expected. She didn't want to control him, but he always agreed with some of her ideas.

Yes, he said, disagree with her.

That was the greatest frustration of Holy Son. I thought I had been forgotten on the night when I secretly traveled with him. Today, she remembered it again... It would still be sad.

Huimei blinked her big eyes for a few times. "I think my brother and brother will be uncomfortable now, because he hurts you so much."

"Hey..." Sheng Tianzi immersed in self-pity looked strange. She felt something unbelievable about what she heard, completely unable to turn the corner, "Will he be sad?"

As for the sentence "He loves you so much", she automatically ignored it out of female restraint, "Why do you say that?"

She was a little curious about this. This is too strange, isn't it? The girl did not enter the room just now. Even with her age and usual performance, Sheng Tianzi didn't think that she could understand what happened to both of them.

That is enough to create a gap.

Huimei thought for a while on her small head. After the conversation did not proceed, you could only hear the sound of the car in the car.

Then, "intuitive." She smiled a little shyly, and her cheeks were painted pink. It seems to me that this answer is not very convincing, and added: "Brother is so gentle, he also sent four of us to protect you, it must not be really intentional to make you sad."

Sheng Tianzi couldn't laugh or cry, ‘His gentleness is only for your cursed son. "The idea just started, and when he said angrily that he didn't agree with her, the things he aimed at came to her mind.

He was angry about her eating that kind of food. Isn't this a disguised love?

She thought of the relief she felt when he hugged her to bed last night... that must not be fake.

That's how people are. When you think about something bad, you keep on going to something worse. But the other way around, when you think of a person's goodness, you always keep thinking of his betterness.

Gradually, the Son of Heaven really started to cheer up.

"Now, Huimei, tell me more about his things." She asked the girl, thinking in her heart, "Anyway, there is a long way to go back to the holy place. This is just passing time. ’

"Hey..." Hui Mei paused and asked naively in a childish voice: "What do you want to hear?"

"Everything will do." Sheng Tianzi said: "Just listen to what happened when he was in the compound."

"Okay, I remember very well what happened to my brother."

Huimei was very happy to talk about this older brother. She talked about it when she remembered that at that time she was only four years old, and the compound had just been established.

Sheng Tianzi estimated that the time should be about a year after the end of the Second Kanto War. Was he ten years old?

"My elder brother is as big as I am now, and the maids and sisters are not as tall as you. The entire towering wall is only an adult of Ms. Felice. There are dozens of our children who can run, and more Lying more in the crib. Whenever any baby cries, the maid and sisters can’t, and they will invite the elder brother to come over. When he hugs him, the baby will be very good..."

Sheng Tianzi became more and more interested in listening. How did he take care of the children; how did he teach them during their growth... They all said that the children would unconsciously imitate adults, and from them, they should reflect some of his ideas. .

But, looking at Huimei, she is so pure. She didn't have any doubts about how much she lived and asked about him. Isn't this a manifestation of one side of him?

Sheng Tianzi felt that perhaps he should examine him more rationally. Can't just be mad...

The Lincoln car unknowingly entered the holy place, and the rush was about to begin. Sheng Tianzi regretfully ended the dialogue with Huimei. However, before getting off the train, she said with a smile:

"Himei, next time, I have to tell me something about him. But don't let him know."

Huimei nodded with a smile.

With the return of Sheng Tianzi, the guard had long been in contact with Sheng Ju. Therefore, as soon as she entered the gate of the Holy Place, some secretaries greeted her... Qingmei was among them, and she was actually only one of the secretaries.

However, her complexion is not very good now.

"Master Sheng Tianzi, this is a document about the requisition of private enterprise aircraft, please sign it," a secretary said.

"Master Shengtianzi, Your Excellency Kikunojo has drawn up specific measures for the selection system, and he would like to ask you to look at it as soon as possible." Another secretary, who was walking next to Shengtianzi, said so.

"Sir Son of Heaven..."

The secretaries were all talkative, and various documents were continuously delivered to the Holy Son, who also signed it after a quick glance and sent it away. All the way from the gate to her office, it didn't stop.

Behind it, even if it was not the first time to see such a scene, Huimei was still scared and cramped. But she was able to be selected by Jingyu next to Sheng Tianzi, so she naturally had something outstanding. Even under such tension, she still follows the Holy Son's side, mobilizing her ability to force a meeting to interfere with the people she follows.

Finally, when the door of the office closed, there was only one secretary behind Sheng Tianzi, it was Qing Mei. She waited for Sheng Tianzi to sit back in the chair and exhaled a breath before she handed a stack of documents in front of Sheng Tianzi.

"What is this?" Sheng Tianzi asked.

"..." Qingmei seemed a little hesitant. "It's a new bill submitted by the Senate to the House of Representatives-the danger and countermeasure of re-confirming the'child of curse' to transmit gastrointestinal virus to people, commonly known as the Household Deprivation Act."

Sheng Tianzi's eyes widened as if to confirm that he had misheard. When she saw Qing Mei nodded in embarrassment, she silently picked up the document and turned it over. Within a few minutes, her expression changed from relaxed and slowly to gloomy.

"Crazy, are they crazy? At such a moment? Who do they want to protect Tokyo? Do they themselves?" She stood up angrily, smashing the document on the table and gritted her teeth: "Mr. Jingyu Is really right, and I should teach them some lessons!"

Qingmei had a certain expectation of Holy Son’s reaction, and comforted in a low voice: "Sir Son, with the current situation, the House of Representatives must be unwilling to review this bill. You don’t have to worry too much."

As for how Jingyu mentioned by Sheng Tianzi, Qingmei automatically buried it in her heart and did not intend to mention it to people.

"However, when they have this, they will definitely have the next time." Sheng Tianzi grabbed a few sheets of paper and said: "Look at its thickness, this bill is clearly already prepared. I have now Doubt whether the original case was sent by someone else, and then blame the curse child."

The more she thought, the more she felt.

Moreover, her head of state hopes that the children of the curse can get along with ordinary people more harmoniously. This is also the practice of the first two generations of the Holy Son. However, some people have violated the wishes of their three generations and come up with completely opposite bills... What kind of blasphemy is this title "Holy Heavenly Son"?

Sheng Tianzi said to Qingmei somewhat unbearably: "Connected to the Metropolitan Police Department and ordered the arrest of all the senators who participated in the delivery of the bill, the crime is endangering national security and infringing the legal rights of others to survive."

"Holy, Lord Son..." Qingmei looked at her incredulously.

"Go, if there is any doubt in the Metropolitan Police Department, please tell them..." Sheng Tianzi paused, and the light blue eyes flashed almost before they would recover the weak light of the order. But she persisted and said in a majestic voice: "This is the order of the Holy Son, just follow it!"

"...Yes." Qing Mei thought the ending was very familiar. When I turned around and walked to the door with a sense of drifting in a dream, I finally remembered, ‘It’s what Master Jingyu said. ’

She looked back at Sheng Tianzi... the girl in the white dress was leaning on the chair, covering her upper cheek with her arm.

Qingmei walked out of the room.

Hearing the closing of the door, Sheng Tianzi murmured, "Say... like a dictator."



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