Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 138: exchange

The field of sixteen nights is of a time nature. She is within a certain range, similar to a stop, slowing down time indefinitely.

When Jingyu left the explosion scene with her, she seemed to move at a normal speed. However, when viewed by a person who is not affected by the slowing of time, his speed at that time was faster than the highest speed of Yanzhu. I don't know the geometry.

Therefore, when the two finally stopped in the house of Goutian University and recovered the field on the 16th night, the explosion just happened, and the SAT was attracted to the scene.

Tina woke up from stillness, still shy about being hugged.

"Jing, Mr. Jingyu, you really are..."

She was daunted in his arms. Then, I suddenly felt that there was a breath beside me. Turning his head in shock, he froze. She blinked hard at the sixteen nights and looked at the room.

I wasn’t just outside, did I fight Mr. Jingyu? How come here.

She had no idea what happened to her.

"I still have some things to do. In detail, let me explain it for sixteen nights." Jingyu rubbed Tina to her small head. "Here is one of the four sages, the residence of Dr. Muroto Violet. You stay for the time being There will be no danger here."

‘Is there a plan? Tina nodded cleverly.

"Brother, I'll send you." Sixteen nights said so.

The name "Brother" immediately attracted Tina's attention.

After watching Jingyu away, she returned to the house with Sixteen Nights, she asked Sixteen Nights: "Is Mr. Jingyu's sister?"

"To be precise, his adopted sister." Sixteen Nights smiled concealedly and pointed to the direction of the couch. "Please sit down first. I'll go to make tea, we will talk slowly."

"That's work," Tina said politely.


On Sheng Tianzi's side, the kimono girl finally had refreshments for her. After taking a sip, Sheng Tianzi snapped Wu Zongxuan with some confusion and said:

"One thing I want to clarify... There are rumors that the assassination of me was planned by President Qi Wu, and I certainly won't believe it. Please also don't think that the assassination of you is my revenge. "

Qi Wu rounded his eyes. Before that, he really didn't think so. However, after Sheng Tianzi raised it, he cared a little bit. If you think about it carefully, the Tokyo area was not originally full of talent. How could there suddenly appear an assassin who beat down the police force of more than a hundred people?

He glanced at'Jingyu' sitting cross-legged behind the side of Sheng Tianzi, squinting his eyes and observing his posture.

‘It’s his words, there’s still some possibility. But there are not many of them in the Tokyo area. ’

Sheng Tianzi didn't control Qi Wu's expression changes, and said to himself, "In fact, if I had that level of subordinates, I would definitely use him to promote the integration of the five regions. Alas... just die like that. It’s a pity..."

She seemed to realize what she had said, and hurriedly covered her mouth: "Ah, I'm sorry, I really am. I really feel sorry for the assassin of President Qi Wu. This is really too bad."

Qi Wu's facial muscles twitched unnaturally. "Sir Son, let's get to the point."

"Hey, of course." Sheng Tianzi straightened his expression. "I first proposed that I still hope that the five regions can be republicated. Of course, in order to show that this sentence is not fantasy, I have actually formulated relevant measures."

Sheng Tianzi clapped his hands twice, and the accompanying secretary, Qing Mei, came to the door. After getting the answer, he walked in and knelt down on the other side of Sheng Tianzi, and handed her a document.

"I named it the "Cassiopeia Project"-use tunnel excavators to dig through the five major areas underground and build subway lines."

After receiving the document, Sheng Tianzi handed it in the direction of Qi Wu. The man in black sunglasses behind Qi Wu stood up, walked over to take the document, and handed it to Qi Wu... This lion-like man, after looking at it, placed it on his side.

"Okay, I will take a closer look." He said so. After a pause, "I still put forward the last proposal, hoping that the Tokyo area will pass the plan to retake the Chiba area."

Sheng Tianzi smiled slightly, "Before there is no republic, allowing the other four regions to send troops to the Tokyo area will make people feel uneasy. I think President Qi Wu should understand. If I put half of the strength of the Tokyo area You are unwilling to deploy to Osaka."

After a week, she really did a lot of preparation work. According to what she said, the other four areas, even if only one third of the troops, can override the Tokyo area.

By then, if these troops are to attack the Tokyo area, the Tokyo area will be on the verge of destruction.

On the contrary, if the Republic is reunited, the five regions are unified, and the soldiers are unified. Then there is no such thing as the fact that other regions have sent troops to occupy the Tokyo area.

However, to republic, the first step is the Cassiopeia project. Although Qi Wu didn't take a closer look, he used tunnel excavators to get through the five major areas, and he didn't know how long it would take to complete...He is already sixty-five years old, but it is better to wait for the 16-year-old Sheng Tianzi.

"Then, Mr. Sheng Tianzi, what do you think will happen to the Tokyo area to recycle the Chiba area?" Qi Wu pointed out: "We all know the Second Kanto War a few years ago. That shows that the Tokyo area There is an external expansion of the military. But letting Japan’s territory be occupied by gastrointestinal animals, Sheng Tianzi is not as active as he said."

"External expansion requires financial support. At present, the military spending in the Tokyo region is just enough to maintain the defensive posture. If President Qi Wu can persuade the other four regions to provide enough military spending in the Tokyo region for free, I will recover Chiba The region is considered a priority and will be implemented at a suitable time in the future."

Qi Wu Yi E. Even Osaka, where he is located, paid a corresponding price when he secretly received assistance from foreign forces. The Holy Son here wants to be free? Do you really think you can drop a pie in the sky?

Qi Wu groaned to express his dissatisfaction, let this go first, grabbed the end of what Sheng Tianzi said and asked: "Sir Son, we should at least show sincerity when we talk about the problem. What you said' In the future, there is too much uncertainty. Osaka and the other three districts, even if they can provide Tokyo regional support, will not be able to continue for decades and decades."

"President Qi Wu doesn't have to worry about it. Since it is a'priority' matter, as long as the Tokyo region has enough military reserves, even if I don't want to expand externally, people and officials will urge me." Sheng Tianzi said in a humble tone.


In the next period of time, the two of you come and go, refuting each other on both sides of the same issue for various reasons. However, Sheng Tianzi never gave a positive answer, and Qi Wu could not promise conditions for such an answer.

This proposal can be said to be'finished without illness'.

After sitting on the side of Sheng Tianzi, ‘Jingyu’ felt the phone in her arms vibrate. ‘He’ took it out and saw that it read: I’m back, change it.

"He" put away his phone and inserted into the dialogue: "Master Sheng Tianzi, might as well take a short rest. I think the police should have also investigated the result and need to explain to President Qi Wu."

"You're right." Sheng Tianzi nodded and aligned with the martial arts: "How the big president thought."

Qi Wu, anxious to change the flow of the conversation, even agreed. In this way, a policeman was carrying two policemen in the cabinet and Kishimoto and was called into the conversation room. ‘Jingyu’ temporarily left for reasons, and ‘he’ went to the bathroom.

After closing the bathroom door, Jingyu walked out from a compartment.

"Master, it seems that things are going well." "Jingyu" smiled and took off the human skin mask on his face, revealing a very bright and beautiful face.



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