Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 134: Protector and Assassin's Translocation 2

The interior of the embassy has been cut off, black cloaks, white masks, and wandering souls have arrived silently outside Qi Wuzongxuan's door. Jingyu pushed the door inward, and the bed seemed to bulge a little. He did not confirm it and lost a grenade.

Closing the door, he walked out in the direction when he came. Behind, there was a loud bang...

On the second day, the Osaka Embassy in Tokyo was attacked, and the news spread. In fact, it is difficult to hide. There are many other embassies nearby, so intense gunshots and explosions, I am afraid even foreign countries already know this.

Sheng Tianzi delivered a televised speech condemning such terrorist attacks and expressing condolences to the embassy. In an interview, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police Department threatened to detect the case and arrest the attackers. But when asked about the current status of President Qi Wu, the spokesperson declined to answer.

"Isn't it that I am afraid of him?" Qi Wuzong looked at the TV news and yelled at the guard officers dispatched to him in the Tokyo area. "You must immediately issue a statement to prove that I am still alive and still alive. Very well."

"However, that will lead to a new attack." Kishimoto police who was at the scene last night with a bandage on his head said carefully: "Please think twice. The guards have suffered heavy losses. In extraordinary times, please be patient. Just a moment."

"Patience?" Qi Wu stared at him like he was offended. "Why should I endure for your inability?"

Kishimoto police and other police officers appeared ashamed, faintly annoyed. They are thinking, ‘I don’t want to think about, whose blessings are you, and still live so well now. ’

Qi Wu turned a blind eye to this and stood up with a snort. "Well, I know you are unreliable. I sent some people from Osaka to support me a few days ago. You should arrive at the embassy today. You will pick her up by then." come on."

In fact, at this moment, Tina was dragging a box with weapons in her forehand, standing in front of the embassy door under renovation.

"Little sister, this is not where you should come, leave quickly." A guard stepped forward after seeing it.

Tina handed her identity certificate to the guard, and under the doubtful eyes of the other party, she said expressionlessly: "Tina Spront, IP ranked 98, nicknamed "Black Wind", came to guard Qi by appointment President Wu Da. Excuse me, can you give me a briefing?"

"9...98, really fake?" The guard took the card suspiciously and quickly sighed in cold breath.

Later, a black car was dispatched to transfer Tina to the villa where Qi Wuzongxuan was staying.

After one day, it was time for Qi Wuzongxuan to talk with Sheng Tianzi. The starting time was 8 o'clock in the evening, so at 5:30 in the afternoon, Jingyu came to Shengju with Yanzhu.

Sheng Tianzi walked out of the holy house accompanied by Secretary Qing Mei, and also gave Jingyu a special look. Although she didn't say anything, she expressed doubts with her eyes, ‘Aren’t you supposed to attack Qi Wuzongxuan? How could it be here. ’

Jingyu smiled without answering.

At this moment, he suddenly announced to the **** group that he would adjust the plan. The driving route will be notified by himself, after sitting in the vehicle, using the intercom to temporarily notify the first vehicle.

The guards and the staff members of the Holy Residence who accompanied them naturally did not look good one by one. However, after being shocked by Jingyu twice, they no longer dared to complain in front of him.

They can only expect now...after this meeting, perhaps the entire visit is over. When the time comes, Sheng Tianzi will be released from his commission, he is just a policeman, and will no longer have a relationship with Shengju.

Jingyu took Sheng Tianzi and Yanzhu into a normal vehicle at the end. The luxurious Lincoln car is still driving in the middle of the convoy, with dummy placed to attract the attention of the assassin.

The whole team started.

On the other hand, Qi Wuzongxuan also left the villa where he lived. Next to him, this time, in addition to the black bodyguards that had always been there, there was a hand-held gourd-shaped weapon box, a faceless little girl, and Tina Spront, the cursed son.

Coincidentally, it may also be said that Qi Wuzongxuan is accustomed to being assassinated. He did not choose to ride in a luxury extended sedan, but Tina sat in. Qi Wuzongxuan was sitting in another **** vehicle closely following the extended car.

After the convoy set off, anticipating a battle, Tina took out the weapon this time from the weapon box-it had six dark barrels, even if it was already light, and only carried a thousand rounds of bullets , Without activating the ability to put herself in a red-eye state, Tina couldn't afford the gun body at all.

This is a Gatling multi-barrel machine gun with an amazing rate of fire.

Tina familiarized herself with the process again in her mind. After holding the gun, she was still worried. Under this machine gun, can he really support it?

Looked at the two men in black sitting opposite. Without them, she could not help but make a phone call to find Jingyu to confirm.

On the side of Holy Son, she was a little uneasy. He wanted to talk to Jingyu many times, but since he got on the car, except for occasionally changing the driving route through the walkie-talkie, he kept his eyes closed and rested. He seems to have no interest in speaking to her today.

Sheng Tianzi couldn't help it. "Mr. Jingyu, I can use my mobile phone."

Jingyu glanced at her. Those dark eyes still possessed extraordinary penetrating power, seeming to understand what she wanted to do, and happily raised her lips. That gave Sheng Tianzi a feeling that he had done it deliberately from now to now.

Sheng Tianzi gave him a displeased glance.

Jingyu handed her the phone. Sheng Tianzi mobilized the text message page and typed the following paragraph on it:

"What's the matter with you? Isn't the plan going to be implemented? Why didn't you answer me? Please, don't make any boring jokes with me at such an urgent time."

She handed her cell phone to Jingyu and motioned him to check the text. If this is the case, it is natural to avoid the driver's eyes and eyes.

Jingyu took the phone, smiled, and quickly entered text on it.

After Sheng Tianzi got the phone again, he could not help but looked at Jingyu's face again.

‘Not him, but... is it too much? ’

Even the movement of the corners of the lips during the grin is consistent.

Sheng Tianzi reconfirmed the text on the mobile phone: I am Lei Di, the substitute of Master Jingyu. He has already gone to attack Qi Wu.



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