Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 155: Gentle side, cold side

At breakfast, Jingyu asked Xunzi to come out of the kitchen and told them about the 32nd stone monument. To his surprise, the trainer who thought he would react most violently behaved indifferently.

"People want to fight! What should they do!" Yan Zhu stood up and shouted angrily immediately after his face changed for a moment.

"Jingyu, what do you think of the odds?" Mu even asked this. From her eyes, Jingyu saw the light of wisdom. Obviously, if he said the odds were too low, she would have to make a generous arrangement for people like Xun Zi.

Jingyu glanced at Xunzi before answering. After the two men stared at each other, this woman showed absolute trust and no regrets to follow...that was the belief of "you live when I live, and you die when I die". Jingyu nodded comfortably to her.

"It's not a question of chance that I have to worry about. I want to use this state of affairs to do something else."

Jingyu's eyes narrowed. At this time, the eyes revealed danger and sharpness.

"As you know, the organization of the anti-curse children, recently, they are very active. If you really let them take the stage of history, it will bring unpredictable harm to the curse children. I will let them go before, it is me It feels inevitable that there is hatred in humans. However, I don’t allow hatred to run away in front of me."

There should be no things out of control. Jingyu showed this courage and killing. He said this, not to tell the women what he wanted to do, but he didn’t want them to worry about the gastroent animal wars that he would face in the process.

Mu cleverly translated Jingyu’s words, “That is to say, you can expect victory? That’s good.” She paused. “Jingyu, during the war, let my mother go to the courtyard, you how do you feel."

In the past, in the betrayal of her family, she lost her father because of gastrointestinal animals, but did not want to lose her mother anymore.

Wood is more predictable. Next, the entire Tokyo area, I am afraid that the prosperous area like the city center will be more chaotic than the desolate outer area. People who are desperate in the last days can do everything...the law cannot be forbidden at all.

"Trainer, what do you think?" Jingyu asked.

"I listen to you." The young woman answered gently.

"Okay, so be it. District 39 is very close to the forty district where the war will take place. The war is free. You can also take you over to help us make some delicious meals. These girls, I don’t expect to Go." Jingyu laughed and teased Mugen and Yanzhu.

"It's really rude. People are also trying to learn how to cook." Mu even protested.

"Concubine will not always fail." Yan Zhu groaned dissatisfiedly.

Jingyu glanced around, bowing his head to Xunzi's cooking, without comment. He was so angry with the girls.

After the meal, the family moved...cough, it was the family who came to the HappyBuilding where the club is located. Waiting until about 9 am, Sheng Tianzi's seat drove to the front of the building. Still a combination of black female guards and cursed children, she accompanied them to the third floor.

Along the way, there was a gangster upstairs. When he saw the Holy Son, he was taken aback and shouted "Big Brother" and ran upstairs.

Holy Son didn't take it for granted. She entered the third floor and stopped in front of the office. The door opened without her knocking.

"Please come in." Mugen stood by the door and said to her.

"Hello, President Tiantong." Sheng Tianzi greeted him and nodded to the others. When she saw Jingyu, her eyes flickered, and she struggled to maintain her dignified posture.

Accompanied by Mu Geng, he sat at the reception sofa, while Jingyu sat beside Mu Geng. Xunzi served tea for three people and stood at the wooden desk with two girls. The female guards and cursed sons brought by the Holy Son remained outside the door.

Sheng Tianzi glanced at Xun Zi, Yan Zhu and Tina, realizing that they might have known the news. However, their calmness, to some extent, eliminated the girl’s uneasiness... She apparently believed that Jingyu used any method to appease them. The most direct, of course, is'victory'.

Sheng Tianzi took a stack of photos from the lady's bag he carried with him and placed them on the coffee table.

"This is the latest photo of the No. 32 giant stone monument. The spot is indeed expanding. It is speculated that the time for the giant stone monument to collapse is a week later. I temporarily ordered the blockade of the news and let Mr. Ju Zhicheng establish a selection system... However, refuge can be obtained. Only 30% of the nationals. The key is the next defensive battle."

She paused for a moment, "I have ordered people to start making alternative stone monuments. It will take 10 days to complete."

"After the crash on the 32nd, do you need to defend for three days?" Mu Geng pinched his chin, temporarily not considering Jingyu's combat strength, but asked Sheng Tianzi said: "How do you plan to defend?"

"I have ordered the Self-Defense Forces to gather in the 40th area for a total battle. Mr. Ju Zhicheng suggested that I summon the civilian police to assist in the battle. I also agreed... I hope Mr. Jingyu can participate in the defensive battle." Sheng Tianzi replied .

In fact, what she most wanted was to hope Jingyu could directly let Sixteen Nights attack. In that case, neither the Self-Defense Forces nor the civilian police groups will minimize casualties. But he said that he would not let Sixteen Nights go to war, which made her very upset.

This time she came, on the one hand, let Jingyu participate in the battle... This is not just the police, Sheng Tianzi knows, he once participated in the second Kanto War. As a mechanized soldier, he was very active on the battlefield. With this experience, she hopes he can use it in this war.

On the other hand, he also wanted to persuade him to invest in the powerful fighting power of 16 nights earlier.

Sheng Tianzi asked Jingyu, Mu even did not answer for him.

Jingyu looked at Sheng Tianzi, "It's okay to join the war, but I want to figure out one thing, who are we going to protect."

'coming. "Holy Heavenly Son had expected it before coming, and his words were still vivid in the memory last night.

"Mr. Jingyu, indeed, I have been lacking in my role as the Son of Heaven. I can assure you here that I will never compromise the people who want to deny the existence of the cursed children. I hope you will also be able to treat me in this struggle Counting it, let me be your companion, isn't it?" She offered him hope earnestly.

"Then I will see your performance." Jingyu's face appeared to be smiling, "First of all, let Ju Zhicheng do something when establishing the selection system. All the organization participants who are hostile to the cursed child, Must be excluded from the 30%. I know that the Japan Pure Blood Society is a huge organization that brings together many politicians and leaders from various regions. I can get a list tonight, if the people above are in that 30% Inside, everything is free."

Sheng Tianzi pursed his lower lip. The man in front of her, in this matter, how unwilling to compromise, she finally understood. Moreover, if there is no list of the 30th stone monument, what will he do?

Thinking of that possibility, Sheng Tianzi's back was faintly cold.

In addition, it is out of the complaint of the girl. The kind of gentleness he embraced her last night, where did he go?

Sheng Tianzi's silence lasted for a minute.

"Okay, I will try my best." She answered him in a mixed tone.



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