Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 133: Night Attack 2

That's a white ghost face, wearing high politeness, wearing a black cloak... man? It should be called a person, even if he walks lightly as if he has no weight, and his shoulders are completely free of the ups and downs that no one should have when walking.

He probably only possessed the human form and was a ghost.

Although the police thought so, they dared not say it because they were policemen.

However, after stunned, both the security team and the surveillance room quickly reported the situation to a police officer staying in the embassy. During the daytime meeting, he was sitting opposite the cabinet. Long on the other side. The appearance is a middle-aged man, with an inch of head and a capable and rigorous look at the military.

Standing on the second floor of the embassy, ​​he looked through the window toward the gate and took the walkie-talkie. "Don't panic, issue a warning again, and shoot if the suspect approaches ten meters."

At this point, he still thought that it was just that the other party was making a fuss. This embassy could not be broken by a single person...especially that person was not a cursed child.

At the same time, in the tall building rumored to be a "black building" in the Tokyo area, Takada Moto is staring at the wall that occupies a fan-shaped space, and even enough screens to provide light for the entire room... One of them is from the diagonal Pictured above is a masked person moving towards the Osaka regional embassy in Tokyo.

‘It’s very similar. 'He thought to himself.

This man is very similar to the masked man named Lizhi Yingyin who I saw a month ago, but not him. Although not at the scene, the feeling is not so strong. Tadashi still believes that the mask man exudes a frenzy. And this person is like a real ghost, a void.

However, Tadojima also felt troubled.

However, at this moment, he has no intention to worry for his colleagues at the embassy, ​​he is the left-over commander here. To replace the young policeman in the cabinet, issue effective commands.

"Immediately call the nearby surveillance to find the initial location of this masked person and speculate on all possible suspects."

"Yes." The computer operators were busy nervously.

I saw that in addition to the mask people and the surroundings of the embassy, ​​the other pictures are constantly changing-the time within is under the operator's finger, backwards.

At the main entrance of the embassy, ​​the team leader followed the instructions and issued a warning to the masked people again. The mask man continued to move forward. A few seconds later, Tadajima could see that one of the four team members made a shot at the mask man.

At first, these bullets were directed at the masked man's legs. That is also the area enveloped by the cloak. However, the bullet was quickly blocked by a sudden bluish-white phosphorescence.

Tadada shouted in surprise, "How is that possible?" This move, he had seen it, was the one who ran it.

The players who noticed that the shooting did not work, showed obvious shaking. Under the leadership of the squad leader, a more intense shooting behavior was made. Even four people in the front row holding shields took out their pistols to match the shooting.

The bullet hit the phosphor in front of the mask. Due to the excessive density, the phosphorescence even showed a hemispherical profile. It is a pity that no bullet can penetrate it and is rebounded without exception, hitting the ground nearby, leaving many bullet holes.

Tadada realized it was not good. He was only in charge of searching for prisoners, but he took out his mobile phone and dialed the police phone in the embassy. Before the other party had time to connect, he saw the mask man sticking out a hand wearing white gloves from the cloak.

The mask man snapped his fingers.

The bluish-white phosphorescence, which was originally only passive defense, diffused from the front of the mask man's fingers. That layer of light wall suddenly overwhelmed the line of defense guarded by the four shield members, pressing them towards the fence gate behind.

Hearing no sound, Tadajima could imagine how terrible the scene would be, and he couldn't bear to look away.

The phone on my ear finally got a response, "Is Tadojima? What do you want me to do this time?" The other party's tone is clearly unpleasant, showing a bit of anxiety. Tadajima can also hear weak and intense gunshots through his mobile phone. The policeman seemed to be shouting orders to someone.

"It's all gone? Damn it, let SAT go out and teach the bastard."

"Kishimoto Police, I also saw the gate here. Do you remember the man named Zhizhi Yingyin a month ago? This man uses a similar move to him, I am afraid it is a mechanized soldier... I suggest, quickly Taking President Qi Wu's retreat is the best policy." Tadajima said as quickly as possible.

Hiroko Yingyin was originally ranked 134th police. This person should be not bad... they are people who are fighting the gastrointestinal animals directly, but they are not a police force composed of ordinary people, and they can compete with them.

"..." Kishimoto's police were slightly silent, and then sighed, "It's okay to tell you at this time. In fact, President Qi Wu has secretly transferred during the day."

Tadajima stayed for a while. He really knew the news for the first time.

"Is that true, I know. Please don't be too reluctant. Next time, it's better to hire a policeman to fight it."

He said this before ending the call, not knowing if the other party listened. After all, the police hate civilian police.

Tadashima put down the phone and couldn't help but glanced at the screen. The man had advanced into the embassy courtyard. Many SAT riot members have uniformly raised their explosion-proof shields and pushed them towards him layer by layer.

The bluish white light spread from the mask person once, and the team members were slammed into chaos.

Tata Island sighed. Here is about to be broken... He concentrated his thoughts on searching for suspects who were disguised as masks.

In the courtyard of the embassy, ​​Jingyu stood in the middle of dozens of other SAT players with guns. Because there are a lot of SAT players around, they know that Jingyu's protective cover will rebound bullets, and they have not shot in order to avoid accidental injuries.

Jingyu stretched out a hand from the cloak and hooked his fingers at the SATs.

This is the most obvious provocation, any nation can see it. The SAT's fighting intentions soared, and they all looked at the captain headed... The captain smiled bitterly for a moment, decisively dropped the machine gun in his hand on the ground, and pulled out the field knife from the waist.

"The second team rescued, the first team followed me..."

Before he finished, the mask grimace in the middle suddenly reached a foot in front of him. The captain sucked a cool breath and stabbed the dagger instinctively.

The mask dodged the dagger in the ghost face, but the dagger penetrated his body.

'Won? ’

As soon as the thought of the captain came up, he noticed something was wrong. The dagger was completely unresponsive to the sting. He tried to wave back and forth a few times, his hands were inside the cloak, but nothing was touched.

A creepy ominous thought appeared in the captain's heart. When his eyes were shrouded in darkness, he inevitably screamed in horror... If it was normal, even if it was shot, he would not be like that. However, this situation is too abnormal.

The surrounding players shouted ‘captain’, ‘release him’, ‘you guy’ and the like. What prevented them from approaching was clucking, clucking... the sound of bones constantly ringing.

No need to look at it, they can already imagine how miserable the enveloped cloak is.

Three seconds later, the black cloak followed the mask and struck the next person like a snake. The captain left in place has shrunk. He didn't seem to be dead, but his entire body was locked by the translocation of his own arms and legs... like a meat ball, he couldn't move in place.



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