Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 124: Originally hostile and originally peaceful

The person she wanted to assassinate was the one he wanted to protect... They were supposed to be enemies. They didn't know what was going on. They were sitting side by side now, to the point where she could accept him gently tapping her forehead.

Yes, she felt that the hit was not only malicious, but also very warm. Like the other side of the distant memory, the self still under the knees of the parents receives the care from the parents.

Tina really doesn't hate it.

However, she also had to face a very difficult problem.

"Mr. Jingyu, what shall we do next? The Master will not give up this mission. He has sent someone to investigate your detailed information. I won’t want it for long, and the order will let me obstruct the mission. You exclude."

Because she couldn't break the order, she seemed frustrated. However, letting a ten-year-old girl suddenly decide such a thing... breaking the order means dying, killing him and not is a bit reluctant.

"Ann Rand?" Jingyu said the name calmly.

Tina was taken aback, "You, you already know this?"

Jingyu nodded slightly. The purpose is to make her feel his unfathomable, he is intentional. Just listen to him said lightly under Tina's gaze:

"Do you know the four sages? Ann Rand is just one of them. There is also a sage in Japan."

Tina blinked her big eyes twice, reflecting the meaning of Jingyu's words.

"I heard the professor mention her and said she was an unprecedented pervert..."

It seems to feel that in front of the person who knew the sage, she said that her bad words were not good. Tina quickly added her own admiration: "I, I think, can be taught by the professor so... care, she must be one An amazing person."

She tried hard to pretend that she really thought so, and amused Jingyu. This in turn made Tina's still fat baby cheeks smeared with shameful pink.

"It's not bad to say that she is abnormal... Well, people who are too good-minded are not normal." Jingyu said after she stopped her smile: "I handed the ball to her , She recognized it all at once, and that was the fairy field invented by Ann Rand. And after hearing that the person who used it was a cursed son, she had a big temper and threatened to kick it well. Old stubborn ass."

Tina opened her mouth halfway, dumbfounded. Especially Jingyu’s last sentence, she imagined it in her mind...I wonder if the scene was too terrifying, causing her face to become extremely poor.

Jingyu felt that the fire was almost over, and rubbed her silver-gold color, because she slept sleepily and forgot to care for her tousled hair. "So, there is no need to worry about the order of Ann Rand, we are not afraid of him."

Tina understood what Jingyu meant, but she shook her head beyond Jingyu's expectations.

"We are the mechanized soldiers planned for "NEXT". In addition to me, I know there are five others, all of whom can be counted as my sisters. Among them, Rita Sosbe, ranked 21st by IP Li, as a leader. But what really controls all of us is the promoter of Rita... what we usually call the elder sister, is a person with unpredictable emotions and no anger at all."

Jingyu's eyes narrowed, "You mean, even if Professor Ann Rand would be afraid of a sage of his level here, wouldn't the "Sister Sister" be willing to give up?"

Tina nodded with a gloomy expression, without Jingyu's suggestion, she already explained in awe-filled tone: "Sister Sister treats us very well, I'm actually upset about defying her. Moreover, Sister Sister Strong, I can't win her anyway."

‘Is it also a mechanized soldier? 'Jingyu guessed. Not to mention this ‘sister’, the 21st starter, is indeed a bit troublesome. If she came to the Tokyo area and Jingyu did not notice it in advance, it would be a big crisis for others.

He meditated.

Tina thought he was weighing the pros and cons and showed a little disappointment. However, Jingyu's expression quickly adjusted. He suddenly looked at Tina, the seriousness in those black eyes, even terrified Tina.



"I want to make sure to you whether you don't want to kill people or people who have no fault."

Tina stayed a bit, ‘Is he seeing through these? Knowing that I came to him not only because I didn't want to be hostile to him. ’

However, when the question was really in front of her, she was silent again and could not answer it quickly. In my mind, I recalled my past experience...she killed a lot of people. It will be painful when killing someone, and it will be put down soon when killing someone... she gradually has a division.

Jingyu waited for her, and Tina spoke again after three minutes.

"I just don't want to hurt people who are not at fault, that makes my conscience uneasy." Yes, at best, of course, it is no longer possible to kill people. However, she also knew that her own hands with sin and blood could not turn back. Well, at least you can choose not to kill those good people.

The rulers in the Tokyo area must be like other rulers. They cannot be really good people... they are politicians, and the measurement of good and bad has changed.

However, from the perception, Tina feels that Sheng Tianzi is a good ruler. Killing her, maybe the Tokyo area is so chaotic, and may even perish. How many people will die by then? That would be caused by her Tina indirectly.

She was a little afraid to take this.

"Then stick to it!" Jingyu's hands pinched Tina's weak shoulders. "There is a saying that life is better than death. If you just want to live, of course it doesn't matter. But if you want to live happily, just Do what you want."

Then he smiled confidently, "Of course, I haven't thought about letting you die, that's a pity."

Tina looked at him blankly. She felt that at this moment, he seemed to be radiant and dazzling.

And in the eyes of unsuspecting passers-by, a man came close to the little girl in pajamas—

"Hey, is the girl over there attacking the little girl?"

"Yeah, that child seems to be scared crying."

"No, inform the police."


Notify your mother! Jingyu angrily stared at them with fierce eyes.

Tina rubbed her eyes and laughed.

Later, with the help of Jingyu, the bicycle was folded. She pulled the bicycle and sat in his rear seat. He carried her again and drove to the small apartment dormitory she rented.

When Jingyu left the dilapidated rental house, it was already noon. He went to the Holy Place again, and he happened to be having lunch, and Sheng Tianzi invited him to the restaurant... When Jingyu saw Sheng Tianzi sitting alone at the end of the long dining table, he was surprised.

He pointed to the plate in front of her, "Are you eating this?"

Those are things similar to liquid food. I can't see the original ingredients of the food, it's all shattered.

"Really, it's really rude. That's what we spent a lot of time to do."

Behind the left and right sides of the Holy Emperor, there was a person standing. On one side is Secretary Qingmei, who holds documents in her hands, as if reporting something... It seems that even the Holy Son did not relax even during the meal. On the other side, a man wearing a tall chef hat is dissatisfied because of Jingyu's evaluation.

Jingyu originally stood on the table top. Hearing the words, he stood in front of the chef in an instant, grabbed his collar with one hand, and raised him by one foot.

"If you are a chef, don't you know what is delicious for humans?"

The chef never encountered such a thing, but was so frightened by his expression that he could not speak.

"Mr. Jingyu, please exercise restraint!" Sheng Tianzi was also surprised by Jingyu's movements, but she quickly reacted and said with majesty: "He did nothing wrong... These foods are in milligrams, passing by Nutritious meals made after precise calculation. I need them..."

She paused for a moment, and seemed to find the reason difficult to tell. However, Jingyu was staring at her, and forced her to continue. She sighed, and after pursing her lips--

"A lot of people praise my appearance. They want me to be beautiful. If my voice can reach farther, then I will be beautiful based on the consciousness that even my body is not my own. So, I These foods are needed to maintain nutritional balance, so as to maintain an unwritten trust relationship with the people..."


The reproachful voice even frightened Qingmi and the respect and touch from the chef's face.

"I don't agree with those in power!"

Jingyu left the chef and walked out the door without looking back. Behind that is the holy emperor of pale face.



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