Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 139: Holy Son's Growth

"How did the Son of Heaven do." Jingyu clapped his hands and leaned against the sink, watching Retty changing herself into a policeman wearing a helmet... she even smoked a few cigarettes to help herself Smell the smoke.

After extinguishing the cigarettes, she said: "Don't expect the owner, anyone can have the political acumen like Miss Lax. From an ordinary point of view, she has done a good least Better than last time."

"You feel good about her." Jingyu smiled as she praised the Holy Son.

"Is the master jealous?" Retty twisted her rugged face to his side and made a feminine expression. At that moment, Jingyu had a nausea and dizziness.

He quickly turned around and annoyed: "Don't use that kind of man's face and ask this kind of thing casually."

Unable to bear her, he hurriedly left the bathroom.

Behind the back there was a loud laughter, and the woman was 80% deliberate.

Thinking of her next time to take care of her misbehavior, Jingyu walked along the bluestone path to the wooden house surrounded by multiple police forces where Sheng Tianzi and Qi Wu were. After taking off his shoes, he walked into the corridor, and he could see it in a moment. He was sitting by the corridor, rippling with a pair of calf beads.

Beside her, there is also a dish with a high spot. She didn't move.

She stared at Jingyu's footsteps. First blinked a few big eyes, then the amber became brighter. She showed one to Jingyu, a smile that was more mature than her actual age.

He knew that she saw him.

Jingyu also laughed. The awkward feeling just now was all thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun, and his mood recovered.

After walking to her, he crouched down. Picked up a piece of cake and ate half of it, and handed the rest to Yanzhu's lips. She took his finger and ate it on her cheeks slightly red.

Then he sat next to her, rippling his calf with her.

Behind the two, a sliding door separated them, and the reports of the three senior police officers continued. Jingyu vaguely heard Sheng Tianzi commanding in a clear voice:

"Be sure to find the cursed child as soon as possible."

"Yes." The senior police officers responded collectively, stood up, and stepped on the footsteps of tatami. When one of them opened the sliding door, Jingyu and Yanzhu had come to the other side of the sliding door.

Jingshi Zheng and Kishimoto nodded to him and walked over. The cabinet seemed to want to say something, but Jingyu didn't look at him.

"Yanzhu, come in with me. It's too late, you can go to bed first."

Jingyu took Yanzhu's hand and walked past the cabinet. There is only her left on the side of Sheng Tianzi. When she saw Jingyu...and not to mention, did she know that the person had already been changed, but he was relieved.

Can do it! Covered by the low table, her hands in long lace gloves shook each other and cheered herself up.

Jingyu came behind her and whispered punically: "I'm back."

Sheng Tianzi stayed for a while and even turned his head back in surprise. He smiled at her.

This time, Sheng Tianzi can finally be determined. When she turned her head to face Wu Wu, her last worries also dropped.

"President Qi Wu, let's continue." She smiled confidently and said to Ji Wu.

Qi Wu frowned. That sentence was what he wanted to say, but was seized by Sheng Tianzi. This does not mean that what she will be treated by her... is ultimately a matter of mood.

"Ah." He responded vaguely, and put a difficult problem he just thought of before the Holy Son. "When can Lord Lord Son come to Osaka to see it. If you want a republic, listen to there." What do the people think?" His two sentences throw two meanings at one point. Osaka is the world of his martial arts. In Tokyo, he dares to send people to assassinate the Holy Son, let alone in Osaka. In addition, it means: ‘Your republic is, after all, your own idea. Can it represent what you call the will of the people? I'm afraid you have different opinions inside Tokyo. ’

This is the fact. Sheng Tianzi's face changed from smiling to gloomy, and fell silent.

However, when Qi Wu thought that she would be unable to answer for a long time, she picked up a teacup and planned to take a sip of tea—

"I will go." Sheng Tianzi just lowered his head and lifted it again. She said with a holy expression: "When I leave a new generation of the Holy Son for the Tokyo area, and I can be alone, I will visit Osaka."

Just as the emperor is in adulthood, he can control all the power. Sheng Tianzi is expressing this. She is still relying on the assistant minister Tian Tong Juzhi, who is left by the first two Sheng Tianzi, and she is not mature enough.

However, she will eventually grow up... This is what she wants to tell Qi Wu clearly: ‘you are old, and I am still young. I can continue to improve myself, but you can't. ’

Qi Wu's eyes were rounded, his nostrils groaned, his heart was scolding, but he was speechless.

Jingyu also drank the color for Sheng Tianzi. Even when an hour later, when he got into the return car, he still smiled and praised the Holy Son who exhaled with a long heart...she only felt the fear when she arrived.

"It's like this, give the old things that look down on you a little color." Jingyu patted her shoulder.

Sheng Tianzi knocked his hand away and gave him a blank look, "Mr. Jingyu, what you said is really vulgar."

But she laughed herself, "Originally, I thought President Qi Wu was terrible. No, I still think he is a little scary. If you were not behind you, I would run away from him. But, see him get angry That way, I feel..."

She closed her mouth.

"What do you think?" Jingyu asked curiously.

"Don't tell you." Sheng Tianzi turned his head toward the window and happily raised the corner of his lips.

She didn't notice her expression, and Jingyu didn't notice...something similar to him.

After a while, Sheng Tianzi calmed down and asked him, "Have you arranged your affairs?"

"Well." Jingyu nodded, knowing that she was asking. "Here there," glancing at the driver in the front seat, he gestured to Sheng Tianzi to move his ear closer.

Holy Son is really a bit embarrassed. She has not experienced men and women, but she is not ignorant of this. After hesitating for a while, he glared at him strangely, and warned him with eyes, not allowed to do bad things. She leaned a little bit toward him.

‘That doesn’t mean there is none? "Jingyu's mouth twitched twice, and she took the initiative. Before speaking, he felt that the girl’s body was stiff, and he frequently looked at the rearview mirror in the front seat... obviously he didn’t want the driver to notice the situation here, so as to avoid the spread of the Holy Son and Dragon Jingyu has such rumors of ambiguous relationship.

She didn't know that Jingyu twisted the air a little to create a mirage-like effect. The driver couldn't see it at all, and even the sound, Jingyu could be sent directly into her ear.

He just wanted to tease her.

Seeing the girl's attention is not on her side, looking at her white neck, Jingyu really wanted to take a bite. He swallowed in her ear at such a close distance.

The soft voice of Gudong made the girl's cheeks all red.

"I want you to make this arrangement. Tina was affected by the explosion and ran unconsciously to the side of the road when she was seriously injured. The person who was passing by was sent to the Affiliated Hospital of Goutian University. Dr. Muroto Sato rescued her Come down... ten days later, contact Qi Wu and tell him the news. Attach it again..."

"Okay, okay, let's go back and talk about the rest." Sheng Tianzi pushed him away in a panic, and could not help hiding his hand where he had just come. There, it was constantly sprayed with the heat of his speech, and itching made her almost couldn't help but whisper.

Jingyu laughed silently.



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