Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 154: Tumultuous morning

Xun Zi was wearing an apron and was preparing breakfast. In addition to her at home, there are a man, a girl, two ten-year-old girls... Breakfast is also a big project.

Suddenly, with a bang, the kitchen door was opened. Xunzi thought about who was so rude, turned his head, and saw the orange-haired girl Yanzhu who should have missed the word kitchen.

She didn't even care about combing her hair, and her white suspender pajamas were not changed. Just staring at the serious amber eyes, looking for something in the kitchen that is not wide.

"No." She wanted to pull the door and leave, the posture was clearly going to the next place.

"Yanzhu sauce, what are you looking for?" Xun Zi stopped her and asked in time.

"Tina, did your aunt see Tina? When I woke up, I realized she was gone." Yan Zhu said anxiously.

As usual, this is impossible. Tina is nocturnal. During the day, it is time to lean on the bed. She stayed in this house these days, she didn't get up earlier than Yanzhu...Yanzhu wakes her up after getting up.

"Nothing." Xunzi shook his head, thinking when Yanzhu slammed the door shut, "Impossible." ’

She realized that the girl might be in position.

After Yanzhu closed the door, he went straight to the end of the aisle. There is a door there, which is Xunzi and Mugen's bedroom. In order to prevent the chest growth from being absorbed by the wood, the delay beads will never be pushed away or walked in. But she broke in without even knocking on the door today.

"Ah!" Mu more screamed. After seeing clearly that it was Yanzhu, she held the changing underwear in her hand and covered her naked chest. "What are you doing, go out quickly."

"It's so big!" Yan Zhu's big eyes were fixed on Mugen's chest, but he quickly shook his head. "No, it's not..." Then, he started to scan every room in the room carefully, as if he were on the kitchen side. corner.

Wood is even more ashamed. Although this is her bedroom, the first two doors are Jingyu's bedroom. How could she open the door so naked, in case Jingyu was attracted by Yanzhu so tumultuously... Mu was almost fainted by her own thoughts.

She picked up the pillow on the bed, covered her chest with one hand, and threw it in the other hand at the speed with which the baseball pitcher would admire the three-pointer.

"I let you get out!"

Yan Zhu, who concentrated on another thing, was hit in the front. The soft pillow did not cause her injury, but after the force was introduced, her brain was shaken and there was a short trance.

Mu Geng slammed the door in this time, "Really!"

The pillow froze on Yanzhu's face for a few seconds, and was taken back by Yanzhu after he recovered. The tip of her nose was a little red, not to mention the "attack" of wood, but she was still clinging to another thing, and finally stared at Jingyu's room door.

She walked in front of it, but she didn't wince and tremble when she reached out as she did the first two rooms.

This didn't happen until Mugen came out wearing a black sailor suit. Mu saw the green muscles on his forehead.

"What do you want to do in Jingyu's room?" She stared at the little girl Yanzhu like an anti-thief.

"It's not a concubine." Yan Zhu defended: "Tina is gone."

Well, those five words became the best explanation. After staying for a while, Mu realized the seriousness of the problem. She seemed unable to speak, pointing her finger at Jingyu's room... Yan Zhu nodded heavily. Mu Gan shook his body a few times with a blow. After setting his mind, he rushed over and slammed it open.

"Jingyu." She shouted the man's name. What she was thinking was that he should never lose his body.

In the room, Jingyu is getting up. His naked upper body made Mu more shy. But she and Yanzhu can't ignore it. The other half of the quilt, or the other half of the bed, is Tina. Her pajamas were quite messy, as if something had happened, the buttons were all opened. The lower body, although only showing a little, is obviously empty...

On the ground, there is a small inner pyjama with blue and white stripes.

"Ah, good morning, Miss Mugen and Miss Yanzhu." Tina woke her eyes in a timely manner, revealing a tired and lazy look. "Sorry, I want to sleep again, last night...some tired."

It seems that something broke in the heart of Mugen and Yanzhu.

"Jing, Jingyu..." Mu more difficult to support his body and leaned against the door, looking at him with a crying expression.

"Being preempted." Yan Zhu said so.

Jingyu quickly put on a T-shirt, walked to them, and tapped on one's forehead.

"Am I the kind of pervert that would go to bed with a 10-year-old girl? What do you think?"

"But, but..." The two rubbed their foreheads, both aggrieved and expectantly in unison, but stopped at the same time.

Xun Zi is also paying attention to the movement of Yan Zhu. She came over in time and glanced inwards, especially on the bed. There was nothing suspicious on the traces, she already knew that 80% of Tina was deliberately stimulating the two girls. However, he allowed Tina to fall asleep with some carelessness.

Therefore, Xun Zi gave him a blank look and said to the girls: "Jingyu is right. Don't stop here, he's going to wash. There is also Mu Gan, you too, Yanzhu to change clothes."

"Mom." Mu Geng was a little worried.

Xun Zi was helpless and took Mugen and Yanzhu's hands and went to the bedroom. It is estimated that what knowledge should be taught to them.

Jingyu who left behind picked up two pieces of clothing on the ground and threw them onto the bed.

"Brother, I can do it well." After Tina took it, she buried it under the quilt and asked sheepishly.

"If you don't take them off, it's really good. Tina, you're so disgusting." He glared at her with a smile, "Are you going to sleep? I'll close the door for you."

"Do not sleep, but the door will close." She seemed to want to put on her clothes.

‘Where did you boldly go? 'Jingyu thought of it, the girls seemed to have deliberately exposed and inadvertently exposed two extreme reactions, and relievedly took the door.

When he walked out of the bathroom, Mu Geng blushed as soon as he saw him, and even Yanzhu felt a little embarrassed.

Jingyu looked at Xunzi, and she smiled back as an adult.



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