Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 123: Assassin

I know where the assassin's dispatch came from, but I don't know why she assassinated the Holy Son.

What Jingyu can be sure is that dispatcher Ann Rand is by no means out of personal resentment against the Holy Son. I can think of it as being hired... Considering Ann Rand’s character, the girl’s strength is also very strong, and the client’s identity and bid may not be low.

In this way, the timing of Qiwu Xuanzong's informal interview with the Tokyo area is a bit subtle. Because of his appointment, Sheng Tianzi would go out from the holy dwelling, and then have the opportunity to attack.

‘That guy, it really can be done. However, even if the girl is willing to honestly testify against him, he can not only shirk it, but can even accuse it of deliberately polluting the Tokyo area...’

After meeting with Sheng Tianzi and exchanging some information, he was leaving Jingyu alone. When he was about to reach the fountain on a motorcycle, he saw a scene that made his lips twitch.

The girl he had just thought of was wearing wrong-buttoned pajamas, riding a children’s bicycle, and kept turning around the fountain... Seen from the obvious confused expression on that delicate little face Out, she was dozing off.

‘Where did your coolness fly that night? ’

Jingyu couldn't help but vomit her badly in the bottom of her heart. After stopping the car, she came to the edge of her running track. When she passed in front of herself again, she pressed the front of the bicycle.

Presumably it was the abnormality caused by the inertia of the forward charge that made the girl wake up. She looked at Jingyu with her almost unopened eyelids, "ah" with a lazy smile, "find you." Between the words, the little head that looked up seemed to have a heavy weight. Hanged down.

‘How drowsy are you? 'Jingyu couldn't help crying, she gathered a little strength, and stretched her finger and nodded at her brow.

A cool infiltration penetrates the girl's body along with the blood. She shivered with excitement, and when the big blue eyes opened again, the drowsiness inside had disappeared. However, she was very confused about her situation.

"Mr. Jingyu, did you do it?" she asked.

‘Oh, do you already know my name? Jingyu smiled and said, "Yeah, are you surprised?"

The girl nodded honestly. "It's like magic...I'm nocturnal. Even if I use this, I can't be so sober." She took out a small bottle from her pajama pocket and Jingyu saw coffee written on it. Because of the words.

"Nocturnal? Are you referring to the type of gastrointestinal factor... so it is." Jingyu nodded.

It is like Yanzhu, because it is a rabbit type, the leg strength is very strong, mainly kicking. The girl I robbed of the box containing the five mediums in the summoning stage was a bear-type, so powerful that he could easily lift the car.

In other words, the cursed children will be affected to a certain extent by the gastrointestinal virus and display different physical qualities. And this can indirectly affect the character... like Qianshou Xia Shi is always very calm because she is too intelligent.

Just when Jingyu guessed what kind of nocturnal creature the girl was, she screamed. Jingyu looked over and found that her entire face was flushed. In the morning sunshine, the skin was so charming that even he was a little bit emotional.

Coupled with her movements, she was carefully unbuttoning her pajamas and not buttoning again. With his head down, he secretly looked at him from the bangs. Seeing him staring at himself, there was a noticeable shake in those cold eyes.

"Me, I don't usually wear it like that." She panickedly emphasized, "Like that night, I can dress very seriously."

In her heart, she kept thinking, ‘It’s a shame to see him look so sloppy. ’

Jingyu laughed loudly, "I think it's very good. What you just looked reminded me of my lovely little..."

He almost said the amazing three words "little daughter". However, the cuteness still caused some influence on the girl.

‘Can that be cute? ‘She originally thought that if she is well dressed, she will become cute. Therefore, he looked up at Jingyu very puzzledly, "No, actually you are a pervert who likes young girls."

Jingyu knocked her forehead, "I really love you at your age, and I can't talk about that kind of like."

Looking towards both sides, there still seemed to be some people staying not far away because of the confused behavior of the previous girl. Jingyu motioned the girl to keep up with herself on a bicycle. He slowed down on a motorcycle and came to a river farther away.

Two cars, large and small, were parked near the bench, and Jingyu invited her to take a seat.

"Listening to what you just said, did you come to me specifically?"

"Well." The girl nodded. "I..." hesitated how to speak.

"Tell me your name first. It's a bit unfair if you know me, you don't say it." Jingyu said so after she paused for a few seconds.

The girl looked fixedly at his face. I have to say that she has a very cute expression when she is drowsy. But in this sober state, it is another kind of clear beauty beyond the age, which is the expression of the soldier.

"Tina...Tina Spront, is my name, IP rank 98."

She was still looking at Jingyu, and did not see unexpected or shocked or scared expressions on his handsome face.

"It seems that you may really be stronger than I thought." She calmly analyzed, "This calmness alone is indeed worthy of your strongest title in the Tokyo area."

Jingyu did not expect that she would say the IP ranking. However, looking at what she seemed to be tempting, she said straight:

"Actually, I met a good challenger last night. That person used a sniper rifle to hit the target twice from a long distance."

Tina's body tightened. One hand, quietly touched the waist. But there was nothing there. She remembered that she was still wearing pajamas.

Looking at her little annoyed face, Jingyu chuckled. Only then did she know that all her actions were discovered by him, and her cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

"Yeah, I'm the "challenger."" She said, following Jingyu's words, "And now that she doesn't have any weapons, Mr. Jingyu can arrest me."

After talking, he turned his face to the other side.

"Trying to assassinate a national leader, even if it is an attempt, is also a capital crime." Jingyu shook his head. "I won't send you to the guillotine, that's a pity."

Tina turned her head back in surprise, blinked her big eyes twice, and moved to the side in fear.

"You, you really like young girls."

Answering her was Jingyu's gentle tap on her forehead.



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